

 MouseHappy 2011-10-31


我们研究英文歌词的修辞就是要就是为了让更多的人通过欣赏优美的英文歌曲和歌词更加深刻的认识这种提高语言表达效果的语言运用的艺术及规律。从某种程度上说,优秀的英文歌词是像诗歌一样形象生动,充满感情和富有韵律的,所以在歌词中很多词作者喜欢用一些简单通俗的修辞来使歌曲灵动起来,富有诗意。所以我们把英文歌词中比较常用 ,也并不是很难的修辞进行了分类的赏析,几尽英语语言之美,尽显英文歌词之长。我们主要对英文歌词中的明喻、暗喻、拟人和压韵这四类修辞进行了详细的赏析。




1 And the moon and the stars are the same ones you see

It's the same old sun up in the sky

And your voice in my ear is like heaven to me

Like the breezes here in old shanghai     (选自Shanghai Breezes

分析:And your voice in my ear is like heaven to me.Like the breezes here in old shanghai.是比喻中的明喻。这句话表现了作者强烈的思念之情。“你的声音在我耳边,听起来就像天赖一样。如同这古老的上海的微风。本句将voice比作heaven,形象的表现了作者所思念的人离自己很要远。Heaven是什么,是一个很虚幻,很遥远的事物。Breezes是一种无形的事物。摸不着也抓不住。也有一种距离遥远的飘渺感觉。此句惟妙惟肖的表现了一种思念的语境。

2With your mercury mouth in the missionary times

And your eyes like smoke and your prayers like rhymes

And your silver cross, and your voice like chimes

Oh, who among them do they think could bury you?

With your pockets well protected at last

And your streetcar visions which you place on the grass

And your flesh like silk, and your face like glass

Who among them do they think could carry you?

Sad-eyed lady of the lowlands

Where the sad-eyed prophet says that no man comes

My warehouse eyes, my Arabian drums

Should I leave them by your gate

Or, sad-eyed lady, should i wait?         

(选自 Sad-eyed Lady Of The Lowlands

分析:这首歌是一首爱情歌曲。取材于古老的苏格兰民谣。Sad-eyed lady of the lowlands意为:“情人来自南方的低地。And your eyes like smoke and your prayers like rhymes。这句是比喻中的明喻。留给我们的感觉是一位美丽的姑娘正在祷告,眼里充满了迷茫。那是一种多么让人怜惜的姑娘呀。 eyes like smoke 乍一看,眼神如何想烟,这样的比喻恰当么?但,仔细分析过后,就会理解,eyes 这里抽象为眼神。Smoke 给人一种污浊着,不清晰之感。这样eyes like smoke就像上面所解释那样。And your flesh like silk, and your face like glass。这句同样是比喻中的明喻。这一句很容易理解。flesh like silk 皮肤像丝般柔滑。your face like glass 脸像玻璃一样的光滑。也从侧面反映出姑娘的美丽。

3. And in the naked night I saw ten thousand people may be more

People talking without speaking hearing without listening

People writing songs that voices never share

And no one dare disturb the sound of silence

"Fool" said I "you do not know

Silence like a cancer grows

Hear my words that I might teach you

Take my arms that I might reach you

But my words like silent rain-drops fell

And echo-ed in the wells of silence

And the people bow and prayed

to the neon God they made

And the sign flash out its warning

In the words that it was forming

And the sings said "The words of the prophers are

written the subway walls and tenement halls"

And whispered in the sounds of silence (选自The Sound Of Silence

分析:这是一首经典之作。Silence like a cancer grows 这句话是比喻中的明喻。将Silence比喻成cancer grows非常形象。“沉默如同肿瘤一样滋长。很形象的表现出了沉默所带来的痛苦感受。”But my words like silent rain-drops fell 这句也是比喻中的明喻。“我的话如同雨滴般落下。”也非常形象的表现出作者当时的感受。

4Born down in a dead man's town

The first kick I took was when I hit the ground

You end up like a dog that's been beat too much

Till you spend half your life just covering up   

选自born in the USA

分析:这是一首著名的反越战的歌曲。其中You end up like a dog that's been beat too much 是比喻中的明喻。此句很形象的表现了作者对战争的极度痛恨。战争给人们带来的身心上的痛苦是巨大的。You end up like a dog 是一种多么悲惨的下场。“人像狗一样的死去”不仅如此,作者还付加了一个定语从句更加强调了是一只“被吞噬了太多的狗”一个形象的明喻使听歌的人极其真切的感受到了战争所给人们带来的痛楚。



