

 昵称535749 2011-10-22


By Mayo Clinic staff


When it comes to weight loss, there's no shortage of advice. Check any magazine rack or bookstore or surf the Internet, and you're bound to discover the latest and greatest weight-loss "cures," from diets that eliminate fat or carbs to those that tout injections or special supplements.


With so much conflicting advice and so many weight-loss options, how do you know which diet is best for you? Will a weight-loss plan leave you feeling hungry and deprived? Will it be unsafe for you? And which weight-loss programs really work — for you? Here's how to choose a weight-loss program that may be the last one you ever need.


Involve your doctor in your weight-loss efforts


Ideally before starting a weight-loss program, talk to your doctor. He or she can review any medical problems you may have and medications that you take, and help you set weight-loss goals. You and your doctor can discuss what may be contributing to your weight gain — in rare cases, certain medical conditions or medications can cause unwanted weight gain, for example. And you can discuss how to exercise safely, especially if you have trouble or pain carrying out normal daily tasks.


Talk to your doctor about weight-loss plans you may have tried already and what you liked or didn't like about each of them. Be honest with your doctor about fad diets you may be interested in trying. Your doctor also may be able to direct you to weight-loss support groups or refer you to a registered dietitian.
Consider your personal weight-loss issues


There's no single weight-loss diet that will help everyone who tries it. But if you consider your personal preferences, lifestyle and weight goals, you may be able to find or tailor a diet to suit your individual needs. Before starting another weight-loss program, think about these factors:


Past diets. Think about diets you may have tried before. What did you like or dislike about them? Were you able to follow the diet? What worked or didn't work for you on this diet? How did you feel physically and emotionally while on the diet?


Personality. Do you prefer to diet on your own, or do you like getting support from a group? If you like group support, do you prefer online support or in-person meetings?


Budget. Some weight-loss programs require you to buy supplements or meals, or to visit weight-loss clinics or attend support meetings. Does the cost of such programs fit your budget?


Special needs. Do you have a health condition, such as diabetes, heart disease or allergies? Do you have specific cultural or ethnic requirements or preferences when it comes to food? These are important factors that should help determine which diet you choose.


Look for a safe and effective weight-loss program
It's tempting to buy into promises of dramatic weight-loss results. Successful weight loss requires making permanent changes in your eating and exercise habits. For a safe and effective weight-loss approach, look for these features:


Flexibility. Look for a plan that doesn't forbid certain foods or food groups but instead includes a variety of foods from all the major food groups. A healthy diet includes vegetables and fruits, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, lean protein sources, and nuts and seeds — and even an occasional sweet indulgence.


Balanced nutrition. A weight-loss plan should include proper amounts of nutrients and calories for your individual situation. Diets that direct you to eat large quantities of certain foods, such as grapefruit or meat, that drastically cut calories, or that eliminate entire food groups, such as carbohydrates, may result in nutritional problems, even if you take vitamins or supplements.


Enjoyment. A diet should include foods you like and that you would enjoy eating for the rest of your life — not just for several weeks or months. If you don't like the diet, if it's overly restrictive or if it becomes boring, you're probably not going to stick to it.

愉悦感。节食食谱里应该包括你钟爱一生的食物,而不是短时间喜欢的。 如果你不喜欢这个节食食谱,如果它过于严苛或没有吸引力,你很可能会放弃。

Availability. If a diet plan doesn't feature foods that you can easily find in your local grocery store, it may be harder to follow.


Physical activity. Every weight-loss program should include recommendations to increase physical activity. Exercise plus calorie restriction can help give you the weight-loss edge. Exercise also offers numerous health benefits, including boosting your mood, strengthening your cardiovascular system and reducing your blood pressure. And exercise is the most important factor in maintaining weight loss. Studies show that people who maintain their weight loss over the long term get regular physical activity.
Steady pace. A slow and steady approach is easier to maintain and usually beats out fast weight loss for the long term. A weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week is the typical recommendation. In some situations, faster weight loss can be safe if it's done the right way — such as a very low calorie diet with medical supervision, or during a brief quick-start phase of a healthy-eating plan that offers lots of healthy and safe strategies at once.

