
高中英语总复习经典易错题会诊与试题预测考点7 非谓语动词

 冰姿飒飒 2011-07-05






命题角度 1   非谓语动词类别和句法功能

1.(典型例题)I think youll grow     him when you know him better.

  A.liking             B.to be like      C.to like            D.to be liking

  [考场错解]  A

  [专家把脉]  动词grow有“达到做某事的程度或地步”的含义,后面常接不定式。按照句意应该是“喜欢上他”的动词like而不是“像他”的介like.

  [对症下药]  C

2.( 典型例题)Its necessary to be prepared for a job interview.       The answers ready will be of great help.

  A.To have had        B.Having had     C.Have               D.Having

  [考场错解]  AB

  [专家把脉]  根据语境选用非谓语动词来充当主语。动名词做主语表示一般的行为动作而不定式做主语则表示具体的。动名词一般式所表示的动作与谓语所表示的动作同时发生或是在谓语动词所表示的动作之后发生。如果动名词的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前,则用动名词的完成式。显然,这里不符合完成式的含义。

  [对症下药]  D

3.( 典型例题)The flowers     sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.

A.to smell           B.smelling   C.smelt              D.to be smelt

  [考场错解]  A

  [专家把脉]  从四个选项的设置来看,本题考查不定式和分词作定语的区别。分析题干可知,smell这里应当是连系动词,后接形容词作表语,所以不能用被动形式,可以排除CD。主语出the flowers与非谓语动词之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,而且强调的是目前的状态,现在分词符合。

  [对症下药]  B

4.( 典型例题) We cant go out in this weather, said Bob,      out of the window.

  A.looking            B.to look     C.looked             D.having looked

  [考场错解]  D

  [专家把脉]  句意是Bob说话时的伴随动作,那么是现在分词用作伴随状语了。此时没有完成式。

  [对症下药]  A

5.( 典型例题) Laws that punish parents for their little childrens actions against the laws get parents   .

A.worried            B.to worry   C.worrying           D.worry

  [考场错解]  B

[专家把脉] 本题考查不定式与分词作宾补的区别。宾补与parents之间有逻辑上的被动关系,因此要用过去分词作宾补。get parents worried意思是“使父母担心”, worried表示状态。

  [对症下药] B

6.(典型例题) The repair cost a lot, but its money well        .

  A. to spend                B. spent     C. being spent              D. spending

[考场错解]  C

  [专家把脉]  前文意为:修理花了很多钱。表明动作已经发生,过去分词作定有完成被动的含义。

  [对症下药]  B





    can but + 动词原形;只能、只得……

    cannot help(choose)but + 动词原形:……不能不……

    do nothing but + 动词原形:只做……

    There is nothing to do but + 动词原形: ……只有做……

    have no choice but to do:只有做……


The last bus having gone, I could do nothing but go home on foot. (省略 to)

    I cannot choose but tell him the truth. (省略 to)

    She could do nothing but leave. (省略 to)

I have no choice but to cry. (不能省略to)

2.不定式在使役动词haveletmake以及感官动词seelook atwatchnoticeobservehear listen tofeel后的宾补,不定式符号要省略,但这些句子变为被动结构时,就必须带符号to.例如:

I often hear him sing this song.

He is often heard to sing this song.

I saw them play in the park.

    They were seen to play in the park.


 He is not a man to tell lies. ( 主谓关系 )

     There will not be enough space to stand in on the earth. ( 动宾关系 )

     Here is some paper for you to write on.

     The boy has a nice pen to write with.

     We found a way to solve this problem (in).

通常使用不定式作定语的情况有:(1)不定式表示将来;(2)用来修饰被序数词、最高级或no allany等限定词的中心词。(3)用来修饰一些抽象名词,常见的有:abilitydisabilitychanceidea factexcusepromiseanswerreplyattemptbeliefwayreasontime等。例如:

During my holidqy I borrowed some books to read.(表将来)

She was the first woman to win the gold medal in the Olympic Games. (有序数词修饰)

    I have no chance to escape. (修饰抽象名词)

Do you have the ability to read French? (修饰抽象名词)

4.不定式作状语时可以表示目的、原因、结果或条件。表示目的时可用in order toso as to换用;表示条件时,一般把表示条件的动词不定式置于句首,句中的谓语动词常含有willshallshould wouldcanmustcould等情态动词。例如:

He sat down to have a rest. (表目的 )

    He woke up to find everybody gone. (表结果)

    Im very pleased to hear from him. (表原因,主要是表示喜、怒、哀、乐)

    To look at him, you cant help laughing. (表条件,谓语动词含有can)

    He was too excited not to say a word. (表程度)

    He is old enough to go to school. (表程度)



    The bridge to be built is named Stone in honor of the hero. (将要修建的)

    The bridge being built is named Stone in honor of the hero. (正大修建的)

    The bridge built is named Stone in honor of the hero. (己经修建了的)

    Have you read the novel written by Dickens?