1Beauty's where you find it

Not just where you bump and grind it

Soul is in the musical

That's where I feel so beautiful

Magical, life's a ball

So get up on the dance floor          (选自 Vogue

分析:Soul is in the musical这一句是比喻中的隐喻。此句的比喻非常的美妙。“魂藏在音乐里”的确,音乐的力量是巨大的。他可以给人带来巨大的热情。就像一个人重新又有了灵魂与生机一样,只要音乐不死,灵魂就不死。Magical, life's a ball .这一句非常简单。是一句典型的、隐喻。“生活就像是个大舞台”。这一句简单的话可谓形象的给生活作以定义,每个人只需在人生的舞台上做好自己,表演好自己的角色就可以了。

2. While my heart is a shield and I won't let it down

While I am so afraid to fail so I won't even try

Well how can I say I'm alive

But if my life is for rent and I don't learn to buy

Well I deserve nothing more than I get

Cause nothing I have is truely mine      (选自 Life For Rent

分析:While my heart is a shield and I won‘t let it down这句是一个暗喻,把自己的心比喻成盾,结合整首歌曲作者漂泊的心,更加有一种苍凉,飘渺的感觉,比喻与歌中的感觉相得益彰,给人以无限遐想.而后面的一句,但是却并不想卸下就更加有一种很无奈的感觉.是什么使人的心灵紧琐,到底谁该负责. 到底是应该自己负责还是由这个社会来负责,只能看每个人的想法了。

3. Love is a bird, she needs to fly

Let all the hurt inside of you die

You're frozen

When your heart's not open              (选自  Frozen

分析:Love is a bird是一句非常简单的暗喻象的表现出爱情是需要自由的。she needs to fly这是一句拟人句。对前面的Love is a bird做一下说明。即为什么爱情像只小鸟,因为爱情和小鸟一样是需要飞翔的。这句拟人的应用也可以在某种程度上表现词作者对人心的一些了解与渴望,即渴望爱情像小鸟一样自由的飞翔在天空中。

4. You are the candle, love's the flame

A fire that burns through wind and rain

Shine your light on this heart of mine

Till the end of time

You came to me like the dawn through the night

Just shinin' like the sun

Out of my dreams and into my life

You are the one, you are the one           

(选自 Said I Loved You... But I Lied

分析:You are the candle, love's the flame.这是两句很典型的暗喻。“你是蜡烛,爱情是火焰”蜡烛的火焰是很微弱的。尽管火焰微弱,但是它经过了风风雨雨的考验,这里的爱是灼热的,是超出普通的爱的更加热烈的爱。淡淡的隐喻与下面的一小段的结合,顿时就把那爱的浓烈形象具体化了,让人感觉栩栩如生。

5. He got kicked in the back

He say that he needed that

He hot willed in the face

Keep daring to motivate

He say one day you will see

His place in world history

He dares to be recognized

The fires deep in his eyes               (选自 History

分析:The fires deep in his eyes。可以解释成他的双目燃烧起熊熊火焰。这种隐喻在我们的比喻修辞中也是很常用的。显而易见,眼中并不可能有火焰,而此处眼中的火焰即是强烈的想要被人理解的愿望,愿望如此的强烈以致都像火焰一般熊熊燃烧射出。用火焰一词很容易就让人认识到了这种愿望是多么的强烈,真是十分的形象生动.




1Dawn breaks; there is blue in the sky

Your face before me though I don't know why

Thoughts disappearing like tears from the Moon

Waiting here, as I sit by the stone

they came before me, those men from the Sun

Signs from the heavens say I am the one  (选自 I Want Tomorrow

分析:Thoughts disappearing like tears from the Moon.这是一句很唯美的拟人运用。月亮的出现一般很容易引起人的一种思乡之情。将月亮拟化为人,因为只有人才会哭,月亮与眼泪都是很凄美的事物,将思念与其相比构成一个拟人句,像月亮的泪一样消失,使人感到希望从绝望和狭窄的空间里清晰的穿透而出,像一个智者在呼喊你的名字一般豁然开朗。

