
12.2.10 note

 浴雪 2012-02-10

I am  hesitating to distube him

may i refer you to the schedule

may i refer you to the relevant entry in the dictonary

relevant adj. 的;中肯的;有重大作用的

entry n. 入口;入;登;条目;土地的侵占;[]报关

may i refer you to the fifth line in the text

may i refer you to the user's manual 用手册

manual adj. 体力的;手工的


i'll refer to a history book

we might as well take a look at the city

might as well 不妨,何妨;……的好

you might as well take one more day off

we might as well go home as you suggested

We might as well enjoy yourselves today.

If that's the case,I may as well try

I perfer not to think about the future 不愿意想从前的事


I prefer making a speech after careful preparation.

Well,I'd prefer not to have it. 是不喝的好

The sales of our product will be naturally affected

the region was affected by drought

 I don't feel my age 我没感到自己老了

At what age do children start school in your country

你千万不要打听女士的年   you should never ask a lady's age

看起来比实际多了you look much younger than your age

you live a highly advanced age 生活在一个高度步的代。

.I'm getting you a wonderful gift for Christmas

I'm getting you a stereo for your birthday.我要一套音响作你的生日礼物

Are you getting me a new car for my birthday?

I won't get you anything because you're so mischievous.

mischievous ['mist?iv?s] adj. (人、行)的,爱捣乱的,好鬼的,戏谑的;淘气的,皮的

I am getting you something to congratulate you

what am i getting him?
i only want you to get me the skirt

Go get the paper for me

go and get


 personality clashes   clash 冲突 
What absolute nonsense that was!  真是糊涂透顶。
absolute 绝对的,完全的    nonsense 胡说,废话,愚蠢的行为,无聊的事。
 joint custody
we reserve the right to pursue all necessary steps
We appealed to the media not to speculate further on the separation.
appealed to   
heartfelt gratitude
all walks of life

Okay. No more lightning bolts. For a while.
Let's do. The Lottery is gambling. It's a drawing of numbers
And you have to get all six numbers right AND pick the right number as the Powerball to win.
The jackpot recently is really high: $210 million!
That's right, Sister! You go ahead and faint.
 The night before the drawing, I stopped at my neighborhood store and there was a line of about 50 people waiting to buy their lottery tickets.
Here's some on-site interviews of people actually buying their lottery tickets. Here's Carl from Miami...
Board of Directors
rewarding experiences
the time has come for me to pursue other interests outside of Yahoo!
the appointment of Scott Thompson
Chief Executive Officer
in light of
invest in
areas of possible collaboration between Apple and my new venture.

to look to the future放眼未来

have a great/bright future

have no future/ to have a dull future

The future becomes the present if we fight for it.天道酬勤



future tense将来时


When all else is lost the future still remains.

big.cheese 大人物

big tycoon

big wheel

big shot 大人物
big banana
big cheese
big tycoon
big wheel



vip   very important person

notable  重要的,名人

noticeable 显而易见的


This monument was notable without being noticeable.

The bridge is noteworthy for its sheer size.


Be noteworthy for =be famous for

Wothy 值得的  note

Trustworthy  值得信赖的

You are really trustworthy


Noted 著名的,闻名的 noteworthy



be famous for=be noteworthy for=be noted for

Jim is noted for arriving late for work.


Notable =noted =noteworthy=famous


notorious 臭名昭著的


Charles is a noted statesman, but a notorious gambler.

Denote  显示,表明,


De 加强语气,前缀

It is a universal fact in the world that smile often denotes pleasure.


Fever indicates illness.

Indicate 通过原因来说明,有一个关联,逻辑关系,客观的事实

Mp3:     What happened that day was so unbelievable! The first thing to go wrong was that all the parking spaces were taken. So I had to park on the grass and hoped I would not get a parking ticket. When I got to the admission office, there was already a long line of students waiting. By the time it was my turn, two of the courses I needed were filled and I had to go back to my adviser ad make out a whole new timetable. Although I did sign up for all my courses, I missed lunch. The next thing to go wrong was that the bookstore had sold out one of the textbooks required. As I was leaving, I wondered what else could possibly happen. Then I saw a policeman standing beside my car and writing out a ticket.

Make out 填写,写出来

Make 填写

by the time 给出的一个时间点

finale exam 首词重读,调要转

Although I did sign up for all my courses I missed lunch. 重新选课

Sign up 报名,注册

I am signing up for the tennis class in our school.


Tough luck 艰难的运气

bad luck

rotten luck 腐坏了,


what rotten luck

Hard cheese 英国用的,美国不用

Drama 戏剧,鸟事,琐事,倒霉的事


time/filled/timetable/book store

元音发好,filled, 舌尖抵住上齿龈,发Ltimetable重音在time上,注意重音位置。


swept me off my feet.  Off

Sweep sb. off the feet  让某人立马爱上某人

Do you believe that to fall in love with someone at first sight?



