

 优宁维 2022-03-25

ProImmune公司成立于2000年,总部位于英国牛津,在免疫学功能检测多聚体产品和服务领域,是全球无可争议的领导者。ProImmune提供的MHC Class I 五聚体和MHC Class II四聚体,可用于特异性T细胞检测,广泛应用于肿瘤、传染性疾病、病毒、自身免疫性疾病和移植等热门领域的基础、疫苗和临床研究。
Pro5® I 类MHC 五聚体是一项独特并经证实的专利技术,在免疫监测、抗原特异性T细胞表征以及表位确认领域为行业领先者所广泛使用。在全世界范围所有供应商中,ProImmune 的MHC 多聚体出版物数量的增长速度是最快的。目前已有超过650多篇出版物引用了Pro5® 多聚体的使用,其中一些文章发表在具有顶级影响因子的杂志上,如Lancet(柳叶刀)、Journal of Immunology(免疫学杂志)、Journal of ExperimentalMedicine(实验医学杂志)和Blood(血液)。客户信赖我们详尽的实验方案和技术经验来支持并提升他们的研究工作。
       1.MHC Class I五聚体
       2.MHC Class II四聚体
       5.MHC Class II单体
       6.MHC Class I单体
       7.ProMix™ 混合肽
       2.提供抗原表位发现服务(REVEAL Binding Assay)


ProimmuneFxxx-1A-G50 tests Biotin   50 tests
ProimmuneFxxx-1B-G150 tests Biotin   150 tests
ProimmuneFxxx-1C-G500 tests Biotin   500 tests
ProimmuneFxxx-2A-G50 tests R-PE   50 tests
ProimmuneFxxx-2B-G150 tests R-PE   150 tests
ProimmuneFxxx-2C-G500 tests R-PE   500 tests
ProimmuneFxxx-4A-G50 tests APC   50 tests
ProimmuneFxxx-4B-G150 tests APC   150 tests
ProimmuneFxxx-4C-G500 tests APC   500 tests
ProimmuneFxxx-0A-G50 tests unlabeled   50 tests
ProimmuneFxxx-0B-G150 tests unlabeled   150 tests
ProimmuneFxxx-0C-G500 tests unlabeled   500 tests
ProimmuneFxxx-81A-G50 tests Biotin + anti-CD8 FITC   50 tests
ProimmuneFxxx-81B-G150 tests Biotin + anti-CD8 FITC   150 tests
ProimmuneFxxx-81C-G500 tests Biotin + anti-CD8 FITC   500 tests
ProimmuneFxxx-82A-G50 tests R-PE + anti-CD8 FITC   50 tests
ProimmuneFxxx-82B-G150 tests R-PE + anti-CD8 FITC   150 tests
ProimmuneFxxx-82C-G500 tests R-PE + anti-CD8 FITC   500 tests
ProimmuneFxxx-84A-G50 tests APC + anti-CD8 FITC   50 tests
ProimmuneFxxx-84B-G150 tests APC  + anti-CD8 FITC   150 tests
ProimmuneFxxx-84C-G500 tests APC + anti-CD8 FITC   500 tests
ProimmuneFxxx-80A-G50 tests unlabeled + anti-CD8 FITC   50 tests
ProimmuneFxxx-80B-G150 tests unlabeled + anti-CD8 FITC   150 tests
ProimmuneFxxx-80C-G500 tests unlabeled + anti-CD8 FITC   500 tests
ProimmuneF1A-G50 tests Biotin   50 tests
ProimmuneF1B-G150 tests Biotin   150 tests
ProimmuneF1C-G500 tests Biotin   500 tests
ProimmuneF2A-G50 tests R-PE   50 tests
ProimmuneF2B-G150 tests R-PE   150 tests
ProimmuneF2C-G500 tests R-PE   500 tests
ProimmuneF4A-G50 tests APC   50 tests
ProimmuneF4B-G150 tests APC   150 tests
ProimmuneF4C-G500 tests APC   500 tests
ProimmuneF0A-G50 tests unlabeled   50 tests
ProimmuneF0B-G150 tests unlabeled   150 tests
ProimmuneF0C-G500 tests unlabeled   500 tests
ProimmuneF81A-G50 tests Biotin + anti-CD8 FITC   50 tests
ProimmuneF81B-G150 tests Biotin + anti-CD8 FITC   150 tests
ProimmuneF81C-G500 tests Biotin + anti-CD8 FITC   500 tests
ProimmuneF82A-G50 tests R-PE + anti-CD8 FITC   50 tests
ProimmuneF82B-G150 tests R-PE + anti-CD8 FITC   150 tests
ProimmuneF82C-G500 tests R-PE + anti-CD8 FITC   500 tests
ProimmuneF84A-G50 tests APC + anti-CD8 FITC   50 tests
ProimmuneF84B-G150 tests APC  + anti-CD8 FITC   150 tests
ProimmuneF84C-G500 tests APC + anti-CD8 FITC   500 tests
ProimmuneF80A-G50 tests unlabeled + anti-CD8 FITC   50 tests
ProimmuneF80B-G150 tests unlabeled + anti-CD8 FITC   150 tests

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