
双语:以杀止杀 美国=成吉思汗?

 悠然一笑. 2011-06-22

『双语』以杀止杀 美国=成吉思汗?


『双语』以杀止杀 美国=成吉思汗? - JuliaD - 每日小抄在网易What can Obama learn from Genghis Khan?

By Joshua Keating

As president of Mongolia, Tsakhia Elbegdorj, is the heir to what was once an empire covering almost a quarter of the Earth's landmass. In other words, he's got some thoughts on the topic of global hegemony: 
作为蒙古总统,额勒贝格道尔吉(Tsakhia Elbegdorj)是曾经覆盖了近四分之一全球陆地的帝国的后裔。也就是说,他对全球和谐这个话题很有想法:

“It is tough, but Mongolia was the biggest power in the world, and we had the same responsibility,” said Elbegdorj, who is to meet with President Obama at the White House on Thursday to pitch his country as a stable, pro-American democracy deserving of more attention.

Sandwiched between a rising, authoritarian China and an often pugnacious and, in these parts, still very powerful Russia, Mongolia is the only nation in the vast expanse of territory conquered by Genghis Khan in the 13th century that holds regular elections and lets power pass peacefully between rival parties.

The United States, like Mongolia in its heyday, “has a responsibility to help those who are trying to follow in its steps,” Elbegdorj said in an interview in a felt-lined tent outside his official residence in the Mongolian capital.

Genghis Khan’s warriors killed lots of people, to be sure, but according to the president, a Soviet-trained former military journalist who helped lead Mongolia’s democratic revolution in 1990, it was done in a good cause.

“Do you think we just went to places and killed?” Elbegdorj said. “No.”

Mongolia, he said, used its muscle to keep trade along the Silk Road flowing and to enforce a written law. And “when there was a killer, or in today’s expression, a terrorist nation,” he said, “we were God’s will to make them peaceful. .?.?. When there was a poor nation, we helped them.”

Today, too, Elbegdorj said, “sometimes you have to pay attention to your friends.”

But there are cautionary lessons as well: 

Serdaram Damdin, a professor of Mongolian history in Ulaanbaatar, said the United States, too, needs to avoid pulling back and becoming paralyzed by domestic quarrels. Otherwise, he said, Pax Americana will go the way of Genghis Khan’s Pax Mongolica, which, consumed by infighting after centuries of supremacy, shriveled to insignificance.
乌兰巴托的历史学教授Serdaram Damdin说,美国也需要避免停止扩展,被国内的纷争所拖垮。否则美国领导下的全球和平将跟成吉思汗的蒙古大同一样,在领导世界百年之后陷于内乱,逐渐萎缩到无足轻重。

“Genghis Khan waged war to bring peace. America is doing the same thing now,” Damdin said. “If there is no involvement by America, the world would be back where it was in the Middle Ages.”


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