

 退休工程师 2011-08-19
    • Microbes proliferate where conditions favor them. septic image by Trevor Allen from Fotolia.com 微生物增殖的条件有利于他们。 化粪池的图像由Trevor艾伦从Fotolia.com

      They surround us by the millions, and yet we barely see them because they're so small.他们环绕我们数以百万计,但我们几乎看不到他们,因为他们是如此之小。 Microbes can be found anywhere and many thrive in buildings.微生物可以找到任何地方和许多建筑物中茁壮成长。 The term "microbe" refers to a living organism too small to be seen by the naked eye. “微生物”一词,指的是一个活的有机体太小而无法被肉眼看到。 They're the source of allergies, infections, poisonings and other conditions.他们的过敏,感染,中毒和其他条件源。 Not all microbes are harmful, but some can cause problems.并非所有的微生物都是有害的,但有些可能会导致问题。


    • Bacteria are single-celled organisms that come in various shapes and sizes.细菌是单细胞有机体,在各种形状和大小。 Bacteria are ubiquitous; humans carry a multitude of relatively harmless bacteria.细菌是无处不在,人类携带的多种相对无害的细菌。 However, some forms of Escherichia coli, passed through fecal contamination with food, can cause severe food poisoning.然而,一些大肠杆菌的形式,通过与粪便污染的食物,可引??起严重的食物中毒。 Staphylococcus bacteria, meanwhile, exist on human skin with no detrimental effect, though if they overwhelm the body's natural defenses, severe infections can result.同时,金黄色葡萄球菌的细菌,存在于人体皮肤没有不利影响,但如果他们压倒人体的天然防御能力,可能造成严重感染。 Streptococcus bacteria can be transmitted through the air or through contact with sores.链球菌细菌可藉由空气传染,或通过接触疮。

      Out of the many places bacteria can thrive in the home, the toilet tops the list, with 3.2 million bacteria per square inch.细菌可以在家中茁壮成长的许多地方,上厕所荣登榜首,细菌每平方英寸320万。 A home office computer mouse came in last of the likely locations, with 50 bacteria per square inch.家庭办公室的电脑鼠标,排在最后的可能位置,每平方英寸50细菌。


    • Mold grows in poorly ventilated places that are cool and dark. 32 year old bathroom image by Russell Espinoza from Fotolia.com 模具生长在凉爽,黑暗的通风较差的地方 。32年罗素从Fotolia.com诺萨老浴室形象

      Mold and mildew are the most common types of fungi indoors.和霉菌是最常见的真菌室内的类型。 Located most often in dark cool spaces with low air circulation, these microbes can infest wood.坐落在黑暗阴凉低空气流通空间最经常的是,这些微生物可以出没的木材。 Their spores can cause serious respiratory problems.它们的孢子可能会导致严重的呼吸问题。

      Poorly treated or untreated wood hosts fungi like Serpula lacrymans, particularly in situations when the temperatures are mild and there is a water source.治疗不当或未经处理的木材,如Serpula lacrymans主机的真菌,特别是在情况下,当气温温和,有水源。 Mildews and molds can cause discoloring stains on bathroom and kitchen surfaces, and can spread through ventilation systems.霉菌和霉菌可以导致对卫生间和厨房的表面变色的污渍,可以通过通风系统传播。 One fungus, Stachybotrys chartarum, is notorious for the toxins it releases as a result of its metabolism.木耳,Stachybotrys chartarum,是它作为其代谢而释放毒素而臭名昭著。 Effects of exposure to the mycotoxins from the greenish black mold range from eye irritation to bleeding lungs.从绿色的黑霉菌范围从眼睛发炎,出血肺部真菌毒素暴露的影响。


    • Viruses are tiny microbes; most can't be seen with a standard microscope.病毒是微小的微生物,最不能用一个标准的显微镜。 Viruses rely on host cells to reproduce and take many paths of transmission between one host and another.病毒依赖于宿主细胞的复制和传输路径之间的一台主机和另一个。 Rhinovirus and influenza virus, the viruses that cause the common cold and the flu, are transmitted through the air and also via contaminated surfaces.鼻病毒,流感病毒,普通感冒和流感病毒引起的,通过空气和被污染的表面也可以通过传输。 Rotavirus targets the bowels, causing gastroenteritis, the result of fecal-oral contamination.轮状病毒目标的肠道,引起胃肠炎,粪口污染的结果。

    Protozoan Parasites原虫

    • Protozoa are single-celled organisms that contain nuclei and sometimes organelles, the parasitic forms of which rely on hosts for food or development throughout different parts of their life cycle.原生动物是单细胞有机体,包含细胞核,有时细胞器,依靠食物或发展的主机上,其中贯穿其生命周期的不同部位寄生的形式。 Households that use well water or other sources of untreated water may encounter Giardia intestinalis, a protozoan that irritates the bowels.使用以及未经处理过的水的水或其他来源的家庭可能会遇到肠贾第虫,原生动物,刺激肠子。 Meanwhile, Toxoplasma gondii is highly common, particularly in households with cats, and in many cases people who carry the parasite show no symptoms.同时,弓形虫是非常常见的,尤其是在与猫的家庭,并且在许多情况下,携带寄生虫的人没有出现任何症状。 People with weak immune systems, however, are vulnerable to its flu-like effects.免疫系统较弱的人,然而,很容易受到类似流感的效果。

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