

 ~断点~ 2011-12-06


       1. Scale back your time of possession.


  In football, the team that holds the ball for long stretches on offense invariably wins the game. In dating, forget football Sunday. Instead of towering over the chitchat, shelve the Me, Me, Me and talk less. Unlike the star of a rowdy cable news round table, defer and listen to your guest. In the end, you’ll learn more and foul up less.

   在足球中,持球防守最久的那一方总是会赢,但在约会中,请忘记足球。与约会中与其谈一下这个又谈一下那个,不如不要再说有关你自己的事而且记住少说话。 与那些在一大堆的人中,很受欢迎的人相比,你最好是等一等,听一听对方有什么话要说。最后,你会学到很多,也不会把事情弄慒。

  2. Offload unsportsmanlike conduct.


  Unless the theme of the date is to watch the big game around a bucket of hot wings, don’t schedule a first meeting at the same time as a crucial sporting event. No lady appreciates one eye on her and the other on the bar TV scanning for the Cubs score.


  3. Put Mr. Popularity on ice.


  One of the terms of the social contract we call a date is that while we’re both here, this is the most important thing happening. Pressing business and pet emergencies aside, silence your cell phone during a first date. Flaunting your supposed importance as a social butterflyisdownright rude, overshadowed only by the ultimate cad who flirts with a stranger while his date powders her nose.


  4. Lay off any leering looks.


  No matter how well Pilates has sculpted her backside or how devilishlylow-cut her neckline, be different… lock your gaze above the neck line for full iris-to-iris contact. She’ll be impressed.


  5. Enter a no-bragging zone.


  Your Wall Street credentials and private jet may have been relevant info online, but boasting about your bank account in person is hardly attractive. If you are well-off, the confident tone, classic watch, and Italian shoes will wordlessly communicatethat you are a blue-chip investment.


  6. Steer clear of taboo topics.


  Life lessons, exes, or your philosophicalstance on the late Jacques Derrida (Overblown fraud or grand deconstructionist? Discuss.) enliven conversation and aid in weeding out potential mates with incongruentvalues. However, a first date is not couples’ counseling or a tell-all recap of your romantic résumé. This is not the forum for discussing recent exes or any past relationship failures that involve heartache, baggage, or other drama.

  人生教训,过去的感情,或你对已故的法国学者雅克·德里达(Jacques Derrida) 的哲学观点(它是一个吹牛过头的人还是一个伟大的解构主义者?对这个进行讨论),通过这些来使谈话变得更有趣或通过此来排除那些与你有不同价值观的可能成 为你另一半的人。然而,第一次约会不是为了结婚而进行的查户口式的谈话或对你的感情史全盘托出的环节。切记,这不是讨论你以前的配偶或任何失败的感情(包 括一些头痛的事,行李或其他发生的事件)的地方.

  7. Don’t get too familiar.


  No matter how well the date is faring (rampant hand-holding, under-the-table canoodling), projecting a conjoined future is a terribleno-no. Hints of shared summer-house rentals, baby naming, or family references (“Oh, Mother is a card. You’ll meet her soon.”) are super-creepy at this stage.


  8. Don’t over-indulge your pop-culture passions.


  Must every semi-witty comment and dash of banter contain a pop-culture reference? Lightly sprinkleyour cultural quotient, yes, but too many Simpsons jokes and too deep a knowledge of Star Wars: Episode I is head-shakingly dull.


  9. Avoid the line-item audit.


  Obsessing over the price of dinner, before, during, or afterward either paints you as a worrywart who isn’t enjoying the date — or a cheapskate who isn’t enjoying the date. The host generally pays, and no one needs to hear you gripe about appetizer prices or shrimpcount.


  10. Save the souvenir photos for later.


  Despite advances in technology, treating your camera phone like the boardwalk kioskphoto-booth is premature, and more apt for a third date. Even worse, it gives the sense that you’re “collecting” photos of all your victims/dates. Seductive conversation trumps snapshots any day… and any night.

   不管现在的技术有多先进,把你的可照相手机当作是路边的公共电话亭和公共照相亭是非常幼稚的,而且也会使人产生一种你还会和别人约会的感觉。更糟糕的 是,对方可能觉得你是在“收集”所有那些已经被你弄到手的受害者或约会对象的照片。在约会这个问题上,有吸引力的谈话可比任何一天或任何一晚的快照照片来 得要好。

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