稳定的节奏。缓慢而稳定的方法更容易保持,从长远效果来看通常比快速减肥法要好。一个星期减去1-2磅( 0.5-1斤)是比较好的速度。在某些情况下,正确地快速减肥也是安全的。包括搭配医疗监视的低能量饮食,和包含众多安全健康技巧的短期快速的健康饮食计划。

Evaluate weight-loss programs


When it's time to think about a specific weight-loss plan to choose, take a closer look at it to learn as much about it as you can. Keep in mind that just because it's popular or your friends are doing it doesn't mean it's the best — or safest — weight-loss approach for you. So ask these questions first:


What does it consist of? Does the diet plan provide general guidance that you can tailor and adapt to your situation, or does it require you to follow specific menus? Does it require you to buy special meals, supplements, drugs or injections? Does it offer online or in-person support? Is it something you can easily incorporate into your lifestyle? Does it teach you how to make positive, healthy changes in your life to help maintain your weight loss?


Who's behind the diet? Who created the weight-loss plan? What are their qualifications and experience? Do they have solid research and science to back up their weight-loss approach? If you go to a weight-loss clinic, what expertise, training, certifications and experience do the doctors, dietitians and other staff have? Will their doctors or staff coordinate care with your regular doctor?
What are the risks? Could the weight-loss program harm your health? Are the recommended drugs or supplements safe for your situation, especially if you have a health condition or take medications?


What are the results? What benefits does the weight-loss program promise? Does it claim that you'll lose a lot of weight in a very short time? That you can target specific problem areas of your body? Does it tout before-and-after photos that seem too good to be true? Does it help you adopt a lifelong, healthier approach to eating and exercise that will help you maintain weight loss permanently?


Review common weight-loss approaches


Most people can lose weight on almost any diet plan that restricts calories — at least in the short term. It's more difficult to maintain weight loss permanently. Most people who keep weight off for the long term are those who adopt healthy-eating habits as part of their normal lifestyle and who also get regular exercise. Keep that in mind as you review these common approaches to weight loss, some of which combine several different dieting techniques.


Fad diets. Fad diets are diets that usually promise that you'll lose a large amount of weight in a short period of time, often without changing your eating habits or exercising. They may tout pills, supplements, skin creams, patches, fat blockers, special combinations of foods, or other diet aids. Fad diets, such as cabbage soup diets, grapefruit diets and lemonade diets, are popular because they may work for the short term — but you usually regain the weight once you stop the fad diet.
Glycemic index diets. Glycemic index diet is a general term for a weight-loss diet that uses the glycemic index to guide your eating plan. The glycemic index was originally developed to help improve blood sugar control in diabetes. The glycemic index classifies carbohydrate-containing foods according to their potential to raise your blood sugar level. Glycemic index diets are based on the premise that controlling blood sugar levels leads to weight loss. Examples of glycemic index diets include Nutrisystem, the Zone diet and Sugar Busters.
血糖指数节食法(Glycemic index diets)。血糖指数瘦身法是那些应用血糖指数指导你的饮食计划的减肥法的统称。血糖指数是为了控制糖尿病患者血糖浓度而产生的。血糖指数将具有碳水化合物的食物依据提高血糖浓度的能力进行分类。血糖指数饮食法建立在控制血糖浓度可减肥的概念上。常见的血糖指数减肥法有营养系统瘦身法(Nutrisystem)、区域减肥法(the Zone diet)、糖克星瘦身法(Sugar Busters)。
Lifestyle-change diets. These diets encourage you to permanently adopt healthy lifestyle changes that lead to weight loss and possibly better health. These diets are based on changing unhealthy habits and behaviors. The Mayo Clinic Diet, for example, is a habit-based approach to weight loss that emphasizes a lifelong way of healthy eating and regular exercise. The Mayo Clinic Diet has two phases that together help you establish healthy habits that you'll be able to follow for a lifetime. Another example of a lifestyle-change diet is the LEARN Diet Program, which focuses on five essential components of change — lifestyle, exercise, attitudes, relationships and nutrition.


