

 简单。【爱】 2012-02-21

1.有时候,面对着身边的人,突然觉得说不出话。 有时候,曾经一直坚持的东西一夜间面目全非。 有时候,想放纵自己,希望自己痛痛快快歇斯底里地发一次疯。 有时候,别人突然对你说,我觉得你变了,然后自己开始百感交集。 有时候,觉得自己拥有着整个世界,一瞬间却又觉得自己其实一无所有。

翻译:Sometimes, faced the people around him, suddenly felt speak. Sometimes, something had insisted one night beyond recognition. Sometimes want to indulge themselves, wishing they hysterically crazy with a fork. Sometimes, people suddenly say to you, I think you have changed, and then himself with mixed feelings. Sometimes feel that they own the whole world, moment, but feel that they actually have nothing.


翻译:Life you want to make two kinds of people : mentors, and friends. To eat two things : love, the second disadvantage. Grasping the two principles : clear conscience on a micro -, macro – the law on the second. Fight for two : to maximize the potential, the second to extend his life to the extreme. You want to do two things : first, to Thanksgiving, and the other is results. Two obstacles in life : love and money. To be two things : learn to make money, learn to rest.

3.其實。。愛一個人就這麼簡單, 就是一直愛著他, 一直繼續愛著他 一直執著在當時愛上他的原因 。不管未來 不管 不想管了,就算找不到正確答案,可能你很幼稚,可能我很固執,可能都有點相信,,相信,從未放過手, 因為眼中只有你我, 因為你答應過我,,所以,我們都不想錯過, 因為 ,,,三個字。

翻译:Its right. . Ireland : a personal so to simple, is to love him, 繼 continue to love him has been on the enforcement of the current time Ireland he causes. Whatever future whatever don’t want tubes, even if the AWI is not found, may you’re naive, may I very solid enforcement, may have a point believed that, I believe, 從 is not through the hands, because only you and me in the eyes, because you : applications but I,, so we do not wish to CUO but, for,,, three words


翻译:Has a love , obviously is deep love , is expression does not perfect ; has a love , Ming know to abandoned , is does not willing on left ; has a love , knows is suffering , is and duor does not open ; has a love , knows without road , heart is already received does not back ; some love , only for deep to reservoir in heart , say to is a wrong ; some people only for far to see with , a near , on will lost .


翻译:There is always a person, has been living in the heart, but bid farewell to life. Is not forgotten memories, life continues to be, come and go around there have been many people, there is a location, has not changed. See warm sunshine and occasionally will think about.


翻译:If does not to Sun obtained smile , warm still in Sun there , but we will laugh was more confidence calmly ; if go had body found own of shadow , appropriate of duorang , Sun will can through soul , warm behind each Department corner ; if spread out Palm cannot points fell butterfly , that on hold into boxing waving arms , given forces ; if I laugh was enough brilliant , that on will face into brilliant of Sun , and Sun together smile , bright-coloured .


翻译:I just said to you, you go, you talk to people for life, I have no opinion. As long as you have a good, I don’t care, I do not have a tear, I lost my world, I had dreams, my love. I don’t want to argue with you, I love no one is poor, I pay does not need to be, perhaps, you are right. Don’t care about a person, because cares, so expect, because expectations, so disappointed.


翻译:With the wisdom of others enrich themselves instead of others to lower yourself ; with others successfully motivate without others successfully tortured yourself ; use someone else’s error to remind ourselves that without others’ errors of entertainment itself.


翻译:One more thing, even better, once there are no results, not to put up a long time you are tired, tired ; a person, even if the guests, if you fail to grasp, we must let go at an appropriate time, long time you shenshang, you broken. Sometimes, give up is another insists that you missed summer flowers gorgeous, will walk into static beauty of autumn leaves. Anything, anyone, is a thing of the past, do not get through with it, no matter how difficult, we have to learn to sit back and back.


翻译:Was people misunderstanding of when can slightly of a laugh , this is a literacy ; by grievances of when can frankly of a laugh , this is a Tatu ; suffer of when can happy of a laugh , this is a open-minded ; helpless of when can philosophic of a laugh , this is a realm ; was contempt of when can calm of a laugh , this is a confidence ; love of when can gently of a laugh , this is a sprinkled .


