

 昵称535749 2011-09-24
twice on each side. Here, Steph Twell demonstrates …
为了达到有效拉伸肌肉的目的,练习时动作不要过猛,感到有轻微的拉胀感即可——决不可有疼痛的感觉发生。拉伸动作保持的时间为30秒宜,最好每侧练习重复2次。下面由Steph Twell来为大家做演示示范……
1Take your right leg up behind you, lifting the foot and taking hold , keeping your knees close together. Feel the stretch along the front of the thigh of the bent leg. Swap legs. Photograph: Zak Waters/Zak Waters 


将右腿向后收起,并用右手将足抬起,并控制在身后。髋部需保持在正中的位置上——背部不允许形成背弓——缓慢地将足向臀部拉伸,使膝关节收紧。腿部弯曲时,大腿的前部要有拉胀感。两腿交换,重复上述动作。Photograph: Zak Waters/Zak Waters 
2Calf stretch (back of lower legs)
Take your feet a stride length apart with the right leg back and left foot forward. Bend the front knee, keeping the back leg straight, press the right heel down on the floor. Make sure your back foot is pointing forwards. You should feel a stretch in the middle of the calf. To take the stretch lower, bring your right foot forwards a little and bend both knees, keeping the hips under, and sink down into the back heel. Swap sides and repeat. Photograph: Zak Waters/Zak Waters 

小腿 (小腿后部肌群)伸展拉伸练习

向前跨出一步,右腿在后,左腿在前。前腿膝关节弯曲,后腿保持绷直状态,右脚后跟贴紧地面并向下压。注意,后脚的趾尖指向前方。在做此动作时,小腿的中部要有拉胀感。如要降低拉伸的位置,可将右足向前靠一定的距离,并且前后两膝弯曲,臀部下坐,向后跟方向下压。两腿交换,重复上述动作。Photograph: Zak Waters/Zak Waters 
3Hip flexor stretch (front of hips)
Adopt a lunge position with your left foot forward and take your right knee to the floor with the lower leg extended behind it. Your front knee should be at around a 90-degree angle. Now tuck the pelvis under and press forward from the hips until you feel a stretch along the front of the hip and thigh. If you have your shoelaces facing the floor, you'll bring in a quad stretch too. Swap sides. Photograph: Zak Waters/Zak Waters 


练习时采用弓步站立姿势。左脚在前,右腿弯曲,膝关节支撑于地面,小腿伸直,置于体后。左腿膝盖弯曲,约成90度角。骨盆前倾,向前压髋,直至髋部至大腿的前部产生拉胀感。如果鞋带面朝向地面,股四头肌也同样会产拉胀感。两腿交换,重复上述动作。Photograph: Zak Waters/Zak Waters 
4Lower back stretch
Lie on the floor with both knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Drop your knees down to the right without allowing your body to follow. Take your left arm out to the side and place it on the floor, and bring your right hand over your thighs, gently drawing them towards the floor until you feel a stretch through the lower back and sides. Swap sides. Photograph: Zak Waters/Zak Waters 


身体仰卧于地面,双膝弯曲,双足平放于地面上。将双膝向右侧放下,同时身体上部不能随之右转。左臂向身体左侧外展并置于地面,右手交叉置于左侧大腿之上,缓慢地向体侧扭转压体直至背下部及体侧有拉胀感产生。身体两侧交换,重复上述动作。Photograph: Zak Waters/Zak Waters 
5Hamstring stretch (back of thighs)
Lie face up on the floor with a towel, scarf or cord in your hands. Extend your right leg and place the loop of the cord around the sole of your foot. Gently straighten the leg and, keeping it straight, draw it in towards your head. Feel the stretch along the back of the right thigh. To make the exercise easier, bend the other leg, placing the foot on the floor. Swap sides. Photograph: Zak Waters/Zak Waters 


身体仰卧于地面,手持毛巾,围巾或绳索。右腿伸直,用绳索经足底绕过套住足部。缓慢地将腿部拉直,并使腿部保持伸直状态,同时将大腿向头部方向牵引。直至右侧大腿产生拉胀感。为降低练习的难度,在拉伸右腿时,左腿可以弯曲,并将足部置于地面。两侧大腿交换,重复上述动作。Photograph: Zak Waters/Zak Waters 
6Glute stretch (bottom)
Start by sitting tall with your legs out straight in front of you. Now bend the left knee and take the left foot across your right thigh, planting it flat on the floor. Place your arms around the left knee and gently draw it across the body, keeping the foot on the floor and your body central. Swap legs. Photograph: Zak Waters/Zak Waters 

臀部 (臀部肌群)伸展练习

动作从背部伸直坐立开始,双腿伸直置于体前。现将左膝弯曲,将左足交叉放置于右腿右侧,足底平放于地面。双臂抱住左膝,并缓慢地向体侧扭转,保持足底不离地面,身体正直。两侧大腿交换,重复上述动作。Photograph: Zak Waters/Zak Waters 

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