
香奈儿自曝有双性恋史 曾与纳粹恋爱

 storeroom 2011-08-04

香奈儿自曝有双性恋史 曾与纳粹恋爱

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年08月03日 18:35   国际在线

  Coco Chanel's perfectly set hair, manicured hands, plucked eyebrows and hard stare are as recognisable as some of her enduring designs. Less well known are allegations of drug use, Nazi dealings and even homophobia - something that contradicts the widespread acceptance of her lesbian relationships. Now, a new book claims to have concrete proof of the fashion icon's dalliances and vices。

  作为时尚界的具有史诗性的“领军人物”可可·香奈儿凭借着灵巧的双手从一位缝纫女工,成长为一个令法国乃至世界瞩目的设计师, 以干净利落的形象、和深邃的眼眸获取了大众的芳心,创造了香奈儿服装的辉煌。尽管事业上如日中天,但是可可·香奈儿的私生活却不为人所知,除了被指控滥用药物、以及双性恋的身世背景之外,最近一本关于可可·香奈儿的自传曝光这位“泰斗级设计师”竟然曾经钟情于一名纳粹分子。

  Lisa Chaney's forthcoming biography, Coco Chanel: An Intimate Life, lays bare hard evidence of the fashion maven's use of opiates, as well as new insights into Gabrielle 'Coco' Chanel's bisexuality, multiple affairs and love with a Nazi spy.Penguin says: 'Drawing on newly discovered love letters and other records, Chaney's controversial book reveals the truth about Chanel's drug habit and lesbian affairs. 'And the question about Chanel's German lover during World War II (was he a spy for the Nazis?) is definitively answered.'


  WWD goes one step further, saying the book is able to prove that the lover in question, Hans Günther von Dincklage, did indeed spy for the Nazis throughout the Second World War.Quoting en email from Ms Chaney's Viking publicist, WWD cites: 'Whether Chanel was aware of this is unknown, but after that war she lived in neutral Switzerland for a while, to avoid any proceedings against her.'

  根据Ms Chaney的一名公关当年的一封旧信称,关于可可·香奈儿当时对于那名神秘恋人(纳粹份子)的身世背景是否知情直到现在还是无从知晓,但是,我们了解到,二战结束后,可可·香奈儿的确在中立国家瑞士居住过一段时间,后人猜测是为了躲避战争审判以及众人的指责。

  In the book, due for release in November, Ms Chaney uses the newly discovered letters as well as documents from the Swiss Federal Archives to quell any doubt as to the truth of some of the less palatable aspects of Ms Chanel's colourful lifestyle. Viking says of the 20th Century's most famous fashion designer: 'Her numerous liaisons, whose poignant and tragic details have eluded all previous biographers, were the very stuff of legend。


  'Witty and mesmerizing, she became muse, patron, or mistress to the century's most celebrated artists, including Picasso, Dalí, and Stravinsky.' Ms Chanel's infamous life has inspired many a graphic recounting of her rags-to-riches story. The re-released biography, Coco Chanel: The Legend and the Life by Justine Picardie, which includes illustrations by Karl Lagerfeld, has drawn attention to Ms Chanel's reliance on opiates before, saying the designer saw morphine as a 'harmless sedative.'


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