
《Sound Ideas专业声效素材:城市音效系列》(Sound Ideas Digiff...

 沙漠之邹 2011-08-07


Digiffects Series A城市音效系列包含世界上各个著名城市的独特环境声音特效,从清晨醒来到交通高峰时期的各种声音。

Sound Ideas 推出的专业声效素材 -- 城市音效系列 A25:各种各样的声音

Sound Ideas 推出的专业声效素材 -- 城市音效系列 A26:亚速尔群岛的各个地点的声音

Sound Ideas 推出的专业声效素材 -- 城市音效系列 A27:广场,街道,交通,地铁和火车站的声音

Sound Ideas 推出的专业声效素材 -- 城市音效系列 A28:来自瑞典,柏林,汉堡及赫尔辛基的机场,地铁,火车,交通与港口的声音

Sound Ideas 推出的专业声效素材 -- 城市音效系列 A29:来自柏林,巴黎及瑞典的交通,餐厅,火车站,商店,公园,博物馆,银行和游艇码头的声音

Digiffects Series A - City Sound Effects

The Digiffects City Series contains ambiences unique to the world's great cities,
from dawn's awakening to rush hour traffic.
If you would like to purchase any of these CDs (at a cost of $75.00 USD each),
click on the "Buy Now" button that accompanies the CD description.

You can also purchase the full set by clicking on the "Buy Now" button
that accompanies the Full Set description.

Check out the full set of Track Listings for the Digiffects "A" City Sound Effects series.

If you have any questions, please feel free to Contact Us.

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