

 storeroom 2011-08-20

The Most Popular Tourist Attraction in Croatia






普利特维采湖是由十六条互相连接的瀑布组成,于1979年被列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产。当 地森林生活着鹿、野猪、熊、狼和一些稀有的鸟类。因其多变深邃的颜色,湖水的颜色从天蓝色到绿色,由灰色渐变到蓝色。颜色的变换由水中的矿物、有机物的含 量以及光的入射角度等共同决定。位于克罗地亚西部利卡-塞尼县(Lika–Senj County)。普里特维采天然湖群,大小共有16个,故又称十六湖,又有“欧洲九寨沟”之称。普利特维采湖群是数千年来流经石灰石和白垩上的水,逐渐沉 积为石灰华屏障,构成自然的堤坝,后者又创造了一系列美丽的湖泊、洞穴和瀑布。 这种地理进程今天仍在继续。 公园里的森林是熊、狼和许多稀有鸟类的避难所。最早记录普利特维采湖位置的地图已有200多年的历史。1862年,看守边境的卫兵在此建起了一排住所,到 了1896年,此处建起了一座有28间屋子的旅馆。科学家们对该处的研究考察始于19世纪早期,但最早尝试在普利特维采湖建立国家公园是在1914年。在 当时,有人建议在湖区的瀑布群旁建一些水力发电厂,但由于环保主义者的反对而未被采纳。两次世界大战其间,人们逐渐认识到普利特维采湖的重要的战略价值和 教育意义,更重要的是,她作为一种珍贵的人文景观的意义已深入人心。显而易见,任何侵略和非法破坏都会对此处的环境产生损害,甚至会导致永远都无法弥补伤 害。1928年,普利特维采湖连同其周围的其他名胜被辟为国家公园,但该项行政命令未能得到很好的贯彻,工程进展缓慢,直到1949年普利特维采湖群国家 公园才最终竣工。普利特维采湖群是一处拥有多种珍禽异兽和山水风光优美的风景区。1949年建立国家公园,总占地面积19462公顷。其中森林又占70% 以上,即15715公顷。普利特维采湖群地形按高低可分上湖区和下湖区,上湖区坐落在白云石亚地层的山上,四周均环绕着茂密的森林。下湖区处于两条山脉间 的峡谷中,其内16个互相连接的山地湖泊,总长10千米,面积为217公顷。公园海拔502~636米 。各湖高差悬殊,从第一湖至第十六湖高差达135米,诸湖之间形成瀑布群,其中最大瀑布落差达76米,并呈梯状一节节飞流而下。湖泊两岸断壁悬垂,湖与湖 之间又有蜿蜒的木桥相连,既便观赏,又提供了游览捷径。公园不仅风景绝美,而且有以山毛榉和冷杉为主要树种的原始林及熊、鹿、狐、狼、羚羊、貂、秃鹰、鹰 等珍禽异兽。普利特维采湖群由于它丰富多变的地貌所产生的和谐美感,四季都呈现不同面貌:春天瀑布水量丰盈,夏季一片蓊郁苍翠,秋季枫红叶落,冬季白雪皑 皑。湖群的湖水变化万千,从蔚蓝到鲜绿,从深蓝到浅灰,湖水呈现什么颜色,要看湖水深度、水中矿物质及有机物质比例,以及阳光的角度而定。普利特维采湖群 国家公园处于亚得里亚海岸及欧洲大陆的交界处,普列提维切湖国家公园的夏天阳光充足,冬季覆满白雪,气候的得天独厚,使得湖区的周遭到处是乌沉沉的茂密森 林,老木翳天,枝柯交缠,水气森森,石凉苔滑。因为保护得宜,甚至还保留了大片的原始森林,这样的环境,也提供生物多样性的发展。公园内建有旅馆、商店等 接待设施,辟有汽车露营地及电动游览车、游艇、游船等游娱设备,供游人划船、钓鱼、游泳活动。每年4~10月为旅游黄金季节。


Plitvice waterfalls

Photograph by Jack Brauer

All of the Croatian people I have met through my years have always talked about the natural beauty of their homeland. I always nodded in agreement because it struck me that most people shared the same sentiment, regardless of their origin. This says to me, that natural beauty and splendor are everywhere. Our planet is a wonderful place and there are countless gems like the Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia, for us to appreciate and preserve.


The Plitvice Lakes National Park was granted UNESCO World Heritage status in 1979. The beauty of the National Park lies in its sixteen lakes, inter-connected by a series of waterfalls, and set in deep woodland populated by deer, bears, wolves, boars and rare bird species



Photograph by Roman Bonnefoy

The National Park covers a total area of 300 square kilometers (116 sq. miles), whilst the lakes join together over a distance of eight kilometers (5 miles).


The sixteen lakes are separated into an upper and lower cluster formed by runoff from the mountains, descending from an altitude of 636 meters (2,087 ft) to 503 meters (1,650 feet) over a distance of some eight km (5 miles), aligned in a south-north direction. The lakes collectively cover an area of about two square km, with the water exiting from the lowest lake to form the Korana River.


The lakes are renowned for their distinctive colours, ranging from azure to green, grey or blue. The colours change constantly depending on the quantity of minerals or organisms in the water and the angle of sunlight.


There’s also quite an altitude difference – the highest point is at 1,280 meters (4,200 ft), the lowest at 380 meters (1,247 ft) – although the total height difference between the lakes themselves is only 135 meters (443 ft). Veliki Slap is the largest waterfall, at 70 meters (230 ft) tall.



Photograph by Henning Schroder

Brief History
The Plitvice Lakes had become a major tourist attraction in the late 19th century. The first hotel was built there in 1896, and as early as 1893 it already had a conservation committee – the predecessor of today’s national park authority. In 1949 the communist government of Yugoslavia nationalized the lakes and made them a national park. The park was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1979 in recognition of its “outstanding natural beauty, and the undisturbed production of travertine (tuff) through chemical and biological action”.

The park soon became one of Yugoslavia’s most popular tourist attractions. However, in March 1991 it became the scene of the Plitvice Lakes incident – the first armed confrontation of the Croatian War of Independence that resulted in fatalities. The park was held by forces of the Republic of Serbian Krajina during the conflict and suffered some damage in the process, with hotels and other facilities being used as barracks. At auto-camp Grabovac there were civilian deaths (three children) from a Yugoslav Army shell in September 1991[4]. It was retaken by the Croatian Army in August 1995 during Operation Storm, which ended the Croatian war.

- Source: Wikipedia






Photograph by Roybb95

- http://en./wiki/Plitvice_Lakes_National_Park
- http://www./plitvicelakes/


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