
6个小办法可以让你的App在Appstore里更加出色 | App Store上线/推广/...

 gsmxiaomin 2011-08-18

因为就像以前FWISH说过的,关于推广的一句话“你做了,未必会有效果,但是你不做,肯定没有效果” 现在Appstore竞争这么激烈,希望下面这些小办法可以多多少少帮助大家一下。


Tip #1: Learn the Basics
SEO is SEO is… well, you get the picture. Although we’re talking about the iTunes store and not the entire google search algorithm (or yahoo! or Bing or whatever else you please), the principles of search engine optimization are exactly the same. There are hundreds of blogs, books and other resources out there on the basic concept of SEO. One of my personal favorites is the 97th Floor Blog, coming from 97th Floor, a company that specializes in SEO and Social Media. So get reading, and learn the basics of what SEO is all about!
SEO就是Search Engine Optimization,现在网上有很多比较方便的开源和资源,可以让我们查到什么词语,文字是这个星期,这个月,季度,年份被Search最多次的,而且这些资源在苹果和Google上都很方便查出来,多多少少会帮助我们在选关键词上有很大帮助。

Tip #2: Learn to Love Keywords
Keywords, the words that people actually type into the “search” bar in iTunes are the secret to any effective SEO attempt. If you’ve already developed your app, figure out which keywords people might type in to find it and then make sure that those keywords appear in as many places within your app’s page as possible.
From the Invisible Idea blog, “Results whether they be in Google or iTunes are based on Relevancy and Authority. Within iTunes, relevancy works much the same way as in other search engines – how relevant is your content to the searched keyword. Using your keywords in your title, name, summary, and keyword tags make you relevant. All of these are indexed and searchable by iTunes.”
关键词,这个,好像就不用再说了,不过,友情提醒一下,如果你的App是空战,就不要放什么“美女,辣妹。。。” 这一类和你app本身完全不一样的keywords, 以前有个soical study好像说过,当客户想要找美女和辣妹的时候,你一个和她们完全无关的app出现在他们面前,完全不会对你销售有任何提高。 毕竟,客户不会说“啊,算了,既然没有辣妹,那我就买一个空战游戏把” 就像我看过论坛里的朋友说一定要加免费上去一样,虽然每个人的观点不一样,但是,我个人觉得,如果我打“免费”二字,那么我根本的出发点是不想花钱的。

Tip #3: Don’t Waste Your Time or Money on Google Search
This is a big one. One of the things we have learned from our ongoing study of successful app developers is that paying money to optimize your keywords in Google Search does NOT yeild any kind of noticeable results. From developers we have spoken with personally, to threads on message boards, the verdict is pretty clear when it comes to spending your time optimizing keywords on google.

The fact is, customers looking for an iPhone app will first check the app store on their iphone. If that fails, they are most likely to check iTunes on their computers. Trying to sell your iPhone app via google search keywords is like selling your Amazon.com-listed book on Youtube: you’re just in the wrong place.

Tip #4: Give Your App a Descriptive Name
This is probably the single most important thing you can do to optimize your search results in the iTunes Store. If your app is a first-person shooter game, don’t try and call it “Rumble in the Jungle” or some such nonsense! Call it “Shooter” or, better yet, “Jungle Shooter”. Really, you can call it whatever you like, but use the words “shoot” or “shooter” or some equally descriptive keywords somewhere in your title. Most of the top apps in the apps store have relatively straight forward names, such as “Camera Zoom” or “iFitness”. Anyone searching for “Fitness” will certainly see “iFitness” at the top of their search results, just like anyone searching “Zoom” or “Camera Zoom” will get to the “Camera Zoom” app right away!

Tip #5: Study the Successes
Although it may not always seem like it, most of the apps at the top of the iTunes list are there for some reason. Either they struck a chord (or perhaps a nerve) with fans, or they hit upon and idea that is genuinely popular, even if its only for the moment. Either way, see what they did. What keywords are in their titles? Descriptions?

From the excellent blog, Search Engine Land, “Apple makes no secret which of its applications are most popular. Savvy app developers can understand what types of content are popular among app store users simply by browsing the top 50 apps in iTunes on a regular basis. Having similar or better content than a popular iPhone app could help the app piggyback off of traffic for a related app…Understanding what keywords and content Apple is trying to promote can help marketers get a sense of whether the app that they’re building will make the top 50 eventually.”

这个我觉得非常非常实用和正确,记得以前论坛里有个朋友的山寨doodle jump吧?虽然没有说一直在top里,虽然是山寨的,但是如果当时可以把code写的好一些,控制好一些的话,应该不会空降top 50里,然后第三天消失吧。 而且,我记得,当时它的doodle drop(山寨doodle jump)里的第一句话就是, I don’t jump! I Drop!!不知是有意还是无意,但是那句开头语写的是价值连城,直接把doodle jump的很多粉丝吸引进来。 就像下面这个第六条里说的,如果你的游戏和一些受欢迎的游戏差不多,不要不好意思去写“如果你喜欢XXX,那么你肯定更会喜欢我的这个游戏!”

Tip #6: Piggyback on the Successes
Once you’ve studied the successes and compared your own app to make sure it is relevant and appealing, what next? Use those successes in your own app description! If you have a great game that is somewhat similar to a game in the top 10 of the iTunes store, there’s no shame in writing a description that reads something like, “For fans of [successful app], we present [your app].” This way, anyone searching for the first app will come across yours too.
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希望这些可以多多少少帮助大家。 非常感谢。

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