

 MouseHappy 2012-01-07
第二部分  辅音 篇
 秘诀一:清辅音要清. 清辅音就是气流强,不出声,声带不振动的音. Ask first life gift keep shop catch lunch
秘诀二:浊辅音声带要颤动浊辅音就量气流弱,发声,声带振动的音. Rise nose begin wisdom never every live five
秘诀三:清辅音浊辅音同时出现在一个单词中时,一定要清浊分明! Surprise Don’t tell him about the present -it’s a surprise. 不要告诉他礼物的事,这是件意想不到的礼物.
Today Many people use computers today. 如今许多人都使用计算机.
husband My husband is a teacher. forget I’ll never forget meeting my girlfriend for the first time. 我永远忘不了和我女朋友初次见面的情景.
I.咬舌音训练 只有“th”会发咬舌音.舌头伸出上下齿外,气流从舌齿之间流出./θ/和/H/
排山倒海单词练习: than that there though this them
1.Don’t bother me with this and that. 不要什么事都来麻烦我.
2.What do you think of my singing? 你觉得我的歌唱得怎么样?
 排山倒海单词练习:mouth clothes smooth truth with bathe
1. Tom was born with a silver (golden) spoon in his mouth. 汤姆生于富贵之家.
2. He jogs every day to stay healthy. 他每天慢跑以保持健康.
 排山倒海单词练习: another together bother nothing healthy
1. Know something of everything and everything of something. 通百艺而专一长
2. Through thrift you will become wealthy. 勤俭节约才会富裕.
1. There are thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-there feathers on that thrush’s throat. 那只画眉鸟的脖子上长着三万三千三百三十三根羽毛.
 2. Neither father nor mother likes this weather. 爸爸妈妈都不喜欢这样的天气.
 疯狂集中轰炸: 请你数一数,这篇对话中有多少个“咬舌音”!
 A: Are you going to do anything exciting this weekend? 这个周末你有什么令人激动的计划吗?
 B: Well, I’m going to celebrate my birthday. 嗯,我要庆祝我的生日.
 A: That’s great. when is you birthday, exactly? 真棒.你的生日是哪一天呢?
 B: It’s September thirtieth-Thursday. 是9月30日,星期四.
 A: So what are your plans? 那你计划怎么庆祝呢?
 B: Well, my friend Katherine is going to take me to a restaurant. 嗯,我的朋友凯瑟琳准备带我去饭店庆祝.
 A: Nice! Is she going to order a cake? 太好了,她要订个蛋糕吗?
 B: Yeah, and the waiters are probably going to sing “Happy Birthday” to me. It’s so embarrassing! 是啊,侍者们可能要给我唱<<生日快乐>>歌.真让人难为情!
 A: I think that sounds like a lot of fun. Your friend is very thoughtful. 我觉得听起来会很有意思.你的朋友真是想得周到.
 B: Maybe you should come with us. 也许你应该跟我们一起去.
 A: Thanks, but I already have plans for Thursday. Anyway, happy birthday! 谢谢啦,但我星期四已经有安排了.不过,先祝你生日快乐吧.

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