
Together, compete, win

 afire,davie 2011-08-09

                                                       Together, compete, win

With the above;

The use of quite rational means to achieve the main battlefield of competition, but victorious.

Together suppliers, beat competitors.

Business ideas in collaboration under the guidance of the correct cross-functional requirements to pass to the supplier, and thus play its potential value.

When the designer in the design of a house or office building, he would consider moving here need to include appropriate areas of the room between each other to be able to "communicate", to have easy access entrances and exits, but also with visible outside of the building environmental features. Satisfactory architects in their design the layout of the transition area carefully, doors and windows system, so that makes the final building different.

To supply as a fundamental business advantages of strategic need similar functionality, we mean a business must be supported in their hearts beat as its rival suppliers to meet customers in a way. To do this, first of all to have overlapping functions of the faith, believe that suppliers can play a crucial role. The introduction of cross-functional beliefs like in a building covering the windows and doors, hallway, patio and foyer, as in collaborative thinking under the guidance of the correct cross-functional requirements passed to the suppliers to fulfill its potential value, this capability will play a key role.

In a changing business environment, executives are often set to look at the strategic importance of suppliers and their tone. Results in a supply chain on the commercial success of the significance of the speech, in charge of office supplies retailer Office Max executive vice president of supply chain, Stone (Reuben Stone) points to one in the secret: to explain repeatedly to supply the company's CEO the importance of the chain.

Will contribute to the performance of suppliers and the financial share of the company's strategy linked to the strategic sectors of the supply chain sector to win the title, this is where senior executives from supply chain management to win two vital interests: the legitimacy and financial support . Legitimacy is based on its importance in the company, given its ability to play within the influence of the executive power; financial support is the supply chain sector has the right of priority, be able to review the initial budget allocation of priority (such as freezing, cutting or abolished).

Unfortunately, in most companies, from senior management to give such support is not sufficient, CEO who just want all the business in charge of their duties and functions, little headway can be. If even those in charge do not believe the supplier can bring strategic benefits, so even if senior management is to support the supply chain, in charge of these departments can not be forced to go beyond the traditional way to make it to cooperate with suppliers. So, in order to bring the supply side-based competitive advantage will not enter their field of vision.

Enterprises are usually responsible for the supply chain, take charge of communication and contact with suppliers tasks, while other functional departments to focus only long-term supplier contracts are bidding advantage. However, such attacks rarely play a positive role, "professional procurement" in order to bring value to the logic of no less than "amateur" about the use of leisure management provider more convincing logic, the logic of the enterprise adoption of the latter will be the same suppliers as a reliable partner that they have unique technical capabilities and operational capabilities.

Interestingly, how to integrate suppliers into the domain of basic services by the three functions constitute a whole: to understand how to use the supply of skills; know your own business and the supplier's business, and how the latter impacts the former ; in-depth understanding of suppliers and its employees. The division of functions within the enterprise which covers the three elements of the latter two, but in these two areas that are not in-depth assessment of the situation, both transactions will be from the inside out to extract the various functional departments, and then full power to supply chain responsible for the so-called experts, this approach is doomed to fail. Instead, strategic approach should be to create leverage to regulate the supply of services to internal customers to accept the existing elements and inject some of their elements are still missing. Create value alliance, rather than to control scramble.

Therefore, enterprises should achieve the goal is to mobilize the entire company rather than a single sector in the supply chain supply management, through full cooperation with the way suppliers interact to create competitive advantage. This is about corporate culture and a change of attitude, but also embark on Innovation Tour passion.

Innovation is a cross-functional process

Innovation is the soul of competitive advantage. In a competitive market, only to suppliers in the current business, or to let them participate in the new and innovative value creation, is to distinguish between ordinary business is to make good use of suppliers or to incorporate them into competitive advantages to consider one of the indicators. To the point that, which means that the vendor into the product design and development in the past.

Traditional supply chain management a priority concern, issues such as low-cost control and supplier relationships of control and so on, which is the product design / development (PD) department is often the main reason for bypassing the supply of work. In order to understand what is driving the introduction of new products to those departments get more revenue from customers, you have to recognize that in the process of purchasing and supply management must be produced cost-conscious consumer and customer demand for value for money and willingness to integrate. The screening providers can enhance the process of innovation.

Because the daily emergencies - such as supply shortages, cost pressures, quality issues - usually caused by emergency work has been after a delay caused by innovation, but it also happens to create a suitable environmental conditions, making the supply side directly to the required departments to provide services.

Over the past 15 years numerous studies have proven this point. 80% of product cost are upfront investment, and because of this, many innovative procurement procurement experts known as "early intervention." "Buy" innovation means that companies should take some measures such as cost avoidance, but also recognize that in addition to controlling costs, which supply services in product development can play a greater role. In fact, the only supplier in the product development cycle, play a role in a timely manner, in order to have the consumer value of new products (in addition to the cost of performance in the division). Therefore, when cross-functional enterprise open mind on the supplier development process, it will gain incredible rewards.

Bu Aier (Ken Buell) is one of P & G's chief scientist, Victor Mills Society had awarded him medals, in recognition of their baby patents and product innovation contribution. He often worked directly with the suppliers, the introduction of development projects for the procurement of timing was impeccable. When he understood the business and technical experts to meet, know that if early consideration of potential suppliers, R & D process can provide more choice of suppliers.

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