Low-carb or high-protein diets. Low-carb diets limit how many carbs you can eat every day, but the limit depends on the particular diet — some may be as little as 10 percent of standard dietary recommendations. Diets low in carbohydrates claim that excessive carbohydrates — especially sugar, white flour and other refined carbs — increase your insulin level, leading to blood sugar imbalances, weight gain and cardiovascular problems. While restricting carbs, some of these diets may allow you a large amount of protein and fat, a practice that some critics say can lead to nutritional deficiencies and other health problems. Examples of low-carb or high-protein diets include the Atkins diet, South Beach Diet and Protein Power.
低碳水化合物饮食和高蛋白饮食。低碳水化合物饮食限制每天的你的碳水化合物摄入量,但是限制程度取决于不同的饮食计划。有些饮食计划只能提供日推荐摄入量10%的碳水化合物。该方法宣称过量的碳水化合物,特别是糖类、白面粉以及其他精加工谷物,会提高你的胰岛素水平,导致血糖过高,体重增加,患心血管疾病风险提高。在限制碳水化合物的同时,一些节食法可能容许你摄入大量的蛋白、脂肪。这样的做法可能会导致营养不均衡和其他健康问题。这样的低碳水化合物或高蛋白饮食疗法包括Atkins瘦身法、South Beach瘦身法,蛋白能瘦身法。
Low-fat diets. Low-fat diets focus on cutting excess fat out of your diet, usually by limiting fat intake to about 20 percent of your total daily calorie intake. There's a perception that fat intake is largely responsible for being overweight or obese. But even a low-fat diet can lead to weight gain if you overeat and ignore the total calorie content. Too many calories from any source, including low-fat products, can add pounds or prevent weight loss. An example of a low-fat diet is the Ornish diet.

低脂肪节食法。低脂肪节食法主要是切断饮食中多余的脂肪摄入,通常将脂肪摄入的能量限制在日摄入能量的20%以内。通常认为,脂肪摄入是导致过度肥胖的罪魁祸首。但是,如果你暴饮暴食,忽略总体的能量摄入,即使低脂肪饮食法也会导致体重增加。过多的 能量摄入不论来源(包括低脂食品)都会导致体重增加或是抑制体重降低效果。低脂肪饮食包括Ornish饮食法。

Meal providers and meal replacement diets. Meal replacement diets and meal providers supply most or all of your daily meals and snacks. You either buy them yourself or have them delivered to your home or office. With meal replacement diets, you typically replace one or two meals a day, such as breakfast and lunch, with a low-calorie, nutritionally complete shake or meal bar. Then you eat a healthy third meal, between 600 and 700 calories, of your own choosing. Meal providers give you ready-made meals that are usually calorie controlled and often can be tailored to your tastes and health needs. Some of these diets can be costly because of the added convenience. Examples of meal replacements and meal providers include Jenny Craig, Seattle Sutton and Slim-Fast.

饮食提供法或饮食替代法。饮食替代法和饮食提供法提供所有或大部分你的日常饮食和零食。你可以选择自己去购买或是送货上门。在饮食替代法中,你一般需要用低能量、营养充足的奶昔或是营养棒替代一两顿餐食,例如早餐和中餐。然后,你再享受一顿自己选择的健康的,含600-700 卡路里的正常饮食。饮食提供商提供给你已经准备好的餐食,通常能量是受到限制的,而且符合你的饮食习惯,满足你的健康需求。有些饮食比较昂贵,因为添加了安慰剂。饮食提供者和替代品有Jenny Craig, Seattle Sutton 和 Slim-Fast.

Very low calorie diets. These diets drastically cut your daily calorie intake, usually allowing you between 400 and 800 calories a day. These are sometimes called modified fasts because your food intake is so low and because they're generally liquid diets. Your doctor may recommend a very low calorie diet if you need to lose weight quickly before a medical procedure or if you have serious health problems because of obesity. Don't try a very low calorie diet on your own. You need close monitoring by your health care team to avoid complications and to make sure you're meeting your nutritional requirements. Examples of very low calorie diets include Optifast and Medifast.

低能量饮食。这些饮食大大降低你的日能量摄入,通常只提供400-800 卡路里每天。有时也被称为改进禁食法,因为能达到这样能量要求通常都是流食。如果你需要在医疗手术之前快速降低重量,或是你的肥胖导致严重的健康问题,你的医生也许会推荐低卡路里饮食。但是请不要在缺乏指导的情况下尝试低脂肪饮食。此方法需要一个健康护理小组严密监控,从而防止并发症的发生,保证充足的营养摄入。定量饮食法包括有Optifast 和Medifast。

Remember the keys to weight-loss success


Unfortunately, most weight-loss diets are hard to stick to long enough to reach your weight goal. And some may not be healthy. Diets that leave you feeling deprived or hungry may create irresistable cravings — or worse yet, may leave you feeling like giving up. And because most weight-loss diets don't encourage permanent healthy lifestyle changes, the pounds you do lose often quickly come back once you stop dieting.


Successful weight loss requires permanent changes to your eating habits and physical activity. This means you need to find a weight-loss approach that you can embrace for life. Even then, you may always have to remain vigilant about your weight. But combining a healthier diet and more activity is the best way to lose weight and keep it off for the long term. Take your weight loss and weight maintenance one day at a time and surround yourself with supportive resources to help ensure your success.


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