Years passed, kids came, good times, hard times, but never bad 
times.  Never

 Our love and respect has endured and grown.  Our绕一绕,and,前短,后提

We've been through so  much together and here we are right back where we started 20 years ago


Through 经历困难,where重读


 Wrinkles  额头上的皱纹

crow’s feet 乌鸦的脚,鱼尾纹

now 张大嘴

secrets 奥秘

My feet have never returned to the ground.

returned to  return拉的长一点


We didn' t know much about each other twenty years ago. We were guided by our 
intuition; you 
swept me off my feet
. It was snowing when we got married at 
the Ahwahnee.Years passed, kids came, good times, hard times, but never bad 
times. Our love and respect has endured and grown. We've been through so 
much together and here we are right back where we started 20 years 
ago-older, wiser-with 
 on our faces and hearts. We now know many of 
life' s joys, sufferings, secrets and wonders and we' re still here together. 
My feet have never returned to the ground.

user-friendly 易于操作的



Compared with ours


You are most clever ,没范围时,可以省略the


6.advanced [?d'v?nst] adj.先进的   ,咬下嘴唇
7.reliable [ri'lai
?bl] adj.质量可靠的
8.user-friendly ['ju:z
?'frendli] adj.容易操作的



compare with [k?m'pε?] v....比较   45

smaller  后端发的音



lot faster fine-tuned['faintju:n]  lott,省略了,

fine-tuned ['faintju:n] adj.操作自如的=user-friendly



most of what are on the market.   连读,mostof  whata  on


selling points


conserve energy 节能


it is 读时要连在一起


fashionable  时尚的

colorful 色彩鲜艳的


appeal to 吸引,呼吁
AHow is your laptop better than your competitors'[k?m'petit?z]?
 Compared with competing[k?m'pi:ti?] products, ours is lighter and smaller / yet it is most advanced[?d'v?nst], reliable and user-friendly.

 ACan you explain it / specially['spe??li]?
It is a lot faster and fine-tuned['faintju:n] / than most of what are on the market.

AWhat other selling points / about your M8 laptop?

  What's more, it's designed to conserve[k?n's?:v] energy / and it looks cute, colorful and fashionable / which appeals to lots of young people



Grow 比较强调harvest,,plant强调动作

She is a good actress, but still needs time to grow into the part she is playing.

grow into
成长为, 渐成, 变为

He has grown into a young man of twenty-two.

Don't spend so much money doesn't grow on trees, you know.

He grew a beard during the trip.

Who are these people

shave [?e?v]
剃刀, 刮胡刀; 修面, 刮脸; 刨刀; ,
剃去...上的毛发; ; 修剪; 修面, 刮脸; 拼命讨价还

population explosion 人口爆炸

Shift population



a bag of chemical fertilizer.

fertilize land

fertile soil肥沃的土壤


a productive hen

fertile imagination

salmonella 沙门氏菌



fungus 真菌




Vegetarian 素食主义者

vegan 严格素食者

vegetation 草本

human  vegetable 植物人

organically-grown    有机培植的


organic link 有机的联系

internal organs. 内脏的器官

digestive organs.

the organ of goverment 政府组织机构


insidious 暗中为害的

the insidious growth of decay

decay 腐烂

insidious enemies

insidious obstacles


insidious disease


Urban 城市的

Urban development



Burglar 窃贼

We’ve been burgled three times.

scream with/in  尖叫,尖叫声

She jumped to her feet, screaming in terror


Profound 极度的

have a profound influence on something.

Education has a profound influence on children.

profound impression 深刻的印象

profound sorrow

profound idea

profound silence

irritation 烦躁

Noise is a constant source of irritation for people.

The crying baby is just a profound irritation for his father when he’s trying to work.


Incessantly 连续不断地

They quarreled incessantly


Whine 发呜呜声to complain in a sad, annoying voice about something.

Stop whining, you are not a child!



Maximum 最大的


Tech 技巧

A large sum of money was contributed to the disaster-hit area from all walks of life.



contribute a suggestion 出了一个好主意

Contribute a poem to the magazine 投稿

Cigarette is a major factor contributing to cancer.

The increase in birth rate is attributed to an improvement of medical care.



Clothes and food had been distributed among refugees.难民



Snore 打鼾

drives somebody nuts 快让某人疯了

My roommate’s snore drives me nuts.


Sniff 沉重的呼吸声




Staggering 令人惊愕的,amazing

The financial impact on the town was staggering.


Trumpet 吹号 ,大肆宣扬的



Her manner was rather distant 态度很冷淡 indifferent



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