
Biol. Psychiat.:女性携带离婚基因A

 aa网游成都 2012-03-10

Biol. Psychiat.:女性携带离婚基因A-allele者离婚率高出五成


然而,在近期的Biological Psychiatry杂志上刊登的一项研究成果表明,据瑞典斯德哥尔摩卡罗林斯卡医学院的最新研究发现,婚姻出现破裂也有可能是女性体内携带的一种基因作祟所致。一种叫A-allele的催产素受体基因会在女性体内搞怪,让女性对婚姻关系中偶尔出现的不和谐插曲缺乏耐心,脾气暴躁,从而提高离婚率。

女性处于生产期和哺乳期时体内会自行分泌催产素,这种激素能拉近女性和后代间的关系。不过若催产素分泌异常就会搅乱大脑对感情问题的处理能力,催生叫A-allele的“离婚基因”。研究人员调查了1800名女性后发现携带这种基因的女性离婚率高50%。(生物谷 Bioon.com)

Variation in the Oxytocin Receptor Gene Is Associated with Pair-Bonding and Social Behavior

Hasse Walum , Paul Lichtenstein, Jenae M. Neiderhiser, David Reiss, Jody M. Ganiban, Erica L. Spotts, Nancy L. Pedersen, Henrik Anckars?terb, Henrik Larsson, Lars Westberg


In specific vole and primate species the neuropeptide oxytocin plays a central role in the regulation of pair-bonding behavior. Here we investigate the extent to which genetic variants in the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) are associated with pair-bonding and related social behaviors in humans.


We first genotyped twelve single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the TOSS (Twin and Offspring Study in Sweden) (n = 2309) and the TCHAD (Swedish Twin Study of Child and Adolescent Development) (n = 1240), comprising measures of self-reported pair-bonding behavior. In the TOSS sample we further investigated one of the SNPs for measures of marital status and quality. Moreover, in the TCHAD sample we explored the longitudinal relationship between precursors of pair-bonding during childhood and subsequent behavior in romantic relationships. Finally, in the TCHAD study and in the Child and Adolescent Twin Study of Sweden (CATSS) (n = 1771), the association between the same SNP and childhood behaviors was investigated.


One SNP (rs7632287) in OXTR was associated with traits reflecting pair-bonding in women in the TOSS and TCHAD samples. In girls the rs7632287 SNP was further associated with childhood social problems, which longitudinally predicted pair-bonding behavior in the TCHAD sample. This association was replicated in the CATSS sample in which an association between the same SNP and social interaction deficit symptoms from the autism spectrum was detected.


These results suggest an association between variation in OXTR and human pair-bonding and other social behaviors, possibly indicating that the well-described influence of oxytocin on affiliative behavior in voles could also be of importance for humans.

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