
法句经 中英对照 3-TheMind (Dh.33-43) 三、心品

 harrychen.me 2011-08-01
3-TheMind (Dh.33-43) 三、心品
[法句经·中英对照]  加入时间:2010-10-8 9:21:09  点击:159

3-TheMind (Dh.33-43)

33. Just as a fletcher straightens an arrow shaft, even so the discerning man straightens his mind --so fickle and unsteady, so difficult toguardand control. 34. As a fish when pulled outofwater and cast onland throbs and quivers, even so is this mind agitated. Hence should one abondon therealm ofMara. 35. Wonderful, indeed, it is to subdue the mind, so difficult to subdue, ever swift, and seizing whatever it desires. A tamed mind brings happiness.

 delights︰n.愉快。 fetters︰n.束缚。 fletcher︰n.造箭者。 shaft︰n.箭杆。 discerning︰v.分辨。 fickle︰a.易变的,无常的。 throbs︰v.战栗。 quivers︰v.颤抖,发抖。


〈33~ 34〉 33轻动变易心,难护 .难制服。智者调直之,如匠搦 4箭直。 34如鱼离水栖,投于陆地上,以此战栗心,摆脱魔境界 5。6




5《本事经》:「无别有一法,性躁动如心,难调御难防,大仙之所说。譬 如有智人,以火等众具,调直于利箭,令远有所中。如是诸苾刍,应善 学方便,调直于心性,令速证涅槃。」 (T4.673.1)

6Dh.33-34的因缘是:弥酰长老 (Meghiyatthera)当世尊的侍者时,他中意一 处风景美好的地方,打算在此禅修,三次请求,世尊并不看好,但是最 后还是答应他。弥酰长老在该处停留一天,但无法降服内心的烦恼。当 他回到世尊的身边时,世尊说出此偈。 (参见 DhA.;Ud.31)

36. Let the discerning man guard the mind, so difficult to detect and extremely subtle, seizing whatever it desires. A guarded mind brings happiness. 37. Dwelling in the cave (of the heart), the mind without form, wanders far and alone. Those who subdue this mind are liberated fromthebonds ofMara. 38. Wisdom never becomes perfect in one whose mind is not steadfast, who knows not the Good Teaching and whose faith wavers. 39. There is no fear for an Awakened One, whose mind is not sodden (by lust) nor afflicted (by hate), and who has gone beyond bothmerit and demerit. 40. Realizing that this body is as fragile as a claypot, and fortifying this mind like a well-fortified city, fight outMara with the sword ofwisdom. Then, guarding the conquest, remain unattached. extremely︰adv.极端。 liberate︰v.解脱,释放。 waver︰v.动摇。 sodden︰v.使迷糊,使浸透。 fortify︰v.筑防御工事于,增强。



〈38~ 39〉 38心若不安定,又不了正法,信心不坚者,智慧不成就。 39若得无漏心5,亦无诸惑乱,超越善与恶6,觉者无恐怖。7


1安乐:DhA:指「道、果、涅槃的乐」 (magga-phala-nibbana-sukhani)。

2本偈的因缘为舍卫城的一位比丘,因要学的法很多而起烦恼,世尊因而 以此偈颂教诫他。


4僧护长老 (Savgharakkhita)的一位侄子也出家,有一天,他打起一连串的 妄想︰还俗,娶妻生子,驾车,跟太太抢孩子,孩子掉下车,被车子辗过, 他生气,打老婆。结果用扇子打到僧护长老。僧护长老说︰不打太太,怎 幺打舅舅?」侄子感觉不安。僧护长老带他去见佛陀。佛陀说了偈颂。

5无漏心 (anavassuta cittassa):无(烦恼)泄漏的心。

6超越善与恶︰pubbapapapahinassa,阿拉汉已舍弃福 (pubba)、恶(papa)之 业(因),不造成未来的任何果报。

7本偈为世尊因质多哈达长老 (Cittahatthatthera)的证阿拉汉果后而说出的 偈颂。质多哈达长老曾出家六次还俗六次。有一天,他看见妻子正在睡 觉,大声打鼾,张嘴流口水。他明白身体的不净,并且想着:「我几次 出家半途而废,就是因为迷恋如此德行的妻子。」就再度到精舍去出家, 一路上,不停的念着「无常」、「苦」,而证得初果。出家后,过了几 天,他就证得阿拉汉果。


9五百位比丘到喜玛拉雅山山下雨安居,受到树神的干扰,世尊因此说《慈 经》,诸比丘受到慈爱的保护,树神不再干扰,雨安居后都证得阿拉汉果。

41. Ere long, alas! this body will lie upon the earth, unheeded and lifeless, like a useless log. 42. Whatever harm an enemy may do to an enemy, or a hater to a hater, an ill-directed mind inflicts ononeself a greater harm. 43. Neither mother, father, nor any other relative can do one greater good thanhis own well-directed mind.




1发臭的帝沙长老(Putigattatissatthera)身上首先长满小疔,发脓发臭,同住 者,没人理会。佛陀预知他有证得阿拉汉果的潜能,亲自去帮他烧热水、 洗涤。佛陀对他说︰「人死后,这身体无意识,将卧在地上,就像朽木一 样。」帝沙长老闻法后,就证得阿拉汉果,不久之后,也入灭了。佛陀说, 帝沙长老在迦叶佛时是个残酷的捕禽人,现在还有身体发臭的果报。最后, 佛陀告诫诸比丘,出家为比丘,若不彼此照顾,谁会照顾你们?


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