
Russia Rich in Talent, Poor in Entrepreneurship, Says Microsoft Executive 正文

 肖克东 2011-11-13
Russia may be filled with talented IT people, but entrepreneurship is not their strongest side, a Microsoft Corp. executive said.

“There are often so many good ideas in Russia but many just don’t get implemented because of lack of entrepreneurship skills,” Nikolay Pryanishnikov, head of Microsoft Russia said Wednesday at an IT conference in Moscow.

Microsoft in Russia had launched technological entrepreneurship trainings for Russian students in hope that it will inspire them to aspire to create companies of their own.

The training, a set of seminars by Russian Microsoft experts and IT venture capitalists, are held at the Open Skolkovo University, tied to the to-be-built innovation hub near Moscow that’s backed by the Russian government.

The admittedly low degree of entrepreneurship among Russian IT specialists, engineers and developers, many of whom are academically inclined, is not the only thing that needs a boost. Financial support from big tech companies is in great demand by the IT community and not only in Russia. So far Microsoft has awarded a total of $410,000 to six IT start-ups, which are residents of Skolkovo as part of its now year-long cooperation in Skolkovo.

This number is part of Microsoft chief executive Steve Balmer’s last year’s pledge to distribute $100 million among Russian start-ups over a 10-year period. The grants are small compared to the advertising budget of big tech companies: Apple’s advertising budget for 2010 was $691 million. Microsoft’s advertising expenses were $1.9 billion, $1.6 billion and $1.4 billion in 2011, 2010 and 2009 years respectively according to the company’s Securities and Exchanges Commission filings.

Microsoft, however, remains optimistic about Russia.

“Russia [...] is a center for innovation, entrepreneurship and economic growth,” said Chief Operating Officer Kevin Turner said at the conference.

Olga Razumovskaya

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