2Then take me disappearin' through the smoke rings of my mind

Down the foggy ruins of time, far past the frozen leaves

The haunted, frightened trees, out to the windy beach

Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow

Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free

Silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands

With all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves

Let me forget about today until tomorrow

(选自 Mr. Tambourine Man

分析:Then take me disappearin' through the smoke rings of my mind这句的意思是带上我,让我消失在思想吐出的烟圈之中。这首歌是歌是Bob Dylan进入摇滚创作时代最具思想性的诗作。这段歌词也是当之无愧的很具思想深刻性的拟人。当时的社会的青年非常反叛,不乏拿毒品解除压力的,而这首歌的歌词就表现了这样的一种现象。这段歌运用拟人把思想看成人了,能吐出烟圈来,这就形象的表达出了在毒品中到达“幸福”和“满足”的彼岸一种社会现象。而这似人的思想吐出的烟圈却是吸食毒品后产生的幻觉。拟人与幻觉相结合,反映出了如此深刻的社会现实,让人如入梦中。

3Who can say why your heart sighs

As your love flies

Only time...

And who can say why your heart cries

When your love dies

Only time...


Who can say when the roads meet

That love might be

In your heart.

And who can say when the day sleeps

If the night keeps all your heart

Night keeps all your heart...               (选自  Only Time


4Hello darkness my old friend

I've come to talk with you again

Because a vision softly creeping

Left its seeds while I was sleeping

And the vision that was planted in my brain

Still remains with the sound of silence

In restless dreams I walk alone

Narrow streets of cobble stone

Beneath the hallo of a street lamp,

I turned my collar to the cold and damp

When my eyes were stabbled by the flash of a neon light

That split the night

And touched the sound of silence   (选自 The Sound Of Silence

分析:Hello darkness my old friend.I've come to talk with you again.此句拟人句中作者把黑暗形容为自己的好朋友,暗指自己向来孤独,或许是因为想法与社会一般人不同。作者不得不和黑暗交谈,更加突出了作者的孤独之情。这首歌是公认的经典,除了旋律优美之外,拟人灵活生动的运用也是功不可没的。一句拟人把这首歌的情绪一下就带出来了,作者孤独的感觉也顿时很灵动的跃然歌中,真是另人叹服啊!






1Summer stretching on the grass... summer dresses pass
In the shade of a willow tree creeps a crawling over me
Over me and over you stuck together with god's glue
It's going to get stickier too...
It's been a long hot summer
Let's go undercover

Staring At The Sun

分析:这一小段歌词虽然短小,但是在一句话种的头韵和尾韵都运用的很贴切。Summer stretching on the grass... summer dresses pass这句话同时运用了头韵和尾韵:Summer stretching压的是[r]的头韵,grass dresses pass压的[s]的尾韵。In the shade of a willow tree creeps a crawling over mecreeps crawling[kr]的头韵。Over me and over you stuck together with god's glue这句中则压god's glue压的是[g]的头韵。

1Debbie just hit the wall

She never had it all

One Prozac a day

Husbands a CPA

Her dreams went out the door

When she turned twenty four

Only been with one man

What happen to her plan?                (选自  1985

分析: 这段歌词押的尾韵也是很明显的 。这段是两段两段的押尾韵的。 一二行wall,all [ ?:l ] 韵,三四day ,CPA行压 [e?]韵,五六door,four行压[ ?:]韵,而最后两句man,plan则是压[?n]韵的。这段工整的押韵再配上歌者很有磁性的嗓音,使得这段变得很有力度,给人以很强的震撼力,让听者难忘。而且这段是这首歌的开头,开头就点出了主人公被生活磨得曾经的理想都不知道那里去了,让我们认识到了不管时光怎样流逝,都要坚守自己的理想。

2Try to remember the kind of September

When life was slow and, oh, so mellow

Try to remember the kind of September

When grass was green and grain was yellow

Try to remember the kind of September

When you were a tender and callow fellow

Try to remember and if you remember

Then follow, follow...


Try to remember when life was so tender

That no one wept except the willow

Try to remember the kind of September

When love was an ember about to billow

Try to remember and if you remember

Then follow, follow...