翻译:I am me, if you can’t stand, don’t step into my world. I does not gentle , and I temper bad , and I easy angry , and I easy jealous , and I easy heartache , and I easy dreaming , and I is wayward , and I angry Shi do not want to talk , and I happy has will has been giggle , and I by grievances will placed in heart , and I cares has on wanted to was you know , and I like in sad of when listen to sad of song , and I like in happy of when and cares of people share .


翻译:I miss you, but I can’t tell you, just as full of pear trees can never bore apples. I miss you, but I can’t tell you, just as high Mount Rainbow on the horizon, no one can touch forever. I miss you, but I can’t tell you, just like a train track, never ships pass. I miss you, but I really cannot say to you, for fear I said to you, is also a torture.


翻译:No quarrels of lovers, only not perfect love ; no broken not husband and wife, not only efforts of small three ; not adulterous men, only able to adulterous men and no dinner, only without words ending ; no do not want children to become parents, only children will never amount to much and no success, only the person who is not successful. Remember, no taking the road does not pass in the world, only people who do not pass.


翻译:Not tears can restore lost ; not everyone deserves to be paid ; not a sad cry must be ; not all expressions must be written on the face ; not no one understands you. So, in the face of sometimes unhappy in life, we have to learn to be strong smile. When sad, told myself : I am very well, very happy ; the lost time, smiled and said to myself, OK, Federation of all the past ….


翻译:Even if adulterous boys, deep in his heart will also have a deep love for the girl, and the only one. Boys will care, love your girlfriend forever, but maybe she is not his heart love that girl, but never think that this is the boys’ infidelity, because boys know what reality, know what is supposed to do. Who is this girl, unless his subconscious out, otherwise nobody know.


翻译:We have a wonderful life all the way, is more prosaic. Wonderful night sky star is always fleeting ; flat like a sky full of stars, not see which one is your own. Meteor wonderful, is to disappear themselves stars of the dull, is silent. Therefore, we do not have to tell their own wonderful, without complaining of heart pains, soul in silence slowly in silence, was gradually deserted by time and space while waiting.


翻译:” Classic quotations ” 1 handsome is not in the face of a man, but rather on wisdom and danding accumulation down the years. 2 would like to do, will do as fun to do ; you can do things such as interest and then do not do. 3, the purpose of education is to help people be more successful in future lives to find their own happiness. 4, first successful work, and successful cooperation, and finally the successful you work.


翻译:Mencius : climate than its location, its location than people. Good timing, geographical convenience, people and ancient times, Division of refers to the farming season,. Saying : Word more, losing road scant support. Scant support, relatives and vice versa ; help, world of Shun. Of the world, and relatives of attack of the anti -, so the gentleman without a fight, or win the battle. This is, right and is the most important people and, and is the word, Word is invincible.


翻译:If love does not go down to the dressing, eating, sleeping, counting money which in real life, will not last long. True love, is not nervous that it is possible in front of his unscrupulous belching, farting, excavation of ears, runny nose ; who really loves you, is that you can wash your face, the man without hair, makeup seen.


翻译:Things that make people happy : it was love, something to do, look forward to. ” Loved ” is not only loved, and the ability to have active love love the world ; ” do something ” let every day full no size, only you do you love to do ; ” have looked forward to ” life, there is hope. People are not afraid of humble, for fear of losing hope and look forward to tomorrow, expect Sun, people will stand up from a humble, with the seal dream to embrace the blue sky.


翻译:Abandon in fact, is a United States, this does not mean to escape, because it’s just a matter of choice, is another beautiful. Gave us the joys and sorrows of life, but also to the choice of the answers. Thus, Enron gave up, stuck a detachment, no matter how slightly secular life changes, regardless of how the individual choice, regardless of how the hold in your hands something important, we are to avoid but also brave, although sad but beautiful.