    He is a teacher loved anti respected by all students. (没有时间性)

    Listen! The song being sung is very popular with the young men. (表正在)

    The question to be discussed at the Sunday meeting is very important. (表将来)






    1.感官动词(seelook atwatchnoticeobservehearlisten tofeel)和使役动词(haveletmake)后的宾补有三种形式,即原形动词(不带to的不定式),现在分词和过去分词。现在分词表示主动和正在进行,过去分词表示被动完成,不定式表示主动和完成。注意:make不能接现在分词作宾补。


    I heard her sing a Chinese song jut now.  (表示主动,完成)

    I heard her singing a Chinese song when I passed by her room last night. (表示正在进行)

    I heard the Chinese song sung many times. (表示被动)

    The captain got/have the soldiers moving to ward the front after a short rest. ( 不能用make)

    I looked down at my neck and found my necklace gone. (表示状态)

    I was surprised to find my hometown changed a lot. (表示完成)


    It is wrong for you to leave the machine running. (主动,正在进行)

    The guests left most of the dishes untouched. ( 被动,完成)

    My workmate left, leaving me to do all the rest work. (主动,将来)

    My workmate left, leaving all the rest work to be done. (被动,将来)



Seen from a distance, the mountain looked like a man.

Seeing the mountain, he always thinks of his hometown.


    Being helped by the teacher, she will learn English well.

    Helped by the teacher, she has learned English well.


    Having been used for a long time, the watch needs to be mended.

    Used in this waythe word shouldnt be taken as a verb.

    Given more time, we will finish the work perfectly.




Winter having come, its getting colder and colder.

    The homework finished,the child went home.

    His leg badiy hurt,he had to stay in bed.

    Time permitting, well visit the Summer Palace.

She lay against the wall,the sun shinning upon her.


    独立主格结构也可以由“withwithout + 名词或代词 + 分词、不定式、形容词、副词或介词短语”构成。例如:

  The boy stared at the teacher, with his mouth opon.

    With his parents away, the boy became naughtier.

    The teacher came into the classroom,with a book in her hand ( = book in hand).

    She sat still, with her eyes closed. ( 被动,状态)

    She sat still, with her eyes looking at the ceiling. (主动,正在)

    With you to help me , I could do it better. (主动,将来)

    With a lot of problems settled , the mayor went to have a holiday. (被动,完成)

    With a lot of problems to be settled , the mayor has a hard time. (被动,将来)



Searching along the street, it had taken him along time to find a clinic. ( searching 的逻辑主语是句中him 所指的人)

Walking or sleeping, this subject is always in my mind. (walking or sleeping 的逻辑主语是句中my所指的“我”)

Using the electric energy,  it is necessary to change its form. ( using 的逻辑主语泛指“我们”)


1       such heavy loss, the businessman didnt have the courage to go on.

A. Having suffered        B. Suffering  C. To suffer              D. Suffered

答案: A


2   When last     valuable, those books enjoyed great success.

A. finding                B. found   C. being found            D. to be found

答案: B

解析:相当于when last the books were found valuable

3   How pleased the detective was __ what his customer told him!

A. hearing                B. to hear  C. heard                  D. to hearing

答案: B

解析:be pleased to do sth.

4   Ill thank you __ my affairs alone.

I will. It is none of my business.

A. to have left            B. for leaving   C. to leave                D. for having left

答案: C

解析:这里不是thank you for(doing)sth.结构,是谢谢的前提。

命题角度 2 非谓语动词的时态和语态

1.(典型例题苏)Is Bob still performing?

  Im afraid not. He is said __ the stage already as he has become an official.

  A. to have left             B. to leave     C. to have been left        D. to be left

  [考场错解]  CB

  [专家把脉]  从句意判断,动作leave后有already修饰,应当用完成式;其逻辑主语是he,不存在被动,故选项 A最佳。

  [对症下药]  A

2 (典型例题)_____in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police.

