
凯特王妃:下一个潮流偶像?Will Kate be the nex...(1)- 双语新闻...

 向阳花敏儿 2011-05-22
导读:凯特?米德尔顿王妃自2005年首次被媒体曝光以来,她的一举一动都吸引着全球的目光,接受着各界的讨论与争议。这位平民出身的端庄淑女也同样被推向了时尚界的风口浪尖,她会是下一个潮流偶像 (fashion icon)吗?

Between Royal and Modern

A recent BBC poll of 2,000 women across the UK shows the public thinks Kate is a bigger fashion icon than Lady Gaga and Cheryl Cole, and another poll conducted by YouGov among 1,000 people 18 and older shows 86 percent of women don`t envy Kate Middleton, even though she`s pretty.
英国广播公司最近在2000名英国女性中进行的民意调查显示,凯特王妃的时尚风向标地位已经超过了Lady Gaga和谢丽尔?科尔(音译)。另一项由英国民治调查公司在1000位成年人中进行的民调则显示,虽然凯特?米德尔顿很漂亮,但86%的女性并不嫉妒她。

To define Kate`s dressing style, fashionistas find it as hard as Kate herself does. She is at a transforming stage, battling between royal and modern.

Fashionistas also kept close tabs on Kate`s wedding dress, saying it is so much more than a dress. UK Vogue Editor Alexandra Shulman points out: "The dress carries not only her personal taste, but her commitment to fashion, her attitude to money, especially in the current economic doldrums."

A fashion magnet & High-street brands sales booster

Kate worked as an accessories buyer for Jigsaw, a British clothing brand, after graduation from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. During her time there, she collaborated with jewelry designer Claudia Bradby on a necklace that`s now being reissued for $71.

Kate`s fashion influence became clear as far back as 2007, when a dress she wore for her 25th birthday (a £40 Topshop tunic) sold out within 24 hours, a Topshop retailer told MailOnline news.

Retailers are reported to be ready to get reproductions out on the streets and the image printed on souvenirs.

"We have to remember that this dress is going to be seen forever. She is our future queen," said Caroline Castigliano, a British wedding dress designer.

Fashion upgrade

However, not every fashionista likes Kate`s fashion taste. Vivienne Westwood has mentioned the bride-to-be does not share her idea of dressing and that she`s not bothered about not having the honor to make Kate`s wedding dress.

When Kate was spotted enjoying her last single shopping spree on King`s Road last month, the Telegraph reported that she spent £225 for four size 8 dresses from Warehouse, a mid-market women`s fashion chain. Other shops she went to include her favorite, Whistles— and there, her shopping bags reveal the princess-to-be is still in the "way-too-common" fashion stage.

Fashion columnist Liz Jones said, "I like Kate`s down-to-earth attitude to fashion, I really do, but a big part of me wishes she would up the ante."


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