

 昵称535749 2011-11-03


Clinique came about in 1968 following an article in US Vogue which discussed whether great skin can actually be achieved through a proper skin care regime. Acting like some kind of beautifying magical trinity, US Vogue editor Carol Phillips, Evelyn Lauder (daughter-in-law of Estée), and dermatologist Norman Orentreich MD worked together to develop a brand that brought dermatological thinking to cosmetics. Clinique was launched and is now one of the biggest skin care and cosmetics brands on the market, with stores in 135 different countries. And yes, it's yet another cog in the giant Estée Lauder machine.

1968年,美国的《Vogue》杂志刊登了一篇文章,探讨恰当的皮肤护理和保养是否能够实现肌肤的完美状态。没过多久,倩碧这个品牌就问世了。作为美妆界的三位魔法教主,美国《Vogue》杂志的编辑Carol Philips, Evelyn Lauder (雅诗兰黛创始人Estee的儿媳)以及皮肤科专家,医学博士Norman Orentreich 联手打造了一个品牌,以此将皮肤科理念引入化妆品。倩碧由此诞生,如今已经成为化妆品市场最具规模的护肤及化妆品牌之一,在全球135个国家设有分店。同样,这也是化妆品业巨头雅诗兰黛旗下的又一品牌。

What's their thing?


The idea at the core of Clinique is their 3-step skin care system: cleanse, exfoliate and moisturise. Not exactly rocket science but not always an easy rule to follow. Cleanse, yes. Moisturise, always. But exfoliate? When I remember. Having said that, I have started to use Clinique's 7 Day Scrub Cream (£17 for 100ml, clinique.co.uk) in the shower some mornings and I'm really noticing the difference it's making. Skin is much smoother and I feel my make-up goes on easier. Ultimately, like all good exfoliators, it renews skin by getting rid of dead cells and dirt to leave it all shiny and new. Clinique offer a whole range of gentle exfoliators depending on your skin type, from very dry to very oily. As for moisturiser, the Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturising Lotion (£16.50 for 50ml) is easily their best-seller, with one selling somewhere in the world every 3.7 seconds.

The Clinique 3-step skin system倩碧三部曲

倩碧的核心理念在于它的护肤三部曲:清洁,去角质,保湿。这三个步骤虽然不是特别复杂,但执行起来也并不总是那么容易。清洁,没问题。保湿,也能坚持。可是去角质呢?总要想起来的时候才做。之前说过,我有时早晨洗澡时会用倩碧的7天磨砂膏 (英国官网价100毫升装17镑),我的确感觉到了一些效果。皮肤更加光滑,上妆也更加容易。和所有优质的去角质产品一样,最终它会通过去除死细胞和污垢来使肌肤通透亮泽,宛若新生。倩碧根据用户的肤质开发了全套的温和去角质产品,从极度干性到极度油性都适合。在保湿产品方面,倩碧特效润肤露 (50毫升装16.5镑)一直是它的销量冠军,全球平均每3.7秒就售出1瓶。

What else is good?


Clinique may be well known for their 3-step thing but they're also a dab-hand at colour. I love their Airbrush Concealer (£16, as before) to tackle dark circles under the eyes. It's a very light-weight formula that works well on blemishes too. The only downside is that it's available in just three pale shades. Another popular product is the chubby stick moisturising lip colour (£15, as before) which launched earlier this year. It's got a great crayon application, a subtle sheen of colour and the balm is a treat for the lips making it a jolly little multi-tasker.


倩碧也许是靠它的三部曲产品出名的,但它同样也是色彩方面的高手。我钟爱它的轻扫遮瑕粉底 (16镑价格不变),可以轻松对付黑眼圈。它的轻质配方遮瑕功能也很强大。唯一的不足是这款产品目前只有3个淡色系可供选择。另外一款受追捧的产品是今年较早时推出的水漾滋润保湿唇彩(15镑价格不变)。这款管状唇彩具有哑光色泽,同时能滋养双唇,是一款外形可爱的多功能唇彩。

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