A. Having lost            B. Lost   C. Being lost              D. Losing

  [考场错解]  A

  [专家把脉]  受到for a week的影响,考生容易误选 A。这里非谓语动词的逻辑主语是the two students,而lose是及物动词,应当用被动来表示,或是lose oneself结构。选项A如果改成Having been lost也是正确答案。

  [对症下药]  B

3.(典型例题 ) I send you 100 dollars today, the rest __ in a year.

  A. follows                 B. followed    C. to follow               D. being followed

[考场错解]  A

  [专家把脉]  本题很容易误选A,把它动作谓语动词。句意是“今天我送你100美元,其余的等一年之后”,相当于定语从句which will follow的省略。这里动词follow是指“某事在时间或空间上在其他事物之后”的含义。

  [对症下药]  C

4.(典型例题) The news reporters hurried to the airport, only __ the film stars had left.

  A. to tell                B. to be told  C. telling               D. told

  [考场错解]  A

  [专家把脉]  only + to do常用作结果状语,表示一种出乎意外的结果,意为“结果却”。这里the news repoaerstell之间是被动关系,所以不定式中用被动形式。

  [对症下药]  B

  [考场错解]  C

5.(典型例题) The old man,__ abroad for twenty, years, is on the way back to his motherland.

  A. to work                 B. working     C. to have worked         D. having worked

  [考场错解]  C

  [专家把脉]  根据后面on the way back的提示,可以知道work这一动作已经结束,所以应该用非谓语动词的完成式;再依据句中的逗号排除选项C

  [对症下药]  D

6.(典型例题) You were silly not __ your car.

  A. to lock                  B. to have locked     C. locking                 D. having locked

[考场错解]  A

[专家把脉]  You are silly后接不定式一般式表示与谓语动词同时发生的动作;接不定式的完成式表示先于谓语动词的动作。“没锁上汽车”是指谓语动词之前的动作,所以用完成式。

[对症下药]  B

7.(典型例题)    from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals not found in  any other country in the world.

  A. Being separated         B. Having separated     C. Having been separated   D. To be separated

[考场错解]  AB

  [专家把脉]  从题意看,澳大利亚与其他大陆分开有很多年了,动作发生在谓语动作之前,又是被动关系,用现在分词的完成被动式是最合适的。

  [对症下药]  C



    Her father disappearednever to be heard from again(hear fromhis father之间是被动关系)

  The book is sid to have been tramlated into many languages(translatethe book之间是被动关系)



    I havent got a key to unlock the door.(to unlock the door的逻辑主语是a key)


    I havent got a book to read(I为不定式的逻辑主语,a book为不定式的逻辑宾语)

(3)不定式作宾语形容词的状语,和句中的主语构成了逻辑上的动宾关系,不定式多用主动,实际上形容词后省略了for onefor people。例如:

The book is difficult (for me) to understand.

He is hard ( for me) to work with.

    (4)there be结构中,如果考虑必须有人去完成某事时,用主动;如果强调事情本身必须完成时,用被动。例如:   

There is a lot of to be done. (工作被作)

There is a lot of to do. (需要人去做)



We are interested in playing chess. (同时)

    She is looking forward to hearing from you again. (之后)

    Im sorry for not having kept my promise. (之前)

    The little boy was afraid of being left at home alone. (被动)

    The house showed no sign of having been damaged.(之前,被动)


1   There is no doubt that hiking is good for the retired couple, but it remains           whether they will enjoy it.

A. to see     B. seeing   C. to be seen               D. seen

答案: C


2   __ in 1963,and        in Philadelphia,Charles Petti grew so impressed his teachers that he was sent to Barklee School to study Jazz.

A. Being born; having raised  B. Bom; raised  C. Was born; was raised  D. Born; raising

答案: B


3   I regret          you John has been fired.

I  can  hardly  believed  my  ears.  He  is  such  a  fine worker

A. telling                 B. having told  C. to tell                 D. to have told

答案: C


4   Manager, do you have something __ at this moment?

No, thanks. Ill call you if any.

A. to be typed            B. to type  C. typing                D. typed

答案: A


命题角度 3 非谓语动词的固定搭配    

1.(典型例题庆)What should I do with this passage?

