

 cysdnr 2011-12-08


《Stories》这首歌描写的是一位姑娘决定结束自己生命之前对童年和初恋的缅怀,大段自言自语似的独白,带着北美印第安人音乐味道的旋律给人一种凄美的感觉。 齐豫、张国荣也翻唱过。听着这首歌,你是不是会想你某个人,某些人?

Viktor Lazlo可以说是比利时最时髦的佣懒歌手;绝大多数的时间,她都身穿法国名服装师所设计的华服,打扮的光鲜亮丽。这位女歌手推出许多佣懒抒情的专辑。她的音乐,会让人联想到夜总会,以及二次世界大战前的美式影片,而且大多数都融合了爵士及POP乐的异国风情。

最初的专辑,Depryck要求作曲家为她写出一些迷人的爵士乐曲,并在《She》专辑中,将Viktor塑造成摩洛哥滨海「卡萨布兰卡」风情式的歌手。她精通数种语言,也分别出过英、法、西各种不同语言的专辑。Viktor Lazlo似低吟、似囈语的多变唱腔,搭配她原有的性感风情,曾数度推出许多膾炙人口的流行曲。其中曾被齐豫重新詮释的那首《Story》,原唱者正是Viktor。该曲气氛及空间感十足,曲中的一段口白,更让人听得足以肝肠寸断!不知道该用什么音乐去铺陈一个浪漫挑逗的夜晚。

i remember quite clearly now when this story happened
the autumn leaves were floating and measured down to the ground
recovering the lake where we used to swim like children
on the sun would dare to shine
that time,we used to be happy
well,i thought we were
but the truth was that — you had been longing to leave me
not daring to tell me
on that precious night watching the lake vaguely conscious
you said: our story was ending
now i’m standing here
no one to wipe away my tears
no one to keep me warm
and no one to walk along with
no one to make me feel
no one to make me whole
oh ! what am i to do ?
i’m standing here alone
it doesn’t seem so clear to me
what am i supposed to do about this burningheart of mine
oh ! what am i to do ?
or how should i react ?
oh ! tell me please !
ha —-
ha —-
the rain was killing the last days of summer
you had been killing my last breath of love
since a long time ago ……
i still don’t think i’m gonna male it through another love story
you took it all away from me
and there i stand , i knew i was gonna be the …
the one left behind
but still i’m watching the lake vaguely conscious
and i knew —-
my life is ending

我还清楚地记得,故事开始的时候,秋叶正飘零,缓缓落地,覆盖在我们曾畅游的湖上,那时阳光是多么灿烂,那时的我也是快乐无比,以为你我的感觉一样,可事实是你早想离我而去,只是在那个美丽的夜晚,你不敢说出真相,望着湖面,朦胧中感觉到你在说,我们的故事就要结束。现在的我独自伫立在这里,没有人来抹去我的泪水,没有人给我温暖,没有人伴我漫步,没有人让我动情,没有人让我完整,我该怎样去做?孤单地站在这里,我不清楚,对于我这颗伤痛的心,我该怎么做,请告诉我。雨水抹杀了夏季最后的日子,你很久前夺去我最后一丝爱的气息。我 仍不敢再次投入爱河。你已带走我的爱,现在我站在这里,知道自己注定是被遗弃的人。我依然望着湖面,朦胧中感觉到,我已知道,我的生命就要结束。

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