

 MouseHappy 2011-10-08

the earth's water cycle is a process of constant renewal. water falls, water wapor, clouds, rain, springs, rivers, seas, oceans, glaciers, the cycle is never broken. there is always the same quantity of water on earth.

all the successive species on earth have drunk the same water.

the astonishing matter that is water.

one of the most unstable of all.

it takes a liquid form as running water,gaseous as vapor, or solid as ice.

in siberia, the frozen surfaces of the lakes in winter contain the traces of the forces that water deploys when it freezes.  lighter than water, the ice floats, rather than sinking to the bottom. it forms a protective mantle against the cold, under which life can go on.(music)

the engine of life is linkage. everything is linked. nothing is self-sufficient.

water and air are inseparable united in life and for our life on earth. thus, clouds form over the oceans and bring rain to the landmasses whose rivers carry water back to the oceans.

sharing is everything.

the green expanse peeking through the clouds in the source of oxygen in the air. seventy percent of this gas, without which our lungs cannot function,comes from the algae that tint the surface of the oceans.

our earth relies on a balance in which every being has a role to play and exists only through the existence of another being.

a sutle, fragile harmony that is easily shattered. thus corals are born from the marriage of algae and shells.

the great barrier reef, off the coast of australia, stretches over 350,000 square kilometres and is home to 1,500 species of fish,4,000 species of mollusks, and 400 species of coral.

the equilibrium of every ocean depends on these corals.(music)


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