  ___ to the main idea of each paragraph.

  A. Finding out              B. Found out     C. Find out                 D. To find out

[考场错解]  D

  [专家把脉]  如果理解成表示目的的不定式就会误选D。根据语境是回答对方的问题“做什么what”,回答时,这里用祈使语气。

  [对症下药]  C

2.(典型例题) When asked by the police, he said that he remember_____at the party, but not __

  A. to arrived; leaving      B. to arrived; to leave    C. arriving; leaving        D. arriving; to leave

[考场错解]  B

  [专家把脉]  forgetrememberregret to do忘记/记住/后悔去做某事,forgetrememberregret doing忘记/记得/后悔已经做过某事。根据语境,动作已发生,当用动名词,同时but后要和前文保持一致。

  [对症下药]  C

3.(典型例题)My advisor encouraged __ a summer course to improve my writing skills.

  A. for me taking            B. me taking    C. for me to take           D. me to take

[考场错解]  C

  [专家把脉]  考生往往会习惯想到for sbt.d.sth.其实,encourage是及物动词,常用于encourage+宾语+不定式结构。

  [对症下药]  D

4.(典型例题)Having been iii in bed for nearly a month,he had a hard time___the exam.        

  A. pass                    B. to pass     C. passed                  D. passing

[考场错解]  B

  [专家把脉]  固定结构have a hard time(in)doing something意为“好不容易;在……方面有困难”。

  [对症下药]  D

5.(典型例题春招)He looked around and caught a man_____ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.

  A. put                      B. to be putting    C. to put                   D. putting

  [考场错解]  A

  [专家把脉]  习惯用语catch somebody doing something意为“偶然撞见某人正在做某事”。

  [对症下药]  D




admit, allow, appreciate, avoid, consider (考虑) , delay, dislike, enjoy, escape, excuse, finish, imagine, keep, mind, miss(错过), practice, risk, resist, suggest, suffer等动词;

be used to(习惯于), insist on, cant help(情不自禁) , cant stand (无法忍受), give up, feel like, keep on, look forward to, put off, devote to,stick to, object to, thank you for, be busy (in) , get down to, lead to, see to, have difficult/trouble (in),have a good/wonderful/hard time (in)等动词组。


forgetrememberregret to do忘记/记住/后悔去做某事

    forgetrememberregret doing忘记/记得/后悔已经做过某事

    stop to do停下来接着做另一件事stop doing停止做一件事

    mean to do意欲、企图做某事mean doing意味着做某事

    go on to do做完某事接着做另一件事go on doing继续做同一件事

try to do努力、试图做某事try doing尝试着做某事    


judging from, generally/ frankly/ honestly/ strictly speaking, considering (that)... (考虑到……), supposing/  providing (that)...  (假如……),seeing ( that )... (既然,由于……) , to tell you the truth, to make things worse,to begin with    


Judging from his accent, he must be a southerner.

    Tuning to the left, he saw a bus passing.

    Considering everything, he did a good job.

    Seeing (that) she is lawfully old enough to get married, I dont see how you can stop her.


1   I lost my way in complete darkness and, __ matters worse, it began to rain.

A. made                  B. having made    C. making                 D. to make

 答案: D

解析:to make matters worse是固定搭配,意为“情况更糟糕的是”。

2   The result was not made           until last Sunday.

A. to know          B. knowing   C. known                  D. to be known

答案: C

解析:改成主动句“They didnt make the result known until lasts Sunday” 即知是分词充当宾补。

3   When he got off the bus, he found his pocket

A. stolen   B. picked  C. gone          D. missing

答案: B

解析:pickones pocket意为“扒某人口袋”,这里是have sth.done句型。

4   I really appreciate __ to relax with you on this nice island.

A. to have had time        B. having time   C. to have time            D. to having time

答案: B


命题角度 4    非谓语动词逻辑主语的表达形式和否定形式

1.(典型例题徽) I really cant understand __ her like that.

  A. you treat                 B. you to treat               C. why treat                 D. you treating

  [考场错解]  AB

  [专家把脉]  本题题干相当于I  really  cant understand why you treated  her like that,而understand不能用于understand sb.to do sth.结构中。这里用动名词形式, you是其逻辑主语。

  [对症下药]  D

2.(典型例题)       the program, they have to stay there for another two week.

  A. Not completed           B. Not completing  C. Not having completed    D. Having not completed

  [考场错解]  A

  [专家把脉]  根据非谓语动词的否定形式的构成,排除D;再根据非谓语动词与句子主语的关系,排除B;句意是“没有完成编程”的动作发生在have to stay动作之前,所以用完成式

  [对症下药]  C

3.(典型例题春招) Victor apologized for __ to in form me of the change in the plan.

