
挥毫诗海别旧恨 笔墨词山度残生

 昵称9252536 2012-04-09

     吴雨辰 文
               thatched cottage prose  the usual the sea don't old hate ink word mountain CanSheng degrees
-WuYuChen wen
Yan LianChun warm the wind light, Lou Yang HuangYingMing with flocculant. The white clouds the blue sky, people come and go BianLiang city. Time.though atmosphere of rain in succession, has an end. With the spring breeze stroke, rubbing his consoles cold a winter cheeks, and almond flowers peach blossoms fall, waving at bauhinia morning light, be spring gently a hug, unloaded a winter of the tied cotton-padded jacket, the charming PianXian swallow in the spring wind whispers. Blooms, wake up the poetic imagination, here I am, where are you? You are in my memory, latent and chop constantly affection silk, and back to last night's dream weaving, clear tears dropped wet pillow towel, sadness, and Diane wake the LiuMei, in which direction? For once the heartache, borrow shake, those who make poetry of a romantic sense, and a few minutes of the original design, walk in the warm breeze Yang season, let the slight shaking sleeves, playing a song, the meaning and carefree.
DieWu bees cuttlefish office between, the wind blows the man he notes, slowly stream flowing static, the magpies wings high spin. Years turn, turn white between silk to ask ourselves what is god add, feeling, not destined to really didn't. Knead broken touching the wind bit read, the feeling HeKan. Time is fragile, difficult bowel, and cause you depart, the policy in riverside, a long time task difficult are their words often accompanies. Whenever late at night, tears printed stars, sing the prime minister think song, v. sorrow hatred, wine, with clear tears open two lines, ZhuYing shake, buried sadness fell into your dream, to be in a dream round. Qing hath, flowers with tears, in the first song on LiuShao acacia lead. Madly, vows of eternal love, forgotten in the great stone. That time silhouette, the flowers all time, who would remember? Best all wisp of tender feelings, just to bloom in the other side of the companion. But who knows, after the flowers, just one season is the beauty of regret, the usual the sea don't old hate, pen and ink word mountain CanSheng degrees.

2012-4-6 08:53 开封

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