Deep in December it's nice to remember

Although you know the snow will follow

Deep in December it's nice to remember

The fire of September that made us mellow

Deep in December our hearts should remember

And follow, follow, follow...        (选自 Try to Remember

分析:Try To Remember这首歌整首歌简直就是押韵的经典,韵律押的非常齐,而且是异常的工整,整首歌没有一句是不押韵的,而且还是尾韵与头韵相结合。本歌的尾韵是一三行押韵,二四行押韵。一三行September remember tender押的是[?]韵,而二四行mellowyellowfellowwillowbillow则押的是[??]韵。这首歌压头韵最典型的则是When grass was green and grain was yellow这句,grassgreengrain这三个单词压的是[gr]的头韵。押韵的应用使得本歌琅琅上口,也是非常的容易记忆,让听者难忘。歌中透露出了一种柔柔的,暖暖的感觉。虽然是微凉的九月,但是作者的眼中却没有萧瑟,只有那丰收的喜悦与温馨的恬美感觉。押韵的应用就更加强调了这中感觉。

3Every day create your history

Every path you take you're leaving your legacy

Every soldier dies in his glory

Every legend tells of conquest and liberty   (选自 History

分析:这段押的尾韵是很简单的,很容易看出这段historylegacygloryliberty压的是[ i ]韵,前面的every day,every path ,every soldier ,every legend 这几个词就更加加深了整段歌词的流畅性,再加上后面押尾韵所助的一臂之力就更加的流畅了。这段压的尾韵极金尽所能,强调和烘托出了人类历史的光辉历史以及无限荣耀,让人记忆犹新。

4What’s wrong with the world, mama

People livin’ like they ain’t got no mamas

I think the whole world addicted to the drama

Only attracted to things that’ll bring you trauma


Wrong information always shown by the media

Negative images is the main criteria

Infecting the young minds faster than bacteria

Kids act like what they see in the cinema

Yo’, whatever happened to the values of humanity

Whatever happened to the fairness in equality

Instead in spreading love we spreading animosity

Lack of understanding, leading lives away from unity

(选自 Where Is The Love

分析:这两段压的尾韵是出自一段黑人的Rap音乐里,所以除了有押尾韵,也不乏黑人的用语:livin’=livingain’t=aren’t。第一段押韵中mamadramatrauma压的都是[a:]韵。而第二段前三句mediacriteriabacteria压的是[i?]的韵,后四句humanityequalityanimosityunity压的是[ i ]的韵。听这首歌的歌名,顾名思义就是表现了在美国当今社会的一种缺乏爱的一种现状,歌词写得很深刻,而押韵恰好用很震撼的感觉表达了歌词所要表达的意图。人们生活的就像没有母亲一样,没有亲情,在人们的眼中好象戏剧比亲情更加具有吸引力一些,媒体不断的在宣传一些不好的东西,使孩子们学到了一些不好的行为,人们也不互相的理解……由押韵的词语再加上说唱力度,使得整首歌曲充满说服力和教育意义。

5It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark
Under the moonlight you see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it
You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes,
You're paralyzed

'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
And no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike
You know it's thriller, thriller night
You're fighting for your life inside a killer,thriller tonight

You hear the door slam and realize there's nowhere left to run
You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun
You close your eyes and hope that this is just imagination
But all the while you hear the creature creepin' up behind
You're out of time


分析:这段歌词有好几处压头韵的地方。Under the moonlight you see a sight that almost stops your heart这句中seesightstops压的是[s]韵,You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it这句中terrortakes压的是[t]韵,But all the while you hear the creature creepin' up behind这句中creature creepin'压的是[cr]韵。这首歌从歌名就可以看出是一首很恐怖的歌曲,歌中也确实渲染了一种很恐怖的氛围,歌中不断迫近的头韵,渲染那令人窒息的恐怖气氛,以及主人公的颤栗之感。夜色蒙蒙,亦真亦幻的恐怖在歌中层层递进的头韵使颤栗之感直击人心,无法躲藏。

6Starry, starry night
Paint your palette blue and gray
Look out on a summer's day
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul
Shadows on the hills
Sketch the trees and the daffodils
Catch the breeze and the winter chills
In colors on the snowy linen land

Now I understand
What you tried to say to me
How you suffered for your sanity
How you tried to set them free
They would not listen they did not know how
Perhaps they'll listen now

Starry, starry night
Flaming flowers that brightly blaze
Swirling clouds in violet haze
Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue
Colors changing hue
Morning fields of amber grain
Weathered faces lined in pain
Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand

Now I understand
What you tried to say to me
How you suffered for your sanity
How you tried to set them free
They would not listen they did not know how
Perhaps they'll listen now








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