  A. his being not able       B. him not to be able      C. his not being able       D. him to be not able

  [考场错解]  B

  [专家把脉]  动名词的否定形式是由not+动名词构成的,动名词的复合结构由物主代词或名词所有格+动名词构成。

  [对症下药]  C

     It is important for us to work hard. ( to work is important.只能用 for)

     It is kind of you to help me to clean the room. (you are kind. 只能用 of)

     We want to go with you to have a picnic.

     Little Tom liked to be taken to the cinema.

     I want the report to be typed as quickly as possible.

     The manager asked me to type the report as quickly as possible.

     Toms coming surprised all of us. (主语)

     His not attending the meeting made the manager very angry. (主语)

     Would you mind me/ my opening the window?(宾语)

     They ali thought Toms/ Tom going there a great mistake. (宾语)

     Is there any hope of their team winning the game? (无生命)


非谓语动词的逻辑主语也就是非谓语动词的动作执行者。在不定式中,逻辑主语是offor的 介词宾语,或是句子的主语,或是句子的宾语。


It is important for us to work hard.(to work is important.只能用for)

It is kind of you to help me to clean the room.(you are kind.只能用of)

We want to go with you to have a picnic.

Little Tom liked to be taken to the cinema.

I want the report to be typed as quickly as possible.

The manager asked me to type the report as quickly as possible.


Toms coming surprised all of us (主语)

His not attending the meeting made the manager very angry.(主语)

Would you mind me/my opening the window?(宾语)

They all thought Toms /Tom going there a great mistake.(宾语)

Is there any hope of their team winning the game ?(无生命)

I have never heard of women landing the moon.(有生命,但表泛指)



Being a student, you must study hard.

    When crossing the streets you must be careful.

    If heated to high temperature, ice can change into water.


1   A remote-controlled bomb explored outside a hotel yesterday, __ at least 12 people.

A. having been injured     B. having injured            C. injuring                D. injured

答案: C


2      in the USA, Louis has now become the 24th largest city.

A. Being the fourth biggest city

B. Once the forth biggest city

C. It was once the forth biggest city

D. The forth biggest city it was

答案: B


3   __ a replay, he decided to write again.

A. Not receiving           B. Receiving not  C. Not having received     D. Having not received

答案: C




1 __ in a white uniform , he looks more like a cook than a doctor.

A. Dressed               B. To dress      C. Dressing               D. Having dressed

[解题思路]  非谓语动词所暗含的主语是he,相当于状语从句When he is dressed in a white unifonn,因此填系表结构dressed

[解答]  A

2.The storm left,    a lot of damage to this area.

A. cansed  B. to have caused   C. to cause D. having caused

[解题思路]  非谓语动词的动作发生在1eft之前,并且有明显的后果,是完成式;和逻辑主语之间是主动关系,故用现在分词的完成式。

  [解答]  D

3 ou cant catch me !Janet shouted,       away.

A. run      B. running   C. to run   D. ran

[解题思路]  结构为“祈使句+and+陈述句”。

[解答]  A

4.Ive never seen anyone run so fast    David go.

  A. just watch     B. just to watch    C. just wateth    D.mgust Dhaving watched

[解题思路]  根据破折号以及just的用法可知,题干是祈使句的形式。

  [解答]  A

5.English has a large vocabulary, hasht it?

  Yes.  _ more words and expressions and you will find it easier to read and communicate.

  A. Know          B. Knowing     C. To know       D. Known

[解题思路]  现在分词短语作状语,表示伴随状态。

[解答]  B

6.Suddenly, a tall man driving a golden carriage     the gift and took her away, __ into the woods.

  A. seizing... disappeared   B. seized... disappeared  C. seizing... disappearing    D. seized... disappearing

  [解题思路]  and连接两个或两个以上的并列结构时形式上要一致,即seized the girl and took her away要一致,所以先排除A和巴后面的动词应用非谓语动词形式出现表示结果。

  [解答]  D


1   If the project __ by the end of this year is delayed, the construction will be fined.

A. to be completed      B. is completed   C. being completing     D. completed

答案: A


2   We do hope we can be of some help, doctor.

Thats great! ___ blood if you can and many lives will be saved.

A. Give   B. To give    C. Giving     D. Given

答案: A


3   How many of us___ ,say, a meeting that is not important to us would be interested in the discussion.

A. attended              B. attending      C. to attended           D. have attended

答案: B

解析:would be interested in是谓语,所以用非谓语形式,不是尚未发生的动作,排除C



1  The students in the dormitories were forbidden, unless they had special passes, __ after 11 p.m.

    A. staying out            B. stay out     C. from staying out       D. to stay out

答案: D

解析:只是forbid sb.to do的被动结构,unless从句插入其中。

2   When you have finished reading the novel, you will tlnd the hero

    A. a person too perfect to be not true

    B. a too perfect person to be true

    C. too perfect a person to be not true

D. too perfect a person to be true

答案: D


3   How close parents are to their children  a strong effect on the character of the children.

    A. to have               B. has                 C. having                D. have

答案: B


4     _ on a clear day, far from the city crowds, the mountains give him a sense of infinite peace.

