

 MouseHappy 2011-10-27
Red River Valley

这一首加拿大民歌在美国广为流行。它作为“乡村音乐”的经典,很多乡村音乐歌手都在演唱。这里特别要介绍的是曾两次获得乡村歌手的最高奖项格莱美奖的Marty Robbins(马蒂·罗宾斯),他的演唱深沉浑厚,感情真挚,就像在娓娓地诉说一个浪漫的爱情故事。


暂停 停止 00:04 / 05:15 mute

Murphey 演唱版的歌词(虽经校订,仅供参考)。

From this valley they say you are going

I will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile

For they say you are taking the sunshine

That has brightened our pathways awhile

Come and sit by my side, if you love me

Do not hasten to bid me adieu

But remember the Red River Valley

And the cowboy who loved you so true

I've been thinking a long time, my darling

Of those sweet words you never would say

Now at last all my fond hopes have vanished

For they say you are going away

Come and sit by my side, if you love me

Do not hasten to bid me adieu

But remember the Red River Valley

And the cowboy who loved you so true




完整的四段歌词( 编配Arlo· Guthrie  原文如此,未经改动)。

From this valley they say you are going

We will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile

For they say you are taking the sunshine

That has brightened our pathways awhile


Come and sit by my side, if you love me

Do not hasten to bid me adieu

Just remember the Red River Valley

And the cowboy who loved you so true

I've been thinking a long time, my darling

Of the sweet words you never would say

Now, alas, must my fond hopes all vanish

For they say you are gong away


Do you think of the valley you're leaving

O how lonely and how dreary it will be

And do you think of the kind hearts you're breaking

And the pain you are causing to me


They will bury me where you have wandered

Near the hills where the daffodils grow

When you're gone from the Red River Valley

For I can't live without you I know




上篇文章已经介绍了《红河谷》的中文版本。我们传唱了半个世纪的译本,都在告诉我们是一位男孩要离开红河谷,在离别前,姑娘对他表达了深切爱恋:“要记住红河谷你的故乡,还有那热爱你的姑娘”。但多读几遍这英文歌词,在副歌的最后两句:“Just remember the Red River Valley And the cowboy who loved you so true” ,似乎按英文的直译,应该是“要记住红河谷你的故乡,还有那真爱你的牛仔”。这样一来,变成了姑娘要离开红河谷,牛仔是留在故乡的了。(也有少数的网站,将cowboy写成The girl)。如果能这样理解,前面的“bright eyes”、和“sweet smile”也就是在描写姑娘的了,这倒也合符常理。这次整理译文的资料,确实发现不少草根翻译家是译成牛仔的。可是,大家又十分推崇范的译文,公认那是外文歌曲翻译成中文的经典。由此,我也懂得了什么叫“意译”,不但要译出原文表述的精髓,而且还要顾及到本国的国情和文化。毕竟在我国,无论是古代还是现代,背井离乡的毕竟还是男孩子多。在网上还有个说法,歌曲“红河谷”是电影“红河谷”的主题曲,近日重新观看了“红河谷”(获得奥斯卡金奖)的VCD片,可是未见这个歌的出现,故事情节也与歌曲的意境不符。曲调作为背景音乐也仅出现了一次,还只有不多的音节。也许我的VCD片子不对,也许是大家以讹传讹。


下面是又一个《Red River Valley>》的中英文歌词版本。来源是我的一本《汉英英汉对照歌曲100首》,网上也能查到。作者一栏也写着:词  J·卫尔 译配:周枫、董翔晓。那么J·卫尔写的究竟是哪一个歌词,还是如网上说的都是他写的,只是时间的前后不同。但这个说法也需要查证。现在只能作为资料收录于此,可惜未能找到它的演唱本。

Oh, the buffalo’s gone from the prairie.

And the land waist the coming of man.

To a waken to life and be merry.

And to bloom at the touch of his hand.


Golden grain waits to cover these spaces,

Mighty cities are waiting their birth.

Welcome folks of all faiths and all races,

To this beautiful corner of earth.












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