
Bad weather poses challenges to CCTV’s filmin...

 qdl library 2011-08-23

Bad weather poses challenges to CCTV’s filming team to find Tibetan antelopes

07-05-2011 12:49 BJT

Finally, let's turn to the journey to find the Tibetan antelopes. CCTV's filming team has arrived at Sonam Dargye station. It's named after the martyr Sonam Dargye who sacrificed his life during a fight with poachers in 1994. My colleague Zhang Shuo reviews the film crew's journey there.

After arriving at Hoh Xil nature preserve center, filming crews went to the grave of Sonam Dargye. He dedicated his life to protecting Tibetan antelopes dying a gun fight with poachers.

After one night's stay in Sonam Dargye station, the filming team was planning to go to further region of the Hoh Xil. But sudden bad weather postponed their trip.

Weather in Hoh Xil is constantly changing. Temperatures are extremely low in the morning and night, but very high at noon. Bad weather there has affected the schedule of the filming team many times.

"The altitude here is high and the weather is very changeable. All these factors have affected our equipment. Lots of unexpected problems have occurred."

Altitude sickness is another challenge ahead. The Hoh Xil region lies at 47 hundred meters above sea level. Heavy rain makes the air pressure even higher. Some filming staff have suffered from altitude stress and had to go back to lower regions.

But heavy rain is not completely bad news. The rain has eased the water shortage pressure for the film crew in its tougher journey ahead.

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