    A. If walking             B. When one is walking             C. To walk               D. Walking

答案: A

解析:只能用句子,因主句的主语是the mountains, 否则逻辑不通。

5   Car 8 won the race in the end.

    Yes, but the driver came close to __

    A. being killed            B. have been killed          C. having been killed      D. be killed

答案: A

解析:close to“接近,差不多”,to是介词,选项C表示动作已经发生,实际没有。

6  She was lying on the sofa enjoying the music he     out of his DVD.

    A. hgd coming            B. had come            C. had it coming         D. had it come

答案: A

解析:定语从句是he had the music coming out  of....

7   It was __ the old clock that the old man spent the whole afternoon at home.

    A. repaired               B. to repaired               C. repairing              D. in repair

答案: C

解析:spend time in doing sth.变为强调句型来强调repairing.

8   Just as the value of a telephone network increases with each new phone      to the system, so does the value of a computer system increase with each program that turns ont.

    A. adding               B. to have added            C. to add               D. added

答案: D

解析:前半句所设空格是with引导的复合结构, phonesystem是被动关系。

9       nice, the food was sold out soon.

    A. Tasted              B. Tasting          C. To taste             D. Being tasted

答案: B


10  Hearing the news, he rushed out, _ the book on the table and disappeared into the distance.

      A. left; lain open       B. leaving; lying open       C. leaving; lie open     D. left; lay open

答案: B


11  Whom would you rather have __ to the market with you?

A. go      B. gone   C. going       D. to go

答案: A

解析:该句还原成:I would rather have Tom go with me.

12  Beading the instructive book, __  .

    A. tears came to his eyes   B. his eyes were full of tears  C. he burst into tears D. his eyes were filled with tears

答案: C


13       your understanding, _  _ to a program more than once,       MP3s, the Web or recorded radio broadcasts.

    A. Increase; listen; use  B. Increasing; listening; using C. To increase; listen; use D. To increase; listen; using

答案: D


14  Mr.Brown was sent by a long- distance call __  to see his dying mother.

A. to hurry  B. hurrying C. hurry       D. hurried

答案: B

解析:send sb.doing sth.的被动形式。

15  Are yousure __ the door before you left?

    Mum, not surely. Wed better go back to have a look.

    A. of locking           B. to lock           C. to have locked       D. have locked

答案: C

解析:从后面的before you left可知be sure后应用不定式的完成式。

16  It snowed heavily last night and there must be a lot of snow on Emei Mount.

    No, we found a little snow, as most of it seemed __ off the mountain.

    A. to have blown        B. to have been blown         C. to be blowing        D. to be blown

答案: B


17  Only __ according to the directions can the medicine be quite effective.

    A. takings              B. taken         C. being taken          D. having been taken

答案: B


18  That gas pipeline project,     in July 2220 and __in 典型例题ill be Chinas longest gas pipeline in history.

    A. starting; completing     B. started; to be completed     C. to start; completed  D. starting; completed

答案: B

解析:主语的谓语是will be,用表示将来被动的to be completed.

19  Ann never dreams of        for her to be sent abroad very soon.

    A. being a chance    B. there being a chance      C. that she will have a chance  D. there to be a chance

答案: B

解析:介词of后接动名词,B项是there be句型的动名词形式。

20  This is a disease that can result in total blindness if left     .

    A. untreated             B. untreating       C. to be untreated       D. to untreat

答案: A


21  Oncelost,_    ?

    A. it is hard to get such a chance again

    B. to get such a chance will be difficult

    C. one can never get such a chance again

D. such a chance might never come again

答案: D


22  Are all the tickets of the articles       in the content?

    Yes, all    .

    A. listed; included  B. listing; includes     C. listed; including   D. being listed; being included

答案: A


23  Reading English in the morning seems to me a rule    .

    A. to never break        B. never to be breaking    C. never to be broken    D. never to have broken

答案: C


24  Who told you the news?

    A man       himself Lao Zhang.

