

 航风个人图书馆 2011-09-29


How to Write a Better Model in CodeIgniter

This is an older post and some of its contents may be outdated. We recommend checking out our new series of website screencasts.

Developing using an MVC framework can go a long way towards increasing the reusability and robustness of your code. In this article I focus on writing model methods for the Code Igniter PHP MVC framework. The concepts themselves are not specific to Code Igniter, but some of the code will be.

CRUD methods

CRUD is an acronym that stands for Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete. These are the most basic types of interactions that your code will have with a data source.

A few examples:
Create – adding a user account to your website
Retrieve – getting a list of available products
Update – changing a user’s password or the name of a product
Delete – removing a user account or product

When writing models you’ll generally start by creating CRUD methods for each of your logical types of data. If you’re writing user authentication (login, logout, forgotten password, account activation) you’ll want a method to add, update, and delete users along with the ability to pull back the user account information for a single user or for a group of users.

For example:

function AddUser()
function UpdateUser()
function DeleteUser()
function GetUsers()


Most of the interactions that we have with user accounts can be handled by these four methods. Instead of creating a model method “GetActiveUsers” we can just create a parameter for GetUsers that determines the user status of the returned set, more on this below.

The Options Array

Typically parameters for methods are sent in the following manner:

function AddUser($insertData)
function UpdateUser($userId, $updateData)
function DeleteUser($userId)
function GetUsers($limit, $offset)


Naturally, (especially for GetUsers) we’ll find more and more parameters to add to our methods. This not only gets very difficult to read, but can create issues where we have to go back and alter the code that we’ve already written if we have to tack a new parameter onto the method.

For Example:

function GetUsers($limit, $offset, $status)

We would also need a singular GetUser($userId) method in addition to the GetUsers method. This is a problem because we’re creating multiple versions of the same method. If we change the way we want information to be returned then we’d need to change code in two places, the GetUser AND GetUsers methods.

To overcome these issues I propose the usage of an options array, as such:

function AddUser($options = array())
function UpdateUser($options = array())
function DeleteUser($options = array())
function GetUsers($options = array())

If, in the past, we’d use GetUsers(5, 5, ‘active’) to return a list of users, we would now use GetUsers(array(‘limit’ => 5, ‘offset’ => 5, ‘status’ => ‘active’);

Parameters passed using the options array can be sent in any order and can even be completely omitted. As you need to add functional parameters you simply change the model method and will not have to update code anywhere else.

Utility Methods

In order to create properly robust methods we’re going to need to implement a few common bits of functionality. Namely, the ability to assign required fields and field defaults. For example, a required field when adding a user might be userEmail. For this we create the ‘required’ method.

* _required method returns false if the $data array does not contain all of the keys
* assigned by the $required array.
* @param array $required
* @param array $data
* @return bool
function _required($required, $data)
foreach($required as $field) if(!isset($data[$field])) return false;
return true;

In the ‘AddUser’ example our code might look like this:

* AddUser method creates a record in the users table.
* Option: Values
* --------------
* userEmail (required)
* userPassword
* userName
* userStatus active(default), inactive, deleted
* @param array $options
function AddUser($options = array())
// required values
if(!$this->_required(array('userEmail'), $options)) return false;

// At this point we know that the key 'userEmail' exists in the $options array.

Now our AddUser method will bail out and return false if the ‘userEmail’ key was not sent in the options array. Robust!

Notice that in the PHPdoc block we mention that the default status for newly created users is ‘active’. Naturally, if we wanted to create an inactive user we would be able to pass the ‘userStatus’ parameter with the value inactive. However, we are lazy and prefer to not have to explicitly declare ‘active’.

Introducing the ‘default’ method:

* _default method combines the options array with a set of defaults giving the values
* in the options array priority.
* @param array $defaults
* @param array $options
* @return array
function _default($defaults, $options)
return array_merge($defaults, $options);

That’s it, this method consists of a single command. I decided to create a method out of this because I may want to add extra functionality to the defaults method, and don’t want to have to change every single one of my model methods.

Let’s go ahead and implement the ‘default’ method:

* AddUser method creates a record in the users table.
* Option: Values
* --------------
* userEmail (required)
* userPassword
* userName
* userStatus active(default), inactive, deleted
* @param array $options
function AddUser($options = array())
// required values
if(!$this->_required(array('userEmail'), $options)) return false;

// default values
$options = $this->_default(array('userStatus' => 'active'), $options);

// At this point we know that the ‘userEmail’ key exists in the $options array and if no ‘userStatus’ key existed before, it does now and with the value ‘active’.

These methods go a long way towards making your code more robust while only adding a few lines to each method.

Active Record

Many database constructs (MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL, etc) use variations of SQL syntax, but they all work a little bit differently. An active record class allows us to create a database query using abstraction. In other words we are able to create queries that will work on any database construct that our class supports. They also give the added benefit of allowing us to send bits of the query to the class one by one before executing the query.