22.善为念:”人之初,性本善. “善恶之分是从我们懂事立志开始就已经在时刻熏陶的,做个窈窕君子还是十恶不赦,就在于每个人心中的那把尺了. 如今的这个世道,良性循环才能把自己、社会甚至一个国家去发展好、创造好. 分享一句话:”来对了一个地方,跟对了一个人,做对了一件事情,也许你就能成功. ”

翻译:Good to read : ” at the beginning of life, sex is good. ” Between good and evil are nurtured from our sensible determined to have been from the start in time, be a slim gentleman is a heinous lies in everyone’s mind was the ruler. Now the morals, to a benign cycle, social or even a country to their own development, and create well. Share : ” come to the right place, with a man, did the right thing, perhaps you can succeed. ”


翻译:People have three things cannot conceal — cough, poverty, and love, you want to hide, but : the. People have three things are not profligate — the body, money, and love. you want to squander, but gain. People have three things cannot retain — life, time and love, you want to stay, is fading away. People have three things are not memories — of disaster, death and love. You would like to recall, was slave.

24.忘不了曾经最美逝去的曾经, 如一场迷离的梦, 遗留在风中的, 是那一张张唯美的笑颜, 多少次, 在哪魂牵梦绕的地方 迷失了自己 一次次沉睡在梦中 那许多美丽的片段 将自己埋藏 在这紫色的梦境里 弥漫了许多的温柔 几丝烟雨的吹打 消瘦了灯下的孤影 怎比黄花 一曲悲歌的轻吟 沧桑了。。。

翻译:Forget can’t had most us gone of had , as one blurred of dream , remnants of in wind in the of , is that a Zhang Zhang aesthetic of smile , how many times , in which soul led dream around of local lost has own again and again sleeping in dream in the that many beautiful of fragment will own buried in this purple of dreams in diffuse has many of gentle several silk Misty Rain of wind and percussion music thin has lamp Xia of solitary shadow how than yellow a song Elegy of light Yin vicissitudes has . . .


翻译:Sometimes, some people do not need to say goodbye, has left. Sometimes, some things that do not have to open also understand. Sometimes, some way do not go will get longer. Total looked once space daze, those who speak do not separate is gone, and turned, character. Familiar, quiet, quiet, leave, leave, strange, strange, gone, disappeared, character.

26.知人不必言尽,留些口德; 责人不可苛尽,留些肚量; 才能不可用尽,留些内涵; 锋芒不可露尽,留些深敛; 有功不必邀尽,留些谦和; 得理不必争尽,留些宽容; 得胜不必表尽;留些后路; 气势不可倚尽,留些厚道; 富贵不必享尽,留些福泽; 爱心不必用尽,留些回忆

翻译:Know people do not have to statements do , left some mouth de ; responsibility people not caustic do , left some capacity ; to not exhausted , left some connotation ; spearheaded not dew do , left some deep convergence ; active do not have to invited do , left some humble ; was acting do not have to race do , left some tolerance ; winning do not have to table do ; left some posterior ; momentum not relies on do , left some kind ; rich do not have to enjoy do , left some Fauser ; love do not have to exhausted , left some memories

27【太看重感情的人都这样】 1.总有一种被忽视的感觉;2、不喜欢等待,却总是等待;3、总会把事情想得很长久;4、心事放在心底,有一个自己的世界;5、不喜欢一个人逛街;6、一点点事就胡思乱想;7、自己走路会很快;8、莫名地孤单,无法抗拒的恐惧感。

翻译:” The feelings of the people too much ” 1. There is always a feeling of being ignored ; 2, does not like to wait, but always wait 3, always think things long ; 4, placed at the bottom, there is a world of our own ; 5, not like a person shopping ; 6, little dreaming ; 7, his walk soon ; 8, somehow alone, overwhelming sense of fear.


翻译:It is a good thing, have lost a day. Deep memory, also have forgotten one day. People who love, or have a go day. Beautiful dreams, waking up one day. The abandoned and never stay. Never let go of the treasure, after breaking up may not be friends, because each other hurt! Nor can do the enemies.


翻译:Has personal , love had has , on end has ; has sentence words , said has , on regret has ; youdao injury , pain had has , on numb has ; has star heart , fibrillation had has , on broken has ; a friendship , had near has , on dilution has ; a love , had deep has , on curtain has ; a junction , had difficult has , on wrong selected has ; some things , placed long has , on will metamorphic of ; some feelings , is will devaluation of ; some pain .