A. calling   B. called   C. call         D. to call

答案: A


25  Yesterday he had his gold watch __ in the street after he had it

    A. stolen; repairing      B. stealing; repairing  C. stolen; repaired       D. stealing;, repaired

答案: C

解析:考查have sth.done结构。

26  He got up, legs_    and forehead sweating, and whether he could walk home.

    A. shaking; wondered    B. shook; wondering     C. shaking; wondering   D. shook; wondered

答案: A

解析:第一空与sweating并列,第二空与 got up并列。

27       at the station when it got dark, the passengers found there were no buses       homes.

    A. Arriving; to take    B. Arriving; to ride    C. Having arrived; riding on D. Having been arrived; to go on

答案: A

28  We hope the building project __ will be completed as soon as possible because a lot of citizens are complaining about the noises.

    A. to be carried out      B. carried out C. being carried out      D. carrying out

答案: C

29  Have you received Jacks plan?

    Yes, but I dont think his plan is __  .

    A. worth being considered    B. worthy to be considered     C. worthy of considering D. worth to be considered

答案: B


30     left before the deadline, it doesnt seem likely that John will finish the job.

    A. Though such a short time     B. Because such a short time   C. With such a short time D. s such a short time

答案: C

解析:with such a short time left短语在句中作状语……。

31       is a difficult habit to break.

    A. Smoke                B. Smoked C. Smoking              D. To smoke

答案: C

解析:动名词作主语,表示吸烟这件事,而D项表 示将来。

32    __ industrial pollution is the key to __ the country a comfortable and clean place to live in.

    A. Control; keeping     B. To control; keeping C. To control; keep     D. Controlling; keep

答案: B


33  He prefers __ as businessman so as to avoid being recognized.

    A. to dress       B. to be dressed  C. to be dressed up    D. dressing

答案: C

解析:be dressed up as...意为“装扮成……”。

34  I know nothing about __ in the army.

    A. her having worked    B. for her to work C. she working          D. her having been worked

答案: A


35  __   , we all went to each others home very happily.

    A. We had said goodbye     B. Goodbye had been said   C. Goodbye having been said D. Saying goodbye

答案: C


36  Everyone has his or her special skills and interests, and only __ we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference.

    A. discovering which     B. discovering what   C. by discovering which  D. by discovering what

答案: D


37  Was it     the conference of the APEC that made Shanghai the focus of the world then?

    A. holding              B. to hold  C. held                 D. having held

答案: A


38  There was a terrible noise        the sudden bursts of light.

    A. followed              B. following         C. to be followed        D. being followed

答案: B


39  __ football on the playground, the boys felt very happy.

    A. Leaving playing       B. Left to play    C. Left playing          D. To leave playing

答案: C

解析:相当于状语从because the boys were left playing football on the  playground.

40  Rather than __ for help from someone else, however difficult the task is, I prefer completing it by myself.

    A. to ask               B. asking      C. ask                  D. to have asked

答案: B

解析:考查结构“prefer doing sth.rather than doing sth.”的用法。

41  Although punctual himself, the professor was quite used        late for his lecture.

  A. to have students      B. for students being    C. for students to be    D. to students being

答案: D

解析:be used to doing习惯于。

42  The big - eyed girl came in, _  _ a cake with two candles on it.

A. bring; lit           B. brought; lighted       C. carrying; lighted     D. taking; lighting

答案: C


43  As soon as I entered Evans company I saw a board          to Evans.

    A. reads; Welcomed     B. written; To welcome     C. reading; Welcome    D. printed; Welcome

答案: C


44  He let me repeat his instructions __ sure that I understand what was __ after he were away.

    A. to make; to be done  B. making; doing C. to make; to do       D. making; to do

答案: C

解析:第一空不定式作目的状语,第二空be to do sth.是习惯用法,表示将来,同时和主语what是被动关系。

45  He meant __ his homework before lunch, but his pen didnt work.

    A. finishing            B. having finished        C. finished             D. to finish

答案: A

解析:mean to do sth.打算做某事。

46  Which do you enjoy __ your spare time, playing cards at home or taking a walk in the park?

    A. spending             B. to spend          C. having spent         D. to have spent

答案: B

解析:这里表示enjoy doing sth.而不定式表示目的。

47  My son failed to be accepted by the firm after the interview.

    Now that he wasnt well prepared, he might as well

    A. not try               B. not to have tried         C. not have tried        D. not to try

答案: C

解析:might as well do sth.表示“做某事到也无妨”,t叮的动作先于谓语动词的动作,用完成式。

48  New  ideas  sometimes  have  to  wait  for  years before    .

    A. being fully accepted  B. fully accepted      C. fully accepting       D. fully being accepting

答案: A


49  I must apologize for __ ahead of time.

  A. letting you not to know   B. not letting you know     C. letting you know not  D. letting you not know

答案: B

解析:动名词短语的否定,所以notletting 之前。

50  To read aloud the English text before breakfast seemed to me a rule   .

    A. to never break        B. never to be breaking       C. never to have broken   D. never to be broken

答案: D

解析:a rule never to be broken意为“从未被打破的习惯。”



