
◇译作◎玛格·科尔 2012年占星运势

 昵称华明房产 2012-03-31


Change, invention, freedom and liberation are you r driving forces this year igniting your drive for powerful new beginnings in your goals and actions into the world. Jupiter continues to expand financial growth till mid year with a big positive kick mid March, but wise Rams also continue to be careful and strategic with plans for the future. Dump any plans or projects that aren’t working and work
hard on those that will. Yes patience is not your forte kids so stay cool till July when you are set for lots more fun and action as Jupiter ignites a 12 month travel and learning phase. October opens a 2 year cycle from Saturn in your ‘shared resources’ zone, signalling a deeper level of relating and joining your goals and visions with others who can mutually support you.


Jupiter in your sign until July continues his once in 12 year ‘new beginning’ supporting growth in your confidence and the realignment of your core value systems. Mid March he connects with Mars & Pluto unleashing a creative burst with major growth from mid year. The key here is the revolution in your beliefs and stepping out of old stuck ideas that no longer serve you. It’s time to move from survival to prosperity consciousness! This is not the time for your old stubborn bull stuff…bend with the wind and empower your life with careful attention to organisation and details till mid year. As Saturn comes into your opposite sign Scorpio on 6th October prepare to welcome a 2 year phase where partnerships hold the key to your power…or lack of it if you aren’t meeting others on an equal ground.

双子 沫塔°


巨蟹座 吉祥如意


合作伙伴关系,在他们中间保持积极的灵感, 6月对职业是一个转折点,要求创新和启示,把自主性创造带入你的能力中,因此即使事情有些麻烦,记住一定可能找到新的办法。土星在10月进入你的创造和孩子区域,标志着新的课题和照顾的责任。

狮子 肥喵

耐心再耐心些我的大猫, 尽管或许你认为为了这个结果你已经等到花儿谢了又开等到花儿都长了绿毛了~ 新年伊始要继续构思和筹划, 最晚不迟于3月以及5月中旬你的事业目标和抱负最终将带来金灿灿的大丰收喵呜~! 年中能量满满的小宇宙将把你带到打造团队的第一线, 这也暗示着旅行和出版业, 那么着手策划一场梦之旅来点燃你的灵感吧! 眼下你的领导才能涵盖了你的思想力及其表达方式, 所以要确保在你把他们秀出来的时候不要受困于旧有的自负模式, 如此这般方可使宣扬之事闪耀着愉悦之光. 下半年开始了为期28年围绕家庭展开的大变动.

处女 神


天秤座 Mina

前半年,当你准备着身体和感情基础的复兴,一切都在幕后进行。你拥有乐观的趋势,有时是挑战,你需要利用他人的帮助和支持帮你重整世界。积极的因果在3月份,以送出或得到家人礼物的形式到达。涉及到伴侣和家庭的主要转变从六月开始被推上台面,所以即使事情变得有点奇怪,也要保持冷静,要知道新的生活总会比旧的好!双子座的日食和木星是下半年的加码,它们正提供给你巨大的学习曲线来点亮了你的旅行/学习区。到10月导师土星离开了你的星座,并且在 28年内不会再回来...可以深呼吸放松!


Eagle people are in a great phase as the year opens with excellent planets opening new partnership and community connections and projects and taking you beyond your normal reserve. So enjoy the positive vibe and say yes to chance encounters with interesting influential folks who can open doors, especially in March/April …or perhaps you are doing the opening for them. In June a long term period of renewal and innovation of your service path…i.e. daily work begins. This is the beginning of the major changes you’ve been sensing and wanting for a while so be proactive in this process rather than waiting for the Universe (your Higher Self) to have to shake you up so change is forced upon you. By later year Saturn arrives into your sign for a few years and you’ll start anchoring a new 28 year life phase!!

射手座 谁在说



魔羯 卜丁

2011的后段到2012中间是你享乐和学习找乐子的时间,而不是当那个你习惯的老式工作狂的无聊山羊. 所以你已经放松下来了,还是你仍需学习放慢步伐享受花香? 在家庭责任中是否还在上演以往的控制戏码, 而义务还是持续着老样子吗? 到年中,你必须放弃现在的模式并准备好你个人的解决方案,这包括了家庭中出走或加入的人儿.

木星开始拓展你的现在的工作境况, 这包括新点子以及那些重要和积极的人的因素. 魔羯是商业领袖也是创新者,当我们现有体系崩溃之际, 做一个引导创造出有知觉的的公司文化是你的责任.


Hopefully you’ve been enjoying your once in 12 yea r cycle developing a yummy home
base and learning to be happy with your own…and family company…as indeed nothing matters more. So keep working on that ‘everyday happiness’ thing till midyear and get ready for a splendid new addition to said family as either the birth of a child or a project you have been incubating for quite some time. Also early year keep persevering with ‘joint resource’ projects and stay focused at ironing out problems by accepting partner/colleague ideas and not having to be ‘right’. In June you enter a brave new world phase with fab growth via learning, teaching or publishing and spreading your revolutionary seed far and wide. You are the people who dare to be different so now its time for the courage of your convictions.

双鱼 花山小鱼


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