翻译:” When you confused when you read it again ” a’ like the treasure, treasure on don’t give up. ② do not give up this second, next second there is hope. ③ There is a margin, let go after the scenery ; has a heart, adhere to the Chinese side is sincere. ④ When the tears drain away when leaving should be strong. ⑤ to your sadness and happiness are the enemy, of joy and happiness for you is a friend, sorry and sad for you is your friend.

翻译:A when does not hustle does not said , and peaceful and serene ; a a when will lonely , with past fill night of injury and giggle own naive ; a a when is free does not affectation , little world any walking ; a a when to strong , tears no shoulder relies on on Aung head , no who than own love own more is ; a a people of days we smile , smile walking smile face ; a a people is us is romantic , a a people is static is light . . .

32.曾经的自以为是,现在的自作自受。曾经的无话不说,现在的无言以对。曾经的彼此温暖,现在的彼此陌生。曾经的承诺太美,现在的谎言太真。曾经的曾经,现在的现在。我还会有多少个曾经,多少个现在? 过去的就让它过去吧,学着释怀。

翻译:Once the self-righteous, now face. Have no without saying anything, nothing now. Once warm to each other, now strangers to each other. Commitment has so beautiful, now lies too true. Ever had, now now. I’ll have how many have, how many now? Let it go in the past, learning can’t make it.


翻译:” Life in the of eight large concept ” 1 , and spring , not season , but inside ; 2 , and life , not body , but mind ; 3 , and life , not years , but eternal ; 4 , and cloud water , not color , but mind ; 5 , and sunrise , not morning , but vitality ; 6 , and storm , not sky , but temper ; 7 , and vicissitudes , not natural , but experience ; 8 , and happiness , not state , but feel .


翻译:Remember , not tears on can restore lost of , so not easily shed you of tears ; remember , not sad on must to cry , so not so mean you of smile ; remember , not you think can given on given , so not so easily made commitment ; remember , not you do of enough good , so not grief of thought own nothing ; remember , not only you a people in efforts , so not easily of on abandoned .


翻译:That year she fell in love with him, she is an elegant and beautiful woman, and he is a nothing and lazy man. Friends are not optimistic about them, parents say she is their own happiness in gambling. After the Exchange, he looks like a personal energy advancement, some years later he had his own career and charm, she asked how he had suddenly changed personal – like, he replied : ” bet your life happiness, how do I make you lose ” sth


翻译:Love is patient, and kindness, love is not jealous, love is not boasting, without arrogance ; not for shy, not for their own benefit, not anger, not counting the evil people and does not like injustice, only the truth, all inclusive, believe everything, hope, patience in all things. Love is never cease.

37.【微博经典语录】 1.人要脸,树要皮,电线杆子要水泥。2.忍无可忍,就重新再忍。3.爷爷都是从孙子走过来的。4.每个成功的奥特曼背后,都有一个默默挨打的小怪兽。5.抽,是一种生活艺术;找抽,是一种生活态度。6.有情人终成眷属、没情人回家种薯。7.两情若是久长时,还不结婚待何时!

翻译:” Microblogging classic quotations ” 1. People save SB’ s face, trees, telephone poles to cement. 2. The last straw, again. 3. Grandpa is from the Sun came up. 4. Behind every successful Ultraman Max, have beaten a little monster. 5. , Is a living art, is an attitude towards life. 6. Lovers end up apart, and not a lover home seed potato. 7. When two if love at jiuchang, and never married when!


翻译:Two rows of clear footprints imprinting the memories not to go, snow is still, flying the sky, and the warm in Palm of hand, it is gone, that winter, my footprints there are always a bunch of follow, warm and romantic, these footprints of me all the way forward, in the snow in the city, ground into injury.


翻译:Has a love , obviously is deep love , is expression does not perfect ; has a love , knows to abandoned , is does not willing on left ; has a love , knows to waiting for , is silly of alone lonely ; has a love , obviously does not contact , is will desperately of reminds each other ; has a love , knows will injured , is does not willing to let go ; has a love , knows without road , heart is already received does not back . . . . . .


翻译:People who don’t, shouldn’t, don’t hurt shouldn’t hurt heart. Some people, destined in life passing ; some things, we are often helpless. Its sad tears than counter. Lonely, not necessarily unhappy ; be, might not be long cold, not necessarily ceased. When love, let him free ; when not love and let love freedom. Looking pale, less injuries will!

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