
Helping Hands 伸出『猿』手,助人一生

 cntic 2011-11-08
Helping Hands 伸出『猿』手,助人一生

Guide dogs help the visually impaired1 get around. Cats and dogs help hospital patients relax. Now, another kind of animal is making the news. These are specially trained capuchin monkeys2 that help people with spinal cord3 injuries and those who have trouble moving. They respond to a wide range of instructions, from the simple like opening and fetching things to the more complicated like operating electronics4 or calling 911. With training, there is no end to what the monkeys can do.

Monkeys have small, human-like hands, so it is not a problem for them to complete common, everyday tasks or those that require more specialized training. What's more, these animals make great companions5 since monkeys generally show a lot of emotion to their masters. There are strong connections between them, and some monkeys even show their love by kindly scratching their owners' heads.

The US organization that trains these capuchin monkeys is proud of its success. Although it is expensive to raise and train these monkey helpers, giving disabled6 people back their independence as well as a reason for living is well worth it.

1. What are the monkey helpers NOT able to do?
(A) Pick a cellphone up off the ground.
(B) Operate the remote control7 for a TV.
(C) Put food into a refrigerator.
(D) Guide visually impaired people. 2. What is the article mainly about?
(A) Introducing a kind of animal that can help disabled people.
(B) Giving disabled people advice on how to keep a pet monkey.
(C) The process of training capuchin monkeys for a show.
(D) How people get spinal cord injuries.





1. 猿猴小帮手无法做到下列哪件事?
(A) 从地上捡起一苹手机。
(B) 操作电视遥控器。
(C) 把食物放进冰箱里。
(D) 引导视障朋友行走。

2. 本文主旨为何?
(A) 介绍一种能帮助身障朋友的动物。
(B) 建议身障朋友如何饲养猴子作为宠物。
(C) 训练卷尾猴进行表演的这段过程。
(D) 人们的脊髓是如何受伤的。

答案∶1. (D)2. (A)

  1. instructionn. 指示,命令(常用复数)
    Before filling out this form, read the instructions on the attached sheet.
  2. fetchvt. 取来,拿来
    Melissa couldn't stop coughing, so I fetched her a glass of water.
  3. operatevt. 操作(机器)& vi. 经营,运作
    The illegal casino is operating in a residential area.
  4. specializeda. 专门的
    Doctors are experts with highly specialized skills and knowledge.
  5. scratchvt. 搔,轻抓
    Jack kept scratching the mosquito bite on his neck.

  1. get around四处走动
  2. My grandfather gets around with the help of a cane.
    我爷爷得杵著 杖来行走。
  3. make the news上新闻,被报导
    After our efforts made the news, donations started pouring into the charity.
  4. respond to...对……作回应 回覆
    Anita responded to my compliment with a smile.

  1. visually impaireda. 视力受损的
    impaireda. 受损的
  2. capuchin monkeyn. 卷尾猴
  3. spinal cordn. 脊髓(本文中作形容词用)
  4. electronicsn. 电子产品(恒用复数)
  5. companionn. 同伴,夥伴
  6. disableda. 残疾的
  7. remote controln. 遥控器片

...help the visually impaired get around.
某些形容词前置定冠词 the 时,可将其视为复数名词,用来泛指某一类的人事物。如本文的"the visually impaired"即为"visually impaired people"(视力受损的人);"the simple"和"the more complicated"则分别表示"simple things"(简单的事情)以及"more complicated things"(较为困难的事情)。以下为各位列举其他常见的用法∶
the rich = rich people 富人
the poor = poor people 穷人
the sick = sick people 病人
the elderly = elderly people 老年人

Robin Hood is a legendary figure that robs the rich and gives to the poor.

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