

 陶然秋缘 2011-06-16







这一年,你的爱情生活将会给你带来更多的宁静。天王星、水星和金星的结合会给你带来基本的稳定性,在爱情的世界里,你可以尽情地翱翔,在所有安静的领域里投入你的想象力。你天生的柔和力在不断地提升,帮助你不断地改变角度, 在你的眼中,你的伴侣也会更容易是原先的朋友、知己,以及最了解你的人。不要过多的犹豫,尤其是以前经常出现的东西对你来说都是非常的荒谬,或者对你来说没有任何价值。你要想寻找你的另一半,首先要明确自己的目标。总的来说就是“不要过多地抱怨”。事实没有这么简单,那么如何去实现这一梦想呢?你可以采取很多的措施来实现你的理想。你的态度会十分的坦诚,知道对方具体的感受,尽自己最大的努力来满足对方。这是谈论你的疑惑的时刻,因为你在任何情况下都能够坦诚相待,从来没有过咄咄逼人的想法。今年将会高度地支持新的友谊。如果你处在一种模稜两可的情况,你会发现自己有更多的优势大于不足。具有讽刺意义的是,你可以发现和平的情况非常不同以及他们之间的相互作用。这个问题出现在春天这个感伤的季节,夏天的时候你将不得不做出明确的决定。如果你目前是单身,你就会有选择爱情的机会,会有越来越多的约会。其中之一是能人志士散发的激情,要注意一见钟情哦。








Horoscope 2012 Cancer

June 22 - July 22

Horoscope : GENERAL

Jupiter, your planet main in sextile with your sign announces changes of situations in your relationship with entourage. Children will claim more independence. A partner who launches out in a new project, a friend who sees his upset life… Any bulge around you, your world is in concrete evolution. That will cause changes in you even too. Your audacity is in clear rise, which is ideal to leave situations of dependence, in the broad sense.


Just like last year, you will have to work hard to arrive at tangible results. On the other hand, the efforts will cost you less, you feel more armed to face the sometimes inevitable difficulties of your course. You more have confidence in you and at the same time conscience of energy which you must deploy if you want to arrive at your objectives. The increase in your ambitions follows this rising curve. The external circumstances that you will meet will cause of the creative catches which will be revealing of latent capacities which are in you and see their awakening being revealed. It is to be especially envisaged strong moments and potentially positive during the first three months of the year.


Your love life brings more serenity to you that last year. The impulses of Uranus, Mercury and Venus will facilitate basic stability in the sky of your loves, which will enable you to live your imaginations in all quietude. Your natural softness is in rise and helps you to round the angles, to raise your relations towards more balance and peace. You will seek to give a direction to your loves, to fix you clear objectives. In a word, with you “to give on the rail". Not so simple… How to carry out this dream? Also could you take many steps in order to concretize your ideals. Your attitude will be frank, specific to clear up the feelings of your partner. This is the moment to speak about your doubts in any frankness, because you will be able to make it without you show aggressive nor wounding. This year supports the new meetings highly. If you are in an ambiguous situation, double, turbid, you will find there more advantages than disadvantages. Paradoxically, you will be able to find peace between situations very different to each other. The question of the sentimental responsibilities arises during spring and the summer particularly; you will have to position firmly in this direction and to make a definite decision. If you are single in this moment, the chance is with you and will allow you; to be more selective, the meetings are denser. Among them is the able person to light fires of passion, be careful to the love at first sight !


The course of your financial businesses evolves in the good sense, this year. You distinguish more easily than you must make to maintain or find a financial balance which is appropriate to you. Many the sextiles which clarifies your sector this year will support the increase in your incomes which will have all the chances to diversify occasion consequently. To find a work supplement, a new product to be diffused here which is with your range, for little that you make profitable the fruitfulness of your creativity. The last two months of the year will enable you to pay debts or invoices on standby, which will cause to reduce you spirit and to set out again of more beautiful towards the increase in your tangible properties.


The Jupiter impulses in aspect with Uranus in a friendly sign will make you bubble of new ideas, in all the fields. Your inspiration will not be lacking, but you will have to keep the cool head and especially to associate that with plans; actions maturely considered to arrive at the realization of your objectives. You will tend to pack you at once and thus to burn stages however essential with the realization of your ideas The impulses of Pluto commit you to give a progress report on state of your finances, your goods, and to make safe your situation, in particular at the legal level.


Your general form is seen constant by the influences of the Sun, Mars, Mercure and Venus joined together. You will not lack of energy. Moments of absolute calm, you pass in states of inopportune dynamism. It is to be envisaged a lull in your changes of moods which will have beneficial effects on your metabolism. This level, you will have then the greatest facilities to undertake a mode, to stop bad habits. Your organization has more facilities of adaptation to this type of changes, all the levels. You will have to be wary of your own distraction to avoid the wrenches.


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