A Code Igniter active record query might look something like this:

$this->db->where('userStatus', 'active');

Those two commands will create and execute the query, “select * from users where userStatus = ‘active’”

Putting It All Together

Using the concepts that we’ve explored let’s look at a simple example set CRUD methods.

* AddUser method creates a record in the users table.
* Option: Values
* --------------
* userEmail (required)
* userPassword
* userName
* userStatus active(default), inactive, deleted
* @param array $options
function AddUser($options = array())
// required values
if(!$this->_required(array('userEmail'), $options)) return false;

// default values
$options = $this->_default(array('userStatus' => 'active'), $options);

// qualification (make sure that
// we're not allowing the site to insert data that it shouldn't)

$qualificationArray = array('userEmail', 'userName', 'userStatus');
foreach($qualificationArray as $qualifier)
$this->db->set($qualifier, $options[$qualifier]);

// MD5 the password if it is set
$this->db->set('userPassword', md5($options['userPassword']));

// Execute the query

// Return the ID of the inserted row,
// or false if the row could not be inserted

return $this->db->insert_id();

* UpdateUser method alters a record in the users table.
* Option: Values
* --------------
* userId the ID of the user record that will be updated
* userEmail
* userPassword
* userName
* userStatus active(default), inactive, deleted
* @param array $options
* @return int affected_rows()
function UpdateUser($options = array())
// required values
if(!$this->_required(array('userId'), $options)) return false;

// qualification (make sure that
// we're not allowing the site to update data that it shouldn't)

$qualificationArray = array('userEmail', 'userName', 'userStatus');
foreach($qualificationArray as $qualifier)
$this->db->set($qualifier, $options[$qualifier]);

$this->db->where('userId', $options['userId']);

// MD5 the password if it is set
$this->db->set('userPassword', md5($options['userPassword']));

// Execute the query

// Return the number of rows updated, or false if the row could not be inserted
return $this->db->affected_rows();

* GetUsers method returns an array of qualified user record objects
* Option: Values
* --------------
* userId
* userEmail
* userStatus
* limit limits the number of returned records
* offset how many records to bypass before returning a record (limit required)
* sortBy determines which column the sort takes place
* sortDirection (asc, desc) sort ascending or descending (sortBy required)
* Returns (array of objects)
* --------------------------
* userId
* userEmail
* userName
* userStatus
* @param array $options
* @return array result()
function GetUsers($options = array())
// default values
$options = $this->_default(array('sortDirection' => 'asc'), $options);

// Add where clauses to query
$qualificationArray = array('userId', 'userEmail', 'userStatus');
foreach($qualificationArray as $qualifier)
$this->db->where($qualifier, $options[$qualifier]);

// If limit / offset are declared (usually for pagination)
// then we need to take them into account

if(isset($options['limit']) && isset($options['offset']))
$this->db->limit($options['limit'], $options['offset']);
else if(isset($options['limit'])) $this->db->limit($options['limit']);

// sort
$this->db->order_by($options['sortBy'], $options['sortDirection']);

$query = $this->db->get('users');
if($query->num_rows() == 0) return false;

if(isset($options['userId']) && isset($options['userEmail']))
// If we know that we're returning a singular record,
// then let's just return the object

return $query->row(0);
// If we could be returning any number of records
// then we'll need to do so as an array of objects

return $query->result();

* DeleteUser method removes a record from the users table
* @param array $options
function DeleteUser($options = array())
// required values
if(!$this->_required(array('userId'), $options)) return false;

$this->db->where('userId', $options['userId']);

Here are some examples of how we can use these methods to interact with your database.

Adding a User

$userId = $this->user_model->AddUser($_POST);

echo "The user you have created has been added successfully with ID #" . $userId;
echo "There was an error adding your user.";

Updating a User

if($this->user_model->UpdateUser(array('userId' => 3, 
                   'userName' => 'Shawn',
                   'userEmail' => 'not telling')))
// The user has been successfully updated
// The user was not updated

User Authentication (Retrieving a Single User)

$user = $this->user_model->GetUsers(array('userEmail' => $userEmail,
                     'userPassword' => md5($userPassword),
                        'userStatus' => 'active'));
// Log the user in
// Sorry, your user / password combination isn't correct.

Retrieving a Set of Users

$users = $this->user_model->GetUsers(array('userStatus' => 'active'));

echo "Active Users<br />";
foreach($users as $user)
echo $user->userName . "<br />";
echo "There are no active users.";

Deleting a User

$this->user_model->DeleteUser(array('userId' => $userId));

I hope that this will continue a dialog on how to better write such commonly reused bits of functionality. If you have any suggestions or comments please let me know. I’d love to hear about the algorithms that you’ve been designing to handle similar problems.

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