
On Differences Between Chinese and Western Di...

 昭枫清晖 2012-04-15
There still exist various differences between Chinese and western dietary cultures. But with the development of cultural communication between China and the west, along with the strengthening of communication between China and the west, China has imported various kinds of western food, known as the "KFC" "DICOS", "McDonald". This marks a new western dietary culture exchanges and infiltration. We believe that with the development of society, the cultural differences between Chinese and western dietary will no longer be the difference.

By the text from this thesis, we can easily find that there still exist various differences between Chinese and western dietary cultures. But with the development of cultural communication between China and the west, along with the strengthening of communication between China and the west, China has imported various kinds of western food, known as the "KFC" "DICOS", "McDonald". These mark a new western food culture exchanges and infiltration.
The impact brought about by economic globalization is stronger and deeper than the internationalization. Economic globalization is a double-edged sword, on one hand, it brings the vitality of economic growth, and on the other hand, the dominant culture is put into other countries through strong economic and infiltrated every corner of the globe. Therefore, the cultural communication focus on how to assimilate advantages of the other countries’ culture, abandon its shortcoming, and learn how to transform and make it localized, all countries need to study the issue. So in the face of the dietary cultural exchange problems between China and the West, we should find each other's advantages and draw the mutual advantages, as China can learn from the point that western diet stresses nutrition match, and make the Chinese cuisine more outstanding.
China is the country of a long history with an ancient culture, and enriching in cultural traditions. She feeds the 1.3 billion Chinese people, and Chinese culture is very inclusive; in the course of development it absorbs a lot of different cultures. Moreover, now China does more efforts to draw all the outstanding achievements in the World. China's reform and opening up policy create the conditions on international relations and cultural exchanges. We need to use such an opportunity to absorb the excellent cultures from other countries, to develop and create China's new culture.
This work can make the world to know China better and let China go to the world.

I am deeply grateful to assistant professor, Guo Jun, my tutor, to whom I owe a great deal of gratitude and appreciation. Mr. Guo gave me many invaluable instructions and helped me much in every stage of my thesis writing. 
And I also greatly appreciate the help coming from my respectable teachers, Professor Deng Xingyi, assistant professor, Liao Hong, Zhang Chun and Sun Peng.
Moreover, my numerous thanks go to my dear friends and my lovely roommates, Wu chengying, Zou Yan and Hu Ping, who spend much time with me on my thesis. And I also want to thank my dear parents; they give me the best love and supporting for my study. 
Finally, I would like to offer my sincere gratitude to those who spend their precious time in reading this thesis.


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