
6-2-2011口语讲解:阻止VS获得 - 口语 - 大耳朵社区 - Powered by...

 素心佳一 2011-06-02

【6-2-2011 Thursday大耳朵英语网-口语讲解:阻止VS获得


Where can I get hold of the book?


犹豫;踌躇;阻止/抑制;隐瞒:hold back

Laura struggled to hold back the tears.劳拉竭力忍住眼泪。

She couldn't hold back her anger. 她再也控制不住自己的怒气。

You must try to hold back the enemy's attack. 你必须设法阻止住敌人的进攻。

I held back not knowing his real intention. 我有点犹豫不定,不知道他的真正意图是什么。   

I held nothing back, I told you all about it. 我什么也没瞒你,我把一切全说出来了。   
I dare say that he was holding something back from us. 我敢说,他有些事瞒着我们。

得到/获得;设法联系上某人;控制:get hold of

If you can't get hold of ripe tomatoes, add some ketchup.如果弄不到熟番茄,就加点番茄酱。

I tried to get hold of you but the line was busy.我很想跟你通话,但总是占线。

You'd better get hold of yourself. 你最好控制一下自己。

〖Other expressions〗

【俚】停下!:Hold the phone./ [英]Hold hard a minute.

暂停/使...带有悬念/(接电话时)打断:on hold

She had to put her career on hold.她不得不暂停了自己的事业。

Our talk over the phone had to put on hold for several minutes.我们的通话不得不中断了几分钟。

What happened then? Don't put the romance on hold.后来呢?别(给这段爱情故事)制造悬念了。

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