

 奋求 2011-10-22


Balance Sheet

编制单位: 年 月 日 单位:元
Prepared by: Month: Date: year: Monetary unit:
资 产 行次 年初数 期末数 负债和所有者权益 行次 年初数 期末数
Assets Line No . Beg. balance End. balance ( 或股东权益 ) Line No. Beg. balance End. balance
        Liabilities & Owners'      
        (Stockholders') equity      
流动资产:       流动负债:      
Current assets : Current liabilities
货币资金 1     短期借款 68    
Monetary funds Short-term loans
短期投资 2     应付票据 69    
Short-term investments Notes payable
应收票据 3     应付账款 70    
Notes receivable Accounts payable
应收股利 4     预收账款 71    
Dividend receivable Advances from customers
应收利息 5     应付工资 72    
Interest receivable Accrued payroll
应收账款 6     应付福利费 73    
Accounts receivable Welfare expenses payable
其他应收款 7     应付股利 74    
Other receivables Dividend payable
预付账款 8     应交税金 75    
Advances to suppliers Taxes payable
应收补贴款 9     其他应交款 80    
Subsidies receivable Other payables
存货 10     其他应付款 81    
Inventories Other amounts payable
待摊费用 11     预提费用 82    
Prepaid expenses Accrued expenses
一年内到期的长期债权投资 21     预计负债 83    
Long-term debt investment due with in a year Estimated liabilities
其他流动资产 24     一年内到期的长期负债 86    
Other current assets Long-term liabilities due within a year
流动资产合计 31     其他流动负债 90    
Sub-total of current assets Other current liabilities
Long-term investments :
长期股权投资 32     流动负债合计 100    
Long-term equity investment Sub-total of current liabilities
长期债权投资 34     长期负债:      
Long-term debt investment Long-term liabilities
长期投资合计 38     长期借款 101    
Sub-total of long-term investments Long-term borrowings
固定资产:       应付债券 102    
Fixed assets : Bonds payable
固定资产原价 39     长期应付款 103    
Fixed assets-cost Long-term payables
减:累计折旧 40     专项应付款 106    
Less : Accumulated depreciation Special payables
固定资产净值 41     其他长期负债 108    
Fixed assets-NBV Other long-term liabilities
减:固定资产减值准备 42     长期负债合计 110    
Less : Provision for impairment Of fixed assets Sub-total of long-term liabilities
固定资产净额 43     递延税项:      
Fixed assets-net Deferred taxes
工程物资 44     递延税款贷项 111    
Construction materials Deferred tax credit
在建工程 45     负债合计 114    
Construction in progress Total liabilities
固定资产清理 46            
Disposal of fixed assets
固定资产合计 50     所有者权益 ( 或股东权益 )      
Sub-total of fixed assets Owners'(Stockholders')equity
无形资产及其他资产:       实收资本 ( 或股本 ) 115    
Intangible and other assets : Paid-in capital(or stock)
无形资产 51     减:已归还投资 116    
Intangible assets Less : Investment returned
长期待摊资产 52     实收资本 ( 或股本 ) 净额 117    
Long-term prepayments Paid-in capital(or stock)-net
其他长期资产 53     资本公积 118    
Other long-term assets Capital surplus
无形资产及其他资产合计 60     盈余公积 119    
Sub-total of intangible and other assets Surplus reserve
        其中:法定公益金 120    
Including : Statutory public welfare fund
递延税项       未分配利润 121    
Deferred taxes : Undistributed profit
递延税款借项 61     所有者权益 ( 或股东权益 ) 合计 122    
Deferred tax debit Total owners'(stockholders')equity
资产总计 67     负债和所有者权益 ( 或股东权益 ) 合计 135    
Total assets Total liabilities & owners' (stockholders') equity

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