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 听我说 2011-11-16

Merry Christmas!(圣诞快乐!)

The same to you!(也祝你节日快乐!)

Are you doing anything special?(你们有什么特别的安排吗?)

We're having some friends over. What are you doing?(我们打算请几位朋友来玩.你打算干什么呢?)

Oh, I'm just going to take it easy.(哦,我只想休息休息.)


Happy New Year!(新年快乐!)

Thank you! Same to you.(谢谢.你也一样.)

Have you got any plans?(你有什么计划吗?)

I've bee invited over[邀请]to a friend's. And you?(有个朋友请我去作客.你呢?)

My roommate's having a party.(我的室友安排了一个聚会.)


Have a nice Thanksgiving!(感恩节快乐!)

Same to you!(也祝你快乐!)

Are you going anywhere?(你打算上哪儿去玩?)

I thought about going to my sister's. How about you?(我想去姐姐家玩.你呢?)

Oh, I'll probably[几乎肯定;很可能;大概]just stay home.(哦,我可能就呆在家里了.)


I haven't seen you for age. You haven't been sick, have you?(好久不见.你不是病了吧?)

No. I've been in California for the past month.(没有.我刚到加利福尼亚去了一个月.)

How nice. Where were you exactly?(太好了。那你究竟去哪儿啦?)

San Diego. I got back yesterday.(圣地亚哥.我昨天才回来.)


It's nice to see you again. Have you changed jobs?(又见到你很高兴。你换了工作了吗?)

No. I've been visiting relatives.(没有.我走亲戚去了.)

That's nice. Where?(好啊.去哪儿了?)

I went to visit an uncle of mine in San Francisco.(我去旧金山看望一个叔叔.)


You haven't been around much lately,have you?(你近来不大出来走动了,是吧?)

No. I have been away on vacation.(是呀。我休假去了。)

Oh? Where were you?(哦,上哪儿去了?)

Palm Springs. I've got a cousin there.(棕榈泉。我有个表兄在那儿。)


Well, hello, stranger! Have you moved something?(唷,你好,久违了。你是迁居了还是怎么样啦?)

No. I went to California for a few weeks.(没有。我上加利福尼亚去了几个星期。)

Oh, really? Where did you go?(哦,真好?去哪儿了?)

Los Angeles. I stayed with my brother.(落杉矶。上我兄弟家去了。)


I've come to say goodbye.我是来告别的。

When are you off?你什么时候动身?

I'm flying home on Sunday afternoon.我星期四下午乘飞机回家。

Well, goodbye. See you soon.那么,再见。后会有期。

Please don't forget to say goodbye to the rest of the family for me.请别忘了代我向你的家人告别。


I'd like to say goodbye to everyone.我要向诸位告别了。

What time are you going?你什么时候走?

My plane leaves at 7:25.我乘的飞机7点25分起飞。

Well, goodbye and have a good trip!那么,再见,祝你一路顺风。

Goodbye. Remember to look me up if you're ever in Washington.再见。要是你光临华盛顿的话,别忘了来看我。


I'm calling to say goodbye.我大电话向你告别来了。

When do you leave?你何时起程?

I'm catching the 11:00 train.我准备赶11点火车。

Take care of yourself and don't forget to keep in touch.多多保重。别忘了保持联系。

Goodbye. Thanks again for everything.再见了,再次感谢你所做的一切。


I just dropped in to say goodbye.我只是来告别的。

What time are you leaving?你几点钟走?

I'm going to try to leave by 10:00.我争取10点以前离开。

Take care and give my by best to your parents.多保重,代我向你的父母问候。

Goodbye. Hope to see you again next year.再见。希望明年再见到你。


I'd better be going.我得告辞了。

So soon? Why don't you stay a little longer?这么早就走了?为什么不呆一会呢?

I wish I could, but it's already late.我是想多呆一会儿,但是时间已经很晚了。

Oh, it's a shame that you have to leave.哦,真遗憾,你非走不可呀。

Thank you for a wonderful meal.谢谢你的美餐。


I really must be going now.现在我真的该告辞了。

But you just got here. Can't you stay a little longer?不过你刚来呀。不能再呆一会了吗?

That's very nice of you, but I really can't.谢谢你的好意,但是我实在不能再呆了。

Well, it's too bad that you have to go.哦,真遗憾,你一定要走。

Thanks very much. It was a great party!非常感谢。这次聚会好极了。

It was our pleasure.这是我们的荣幸。


I think it's about time we got going.我想差不多是该告辞的时候了。

What? Already? Won't you have more coffee?怎么,已经要走了?要不要再喝点咖啡?

I'd love to, but I have to get up early tomorrow.我是很想再喝一点,但我明天得起早。

Oh! I'm sorry. I wish you could stay.哦,真遗憾,要是你能多呆一会儿该多好。

Thank you for a very enjoyable evening.谢谢你,今晚过得真愉快。

Don't mention it. I hope you can come again soon.不用谢,希望你不久能再来。


I really should be on my way.我真的该告辞了。

Oh, not yet! At least have one for the road.哦,还不到时候,至少再喝一杯,以表送行。

No. Thanks all the same.不喝了。不过还是得谢谢你。

Well, I'm sorry you have to leave so early.哦,很遗憾,你非得这么早走不可。

Thank you very much. We really had a good time.非常感谢你。我确实玩得很痛快。

Well, thank you for coming.唷,谢谢你的光临。



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