

 昵称535749 2011-12-14


Author and education prognosticator Tom Vander Ark on making education more more valuable and more relevant (even in search terms). 

作家兼教育预言家Tom Vander Ark正让教育变得越来越有价值和相互关联(即使出现在搜索关键词中)。

Tom Vander Ark at TedxManhattanBeach. [Image: hermosawave via Flickr]

Tom Vander Ark在曼哈顿。【图像来自网络相册】

Tom Vander Ark is an edu-futurist par excellence. He's chair of the International Association for K-12 Online Learning, author of the new Getting Smart: How Personal Digital Learning is Changing the World, and an investor in startup technology and entrepreneurship school General Assembly (see this month's Life in Beta) through his education-focused venture fund Learn Capital. Here, he shares some of his views on the importance of "just-in-time learning" and the "plummeting" value of traditional education.

Tom Vander Ark是教育未来主义者最卓越的代表。他是K-12在线学习国际联盟的主席,新作《成就聪慧:个人数位学习是如何改变世界的》作者,开启科技和通过他的聚焦教育的创业学习基金成就的创业家学派综合汇集(参见本月Beta中的生活篇)。下面他将与我们一起分享“实时学习”的重要性和传统教育价值的“骤然下跌”的一些观点。

FAST COMPANY: What's happening now in the world of education from an investor's perspective?


TOM VANDER ARK: The quality of the deal flow is so much better and bigger than when we started three years ago with Learn Capital. The world has exploded since '09. It's a really interesting mixture of powerful applications, development platforms, cheap devices like tablets, and broadband cloud computing.

Tom Vander Ark:交易流的质量比3年前我们刚刚启动学习资金时要更好也更大。2009年开始世界开始“大爆炸”。强有力的应用程序,开发平台,像便签这样的实惠设备和宽频云计算的混合真的非常有趣。

What led you to get so interested in General Assembly as an investment? 


Partly it’s a case of just-in-time vs. just-in-case learning. Young people, particularly those involved in a startup, become acutely and instantaneously aware of what they need to know. So their interest is a thousand times higher than it would be in grad school, when you’re usually just trying to finish a degree and get out. It seldom seems to have such relevance to your future life. The interesting thing about GA is the ability to bring both experts and peers to bear on that moment, to organize around that highly focused need to learn. 


And this is a general trend in education that you write about in Getting Smart, right?


I think in general in the industry, the ability to deliver around that need will get much more sophisticated--to find out not only what people need to learn, but to get smarter about how they learn best. So we have a smart learner profile, a motivational profile not only what they need to learn but the best way for them to learn. 


You talk so much about digital learning, but General Assembly is still working mostly on a face-to-face model. How do the two modes best fit together?


Since I’m sort of a leading advocate of online learning, you might wonder why I would get jazzed about small classrooms that don’t look very high-tech. But another thing these kids have stumbled into is just the importance of community. I think about their classes as a mixture of experts and a really smart motivated group of peers. We can view this as a pilot project of getting their arms around what people want to learn, how they need to learn, and then I think we can assume that as the community grows, that more and more of it will move online. I get this feeling that it will be a blended experience for many participants for a long time.


You write a lot about the advantages of blended approaches, and in fact, a big 2009 meta-study by the Department of Ed showed that blended or hybrid models beat both online and traditional classroom models. Do you think traditional universities and MBA programs should be scared of innovations like General Assembly? 


Our calcified system of education is rapidly being enveloped in this new web of informal learning opportunities. Something people take for granted--web search--is probably the most important learning tool ever invented. Big companies have taken advantage of this to change the way they do training and development, but formal education is running a decade behind. The explosion of informal learning opportunities are getting better and better, more and more organized, and there's a growing tension between what happens inside vs. outside formal education.


And what about the cost of formal education? Public university tuition was up 8.3% just last year.


With these continuing cost increases in higher ed, it's like they’re completely oblivious to the fact that the world has fundamentally changed.


The return on higher education, particularly in the second and third tier, has plummeted in the last 36 months. There's a little bit of masking happening with effectively 20% unemployment, but this is going to change faster than most people realize. A lot of people out there are going to go, "Why the heck would I spend $100K when I can get what I want to learn, and how I want to learn it, online?"


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