

 昵称535749 2012-04-15

Jobseekers stand in line to attend the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. career fair held by the New York State department of Labor in New York on Thursday.


(Lucas Jackson/Reuters)

The Great Recession has accelerated what was already a long-term trend: A job market that holds much more promise for the educated and trained than for people with fewer skills.

  本次大衰退(The Great Recession)加速了业已存在的长期趋势:就业市场更青睐于有知识并受过培训的劳动者,而不是缺乏技能的人。

Consider just one big-picture comparison: The unemployment rate in March was 4.2 percent for people with college degrees, versus 12.6 percent for people who lack a high school diploma, with the national average right in between those two figures at 8.2 percent.


And beneath that broad trend, some credentials are much more valuable than others. In many fields of study, recent college graduates have jobless rates that are close to the national average or higher, simply because there are so many experienced workers who are also looking for jobs. But in health and education fields, where demand is high, the jobless rate is only about 5.5 percent for recent grads, according to Georgetown University's Center on Education and the Workforce.

  乔治敦大学教育与劳动力中心(Center on Education and the Workforce)的研究报告显示,在上述大趋势之下,一些资格证书的含金量明显比其它证书要高。在许多研究领域,新大学毕业生的失业率已经接近或高于全国的平均水平,原因很简单:在这些领域,有很多经验丰富工人的也在找工作。而在卫生和教育领域,用人需求度高,新毕业大学生的失业率仅有5.5%。

"It's really imperative that people pay attention to where the demand is going to be," says Nicole Smith, a senior economist at the Center on Education and the Workforce. "It's not just about which occupations are going to grow," she says, but also about how skill levels influence earnings.

  该中心高级经济师尼克尔?史密斯(Nicole Smith)说,“至关重要的是我们要注意岗位需求变化。”“我们不仅要了解哪些岗位的需求正在增长,”我们还要清楚技能水平对收入的影响程度。

Even before 2008, the rise of new technologies was boosting demand for skilled workers, while global competition was eroding the number of blue-collar jobs fields where a high-school diploma could be a ticket to middle-class wages. The recession amplified the process, imposing some of the sharpest job losses on less-skilled factory and construction workers.


Of course, the recession's toll was broader than that. Plenty of college grads are unemployed or underemployed. But the hardest to fill jobs these days often are ones where pay is relatively high, not low.


In computer science and math, for example, every online "help-wanted" listing in March was matched by less than 1 unemployed person in those fields, according to the Conference Board, a business research group in New York. The average wage in those occupations is nearly $38 an hour.

  例如,根据设在纽约的商业研究机构世界大型企业联合会(Conference Board)的统计,三月份计算机科学专业和数学专业,每个在线招聘看板几乎没有失业者来求职。相关职业的每小时平均工资接近38美元。

Similarly, the supply of workers is relatively tight for engineers, scientists, and health-care practitioners, all fields with high average pay. By contrast, lower-paying fields including food service, personal care, factory production, and transportation all have a high ratio of jobless workers to job openings.


And Ms. Smith says the long-term outlook is clear: The jobs of the future will demand more know-how than the ones of the past.


The pattern has implications for workers of all types. For people who don't attend college, Smith recommends being licensed or certified for some trade, for example.


There is some good news in a new Labor Department forecast, which predicts job gains in virtually all broad occupational categories. The department's "Employment Projections" says job openings in the coming decade will include many for less-skilled workers: 2 million in retail sales, 5 million in cooking and food service, and growth in numerous smaller occupations as well – bicycle repairers, the nation will need about 6,000 more of you.

  在劳工部公布的一份新报告中还是有一些好消息的。《就业预测》(Employment Projections)会定期公布所有工作岗位大类的招聘求职预测。该报告认为在接下来的10年里,岗位空缺将会使许多缺少技能的工人获得就业机会:有200万在零售业,500万在餐饮服务业。另外,很多较小职业的岗位空缺数也在增加——比如在全国范围内,就有大约6000个自行车修理工岗位等着你。

The labor forecast covers some 750 occupations, from ones poised to shrink in size (Postal Service workers, telephone operators) to ones with faster than average growth. By 2020, jobs are expected to open up for 49,000 pest control workers, 232,000 preschool teachers, 59,000 architects, 93,000 musicians or composers, 40,000 translators, 315,000 social workers, and 25,000 masons or tile setters.


But labor experts still see the problem of a "skills mismatch" as a big one.


"Many employers are saying they can't find workers with the right skill sets," says Julian Alssid, executive director of a consulting group called the Workforce Strategy Center, in Barrington, Rhode Island.

  朱莉亚?阿西德(Julian Alssid)说,“许多雇主都在抱怨找不到具有良好技能背景的工人。”她是一家设在罗德岛巴林顿镇(Barrington, Rhode Island)的名为美国劳工训练中心(the Workforce Strategy Center)的咨询机构的常务董事。

It's visible in specific fields and it's a more general issue. The workforce researchers at Georgetown argue that for several decades, the education system hasn't been boosting work-force skills as fast as the economy could use. So the pay premium for high-skill workers has been growing, contributing to a widening of income inequality.


How bad is the problem? That's a matter of debate. Ohio University economist Richard Vedder argues against too much emphasis on college enrollment. "The number of new college graduates far exceeds the growth in the number of technical, managerial, and professional jobs where graduates traditionally have gravitated," he writes in a recent Bloomberg Businessweek column.

  问题的严重性仍处于争论之中。俄亥俄大学经济学者理查德?韦德(Richard Vedder)批评(美国社会)太过注重大学入学率了。他在最近一期《彭博商业周刊》(Bloomberg Businessweek)上撰文称,“新大学毕业生人数远远超过了毕业生传统择业的技术、管理和专业工作岗位数量的增长速度。”

A Businessweek analysis, conducted by the Seattle firm PayScale, finds that college generally yields a positive "return on investment" for those who go. But the return varies a lot, from $1.7 million (spread over 30 years) for a graduate of CalTech to an average of $333,000 for 853 colleges analyzed.


Georgetown's Center on Education and the Workforce is bullish on the demand for education, whether that means a college degree or another credential. Although the Labor Department research emphasizes the minimum skills required to enter a line of work, Smith says it's more important to look at the education levels that are typical of workers in that field. By that measure, the share of US jobs demanding more than a high school education has roughly doubled in the past three decades, to about 60 percent of all jobs.


Meanwhile, other nations are also "upskilling" in a bid to capture more of the high-wage jobs.


"We're in a globally competitive marketplace," Mr. Alssid says. "If we can't produce the workers needed today, we’re going to lose those jobs."




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