

 昵称535749 2011-09-30


How many times have you felt burned out? How many times have you heard other people complaining of being burned out?


For me I’ve felt it and I’ve heard more of my fair share of complaints of others feeling burned out. So how do we stop it? If it’s so prevalent how can we put an end to it for good?


You’ll recognize burnout as that feeling of tiredness, helplessness, mental fatigue, physical fatigue etc. These feelings usually come as a large project is coming to an end. You’re working hard to get it done because, if you’re like most people you’ve procrastinated a wee bit.


But is burnout a bad thing? Maybe we just need to change our perspective. Maybe burnout is the natural result of doing something, of actually living. Maybe we need to get to the point where we feel it the burn, and take a minute to look at what we’ve just accomplished and say “Wow! Look what I just did!”


That said, there are ways that we can help curb those feelings of being overwhelmed, exhausted and lacking motivation.


1. Plan ahead. Let’s face it most things aren’t a surprise. Even when we’re not explicitly told that certain things need to get done we still know. So plan ahead. Make a list of all the stuff that needs to be done and work backwards from your due date. Factor in a few buffer days for the unexpected and do what you can to stick to that timeline.


2. Balance. If you’ve planned your time right you’ll be able to work within boundaries. Time you spend on your project won’t have to leak over into your family or fun time. In fact, it shouldn’t. The quickest way to feel burnt out is to spend all your time doing the same thing to the neglect of the other important things or people in your life. Balance is important and to get that you need to set and stick to clear divisions in your time.


3. Take time off. By setting boundaries and striking a balance you’ll be able to take some much needed time off. During your down time choose activities that you enjoy, that allow you to really relax and clear your mind. Read a book, magazine or paper that is completely unrelated to your work or big project. Try meditating, yoga, running or walking. Clearing your mind occasionally will allow you focus on the task at hand when you get back to it.


4. Focus. Focus on what you’re doing when you’re doing it. Learn to say no to things that will take you away from what you need to get done. Don’t take on more tasks or projects until you’re done with the current one. There are some eloquent ways of saying no and it’s important to become a pro at doing this so you’re not caught off guard. Try things like:


“I’d love to help but I’m currently focused on this other project I have going. I’ll let you know when this one is done and we can talk about this then.”


“No, sorry I can’t I have committed myself to finishing _______ by the end of the month. If you still need help then feel free to check back with me.”


“Oh that sounds like fun but I won’t be able to attend. I’m taking a bit of time off to get lost in the great outdoors.”


5. Be realistic. If you’ve worked out your time and stuck to your plan but you still don’t think you’ll be able to finish on time be realistic with yourself and with the person/people you’re working with. Ask for an extension if you need one, and the sooner the better. As soon as you are aware that you won’t be able to meet the deadlines tell someone and work towards finding a solution that suits everyone.


Burnout doesn’t necessarily need to be a bad thing. If you are working your butt off to accomplish something you’re passionate about that’s great! When you’re done congratulate yourself and take some time off, even if it’s just a day or two. Take a breather and unwind before you get going on the next project.


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