

 MouseHappy 2011-12-09
第二步,从头读文章,兼看选项(切忌断章取义!)(大家可能会说有的时候会遇到不认识的单词,该怎么办?)其实,很多单词大家不用仔细追究它的具体含义,大家一定要注意方法。例如,The boy is small but comfortable. 其中,很多同学comfortable不认识。此时,我们可以分析一下,but在句中是表示转折的,所以smallcomfortable我们可以视为反义词,small可以表示为“不好”,自然而然comfortable就表示“好了”。所以我们只要知道单词的大方向意思就足够了。
When Mary Smith was a student, she always wanted to be a t___1___ , because she liked children. When she was twenty-two y___2____ old, she began teaching in a s____3____ . She was a very good teacher. The c__4_____ liked to come to her class. One day, o___5____ of the girls in her class said to her, Miss Smith, why does m__6____ hair become white before their beard (胡须)? Mary laughed and answered, I dont know, b___7_____ it happened to my father! The other children laughed when they heard t___8____ . Then a boy said, “I k___9_____ , Miss Smith! Their hair becomes white because it’s sixteen years o____10____ than their beard.
Only mother love is true love. It gives everybody everything all his life.
When you are still a baby, mother takes good care of you as m 1 as possible.In your walking hours she always holds you in her arms. When you are ill, she stops her work right now to look after you day and night and forgets about h 2 .When you are growing up day by day, she feels very h 3 .
When you are old e 4 to go to school, mother still looks after you all the time. On cold winter days, she always tells you to put on m 5 clothes. She always stands in the winter w 6    for you back from school every day. When you hurry to leave home for school with little breakfast, she always feels w 7 about you at home. She usually knows about your study and spends much money on your school things. When you do w 8 at school, you will see the brightest smile on her face. Mother can do everything for you day after day.
Mother is always ready to g 9 everything she has to her children, not to receive. What true love that is in the world! We will r 10 Mother Love for ever!
One day, a grandmother stays at home with her 14-month-old grandson. He is
p 1    with her yellow car key. At that time, the phone rings a 2 the grandmother goes to answer the phone. After the grandmother comes b 3 , she can’t find the key. She thinks that the little boy puts i 4   somewhere.
She looks f 5   it in the room, but she can’t find it anywhere. Then she has a
g 6   idea. The grandmother g 7   the child a blue key and pretends not to look. After a few m 8   the boy goes into his grandmother’s bedroom and he carefully puts the
b 9   key under her bed, next to the yellow k 10 .
Jane Black is only four years old. Her grandpa u 1 to be a teacher and he t 2 the girl to read and write. The girl studies hard and learns a lot. She can count from one to one h 3 , read some picture books. Once u   4 a time Mrs Black took her daughter to a birthday party. The guests spoke h 5 of a rich woman’s boy. Mrs Black asked him a few questions, but all his answers were wrong. Jane began to laugh at him. The rich woman was angry. She told her friend, an e 6   of children’s education, was surprised and t 7 for a while. Then she asked, “There are three flies on the table. How many will be l 8 if I kill one?”
One,” answered Jane.
You’re wrong,” called out the fat woman. “All of them will fly away!”
Do you think a d 9 fly can fly, madam?” asked the little girl.
The guests began to laugh and the woman’s face t 10 red.
1.        used;     句意“她的爷爷过去是一名老师”used to do表“过去常常干…”
2.        teaches;   这空比较容易,“教某人什么…”但是要注意形式
3.        hundred; 根据句意,“从一数到一…”, 大家肯定可以猜到是“一百”
4.        upon;     固定搭配“Once upon a time”表“曾经”
5.        highly;    固定搭配speak highly of 表“高度赞扬..
6.        expert;    前后文联系一起,“她告诉她的朋友,一个儿童教育的_______”这里肯定填         一个名词。expert表“专家”
7.        thought;   根据句意“想了一会”. 注意形式
8.        left;       根据句意可以推断表示“剩下”
9.        dead;     上下文联系,这只苍蝇肯定是死的
10.        turned     此空不难,注意形式
In the old days, London was k 1   as a city of fog. The fog was as thick as pea-soup. London’s fog was c 2   by factory smoke, so it was called “smog”. The smog was so thick that car and bus drivers could h 3   see the road in front of them even during the daytime. People had to w 4 “smog-masks” over their faces when went out .
In December 1952, a very thick dark s 5 came down over the city. It was the w 6 smog Londoners had ever had. Nearly fifty people died in road accidents. Many more people b 7 very unhealthy. After three weeks, the smog began to l 8 slowly. Life in London came back to normal. But not long after that, over 4,000 people died as a r 9 of the smog. In 1956, the British s 10 burning coal in houses and factories in the city. London’s air got cleaner.
In the USA, there are many fast restaurants. Fast food is one k______ of take-away food. It is very p      . The famous r_________ are Kentucky Fried Chicken and McDonald’s. You only give m______ to the person in the restaurant and then take the food a_______ to eat outside ,in the park or on the street, at work or in your o______ home. Of c_____, you can eat in the restaurant .Many children l_____to go to KFC and McDonald’s b________ they can get gifts for their coming there. Today there are more and more A_____ take-away food restaurants in China.
注意:a very thick dark c 5 came down over the city. 改为a very thick dark s 5 came down over the city.
1. known      根据常识伦敦又名“雾都”,大家可以猜到以…著名,所以是“be known as
2. created     根据句意“伦敦的雾是由、被(注意by的意思)工厂的烟雾造成的”,被动语态
3. hardly      理解句意,“雾很浓以致于…几乎看不见…”
4. wear       上下文联系,烟雾比较弄,所以人们出门的时候要带上防雾面具
5. smog       相信这一空大家都会填
6. worst       理解句意后就知道是最高级,根据后文有人死了,很多人变得不健康,大
7. became    上下文联系,“变得不健康”
8. leave       根据句意以及上下文,“After three weeks, Life in London came back to normal.      “三个星期之后,伦敦的生活恢复正常”,大家可以想到是“烟雾慢慢的散去”,但是要注意形式。
9. result        固定搭配 as a result of由于、因为….
10.stopped     上下文联系
1.        kind          此空比较简单
2.        popular       上下文联系以及根据自己的生活的常识,可以知道是“受欢迎的
3.        restaurants     此空比较简单
4.        money        此空比较简单
5.        away         固定搭配 “带走”
6.        own          根据句意,“在自己的家里”
7.        course        固定搭配
8.        like/love      此空简单
9.        because       根据句意可以填出来
10.        American     上下文联系与常识,前文有“USA
Once upon a time, there lived an old woman in a village. She had the brightest house in the village. The light c 1 from an apple tree .The apples on it gave out wonderful warmth and light. The people in the village c 2 it “Sun Tree”.
Soon the king h 3 about it. He wanted the tree to be in his garden. The old woman of course did not want him to take a 4 her tree. So she gave the king a seed of the tree to plant, but it didn’t g 5 .
The king went again to the woman’s house to take the tree away. The poor woman was very s 6 .Soon the tree in the king’s garden d 7 .The king thought ,”The Sun Tree needs this land to grow.” So he told the woman, “I’m going to live here. You must m 8 out.”
When the king’s new house was done, the king decided to have a party. When everyone got to the house, a girl shouted, “What a s 9 tree! It can walk!” The Sun Tree k 10 on walking until it got to the woman’s new house.

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