

 悠然一笑. 2011-09-09



One in 25 business leaders 'could be a psychopath'

As many as one in 25 company bosses could be a psychopath, according to a new study.

Psychopaths are defined by their lack of moral instincts, but many are able to hide this by a natural ability to charm and manipulate both their seniors and subordinates.

While some psychopaths are outwardly aggressive and destructive, factors like a happy upbringing can help others to mimic colleagues and fit in at work.

The capacity of the 'successful psychopath' to identify and outwardly display the qualities corporate leaders admire helps them climb the career ladder quickly despite being poor managers.

This makes it virtually impossible to tell the difference between a psychopath and a genuinely good boss, leading psychologists said in a BBC Horizon programme to be screened on Wednesday.

Paul Babiak, a New York psychologist, said: "Psychopaths really aren't the kind of person you think they are ... you could be living with or married to one for 20 years or more and not know that person is a psychopath.
纽约心理学专家Paul Babiak说:“精神病患者真的不是你想象的那种形象……你可能跟一个人生活甚至结婚了20年甚至更久都不知道他有心理问题。”

"Part of the problem is that the very things we're looking for in our leaders, the psychopath can easily mimic.

"Their natural tendency is to be charming. Take that charm and couch it in the right business language and it sounds like charismatic leadership".

Prof Bob Hare of the University of British Columbia in Canada said as many as one in 100 Americans have some psychopathic characteristics.
加拿大大不列颠哥伦比亚大学的Bob Hare教授说,每一百个美国人中就有一人有某些方面的精神问题。

He added: "A psychopath can actually put themselves in your skin, intellectually not emotionally.

"What this allows them to do is use words to manipulate and con and to interact with you without the baggage of feeling your pain."


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