

 wwww888 2011-11-30

英语词汇(161)                  sway、swing、stagger、rock




       sway     指有弹性的柔软的东西缓慢地摇动。

          1) She swayed the baby’s cradle gently with her foot until the baby went to sound sleep.


          2) The ship was swaying violently on the stormy sea and most of the passengers vomited




swing     指作如钟摆似的圆周运动摆动。可由来回摇动引申出“动荡”的意思,


         1) The little girl was swinging cheerfully on the rope with her brother pushing her below.


         2)On Wall Street, stock prices finished lower again after swinging back and forth for hours.



stagger    蹒跚”、“摇摇晃晃地行进”,如醉汉或受伤的人摇摇摆摆、跌跌揰揰地行走。    


       1) After he was attacked, he managed to stagger to the phone and called the police.


       2)All at once I saw him stagger on his legs like a drunken man, and then fall like a block to

             the ground.




rock     指物体下部不动,上部摇晃。


       1) He sat racking himself in the armchair.


        2) All of a sudden, the furniture in the room began to rock and the house started to squeak.

             It was an earthquake.




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