     Not so long ago, if you avoided drinking water during a workout, you were considered tough. Today, most experts

  51   , you would be considered unintelligent.

     Even if you dont sweat much or feel   52   and even if there is a nice breeze,  53   experts say drinking water or something   54  is essential before, during and after all wanner - weather  55  Only a few years ago, many coaches   56    players from drinking anything during the game - they thought it was  57   for them to rinse their mouths,   58  swallowinganything might slow them down.

     Now, theres   59   plenty of water on the sidelines for athletes to drink.  The National Hockey League even   60   goalkeepers to put water bottles on top of their nets.

     These new practices   61    be lost on the recreational athlete. Some   62   advise you do drink about two cups of water 15 minutes or so after you   63   exercising and the same amount every 15 minutes. In some types of exercise -running, for exampleothers encourage drinking a cup or two of water   64   the workout.

     Dont drink any more, experts say -too much fluid  makes   65   and exercise uncomfortable. In   66   continuous hot - weather exercise,    67   can sweat and  breathe away 1.8 kilograms of  68   an hour.

     Drinking water does two things: restore some   69 and allows you to keep sweating so the skin can be kept   70   Doctors say drinking six or eight cups a day can help digestion.

 51. A. discover               B. suggest         C. agree                  D. fear

答案: D


 52. A. thirsty                B. hungry        C. hot                    D. tired

答案: C


 53. A. labor                  B. children         C. water                  D. exercise

答案: D


 54. A. else                   B. instead           C. fresh                  D. tasteful

答案: B

解析:or something为固定短语,意思是or something like that,如果用something else,意思太广。用instead,“或别的类似的东西来代替”。

 55. A. seasons                B. lessons          C. days                   D. activities

答案: D


 56. A. excused                B. discouraged      C. prevented              D. saved

答案: B

解析:prevent sb.from doing sth.表示“阻止/不让某人做”,而另一选项discourage在此更佳,它的动作仅停留在口头上,劝说某人不做。

 57. A. possible               B. unnecessary         C. difficult              D. right

答案: D

解析:本句意思是“漱漱口,保持口腔湿润是可 以的。”

 58. A. but                    B. then       C. therefore              D. though

答案: A


 59. A. seldom                 B. forever            C. usually                D. sometimes

答案: C


 60. A. allows                 B. promises         C. forbids                D. guides

答案: A


 61  A. couldnt               B. wouldnt            C. shouldnt              D. mustnt

答案: C


 62. A. teachers               B. parents             C. players                D. doctors

答案: D

63. A. stop                   B. start          C. give up               D. begin with

答案: B

64. A. after                  B. before          C. with                  D. from

答案: C


65. A. walking                B. breathing       C. swallowing             D. drinking

答案: B


66. A. heavy                   B. easy       C. pleasant                D. everyday

答案: A


67. A. a patient               B. a drinker         C. an athlete              D. an expert

答案: C


68. A. air                     B. atmosphere          C. oxygen                  D. water

答案: D


69. A. sweat                  B. weight               C. breath                  D. height

答案: B


70. A. Warm                    B. strong              C. cool                    D. safe

答案: C



    此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号自,每一行做出判断;如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个 ();如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:   




Dear Peter,

     Thanks very much for invite me to your birthday


答案: invite改为inviting

party on Sunday. Id like very much come but     72.          

答案: come前加to

I had an examination on Monday morning. It is     73.         

答案: had改为have

a very important exam but I cant afford to      74.          

答案: but改为and

fail it. Ill spend all the whole weekend reading 75.        

答案: 去掉all

and prepare for it. So Im really sorry that     76.        

答案: prepare 改为preparing

I wont be able to come in this time. I hope you


答案: 去掉in

can understand. Ill take this chance to wish      78.        

答案: 正确

you wonderful time on your birthday. Happy         79.         

答案: wonderful前加a

birthday , Peter, and many happy return of the day!


答案: return改为returns                                          


                                                           Li Ming

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