
CPC needs to be vigilant against dangers

 3gzylon 2011-07-16

CPC needs to be vigilant against dangers

08:19, July 15, 2011      

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  • As the Chinese proverb goes, "be mindful of possible danger in times of peace." A political party's vanguard nature and maturity depend on whether it can keep a clear mind and discover hidden problems when surrounded by praise.

    2011 marks the glorious 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and the people are full of praise for its contributions. Being vigilant against dangers, CPC Central Committee General-Secretary Hu Jintao warned all Party members in his July 1 speech that the world, the country, and the Party are undergoing profound changes. The Party is facing complex and severe tests in governing the country, implementing the reform and opening-up policy, developing the market economy and dealing with the external environment. Furthermore, it is also confronted with growing dangers of slacking off mentally, being incompetent, alienating the masses and being dispirited and corrupt.

    Both domestic and overseas media have an impression that the Party was mindful of possible danger even on its 90th birthday. As a Marxist party, the Communist Party of China was born amid adversity and has been growing despite adversity. Adversity has become a significant part of its 90-year history.

    The Party was born in the times of hardship, when the Chinese nation was at stake. It was deeply aware that the Chinese nation was facing its greatest peril when leading the Chinese people in arduous struggles and stressed the "two musts" of guarding against arrogance and rashness and preserving the style of plain living and hard struggle before marching toward Beijing on the eve of the founding of the New China.

    It began the reform and opening-up amid the danger of being expelled from the world membership and entered into the new century with the awareness of being prepared against adversities in times of peace. It overcame a series of challenges, such as epidemics, earthquakes and financial crisis, with the awareness of potential dangers and prevention. Fearlessly struggling despite setbacks and marching forward against potential dangers has already become one of the most precious qualities of the Party and will provide the Party with insights as to how forge a future from a new historical scratch.

    The Party's awareness of being vigilant against dangers is derived from responsibility. The key to properly managing China's affairs lies in the Party. The Party members have always exercised the state power for the people, shared the feelings of the people and worked for the interests of the people, and have always been committed to the national rejuvenation and public well-being, during the periods of revolution, construction, reform and development.

    An ancient Chinese saying goes, "Noble gentlemen cannot but be resolute and broad-minded to take up heavy and long-term responsibilities for the country." This is just the strong sense of historical responsibility and mission held by the Party. This has enabled the Party to find its problems and shortcoming; check the weakness in its capacities and quality; attach particular importance to the tradition of maintaining close ties with the masses, and be highly alert to the terrible impact of official bribes and corruption.

    The awareness of being vigilant against dangers has inspired a driving force. Thanks to the hardship and difficulties overcome by the Party, it has better showed its outstanding political nature, made considerable self-improvement and accelerated the pace of China's historical and social course amid vital moments including the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Party Central Committee, the flood relief in 1998 and the "Wenchuan earthquake miracle."

    Although China created an amazing miracle of development, it still faces prominent contradictions and facing historical issues as well as the difficult problems of reality. Problems such as housing, education, health care, employment, environment and corruption have become more prominent, and the scientific development cannot overcome systemic obstacles. Finding problems is not the purpose, while the key is to solve problems. How to maintain the energetic and promising state, carry forward the pioneering spirit, muster the courage to deal with difficulties, and continue to seek ways and means to solve problems and conflicts is a test for the Party's governance capability.

    Adversity spurs vitality while conformity breeds sloth. The "four tests" are everywhere and the alarm of the "four dangers" keeps ringing. The awareness of being vigilant in peacetime is not the past tense, but the present tense and future tense for the Party.

    The pressing situation required Party members and cadres especially leading cadres to take the awareness of being vigilant in peacetime as a kind of ruling mentality. The Party members are required to be more aware of problems to avoid accumulating problems over a long period. They should not be self-satisfied, but rationally treat achievements. They are also required to strengthen the awareness of serving the people to promote the combination of cadres and the people and resist the temptation of fame and fortune to avoid seeking private gain through power.

    Only in this way can the Party win the support of the masses, fear no risks, never be confused by any interference and continue to promote the cause of the Party and the people.

    By Zhan Yong, editor of People's Daily, translated by People's Daily Onine
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