

 兴东集团 2012-04-16
第一章 冠词 > 冠词不同,意义不同 > 不定冠词a与零冠词意义不同
  • few/little几乎没有
    a few/little有一点儿 
    have words with同…吵架 
    have a word with同…谈谈 
    a man一个男人
    Mr Wang王先生 
    a Mr Wang一位姓王的先生 
    part of部分 
    a part of小部分
    be of age成年 
    be of an age与…同龄

    第一章 冠词 > 冠词不同,意义不同 > 定冠词the与零冠词意义不同

  • at bottom 本质上、实质上
    at the bottom (of...)在…底部
    at school在校;就学
    at the school在这所学校
    at table 吃饭
    at the table 在桌旁
    by day在白天
    by the day按天计算
    by sea乘船,走水路
    by the sea在海边
    by machine用机器
    by the machine在机器旁
    by hand用手工
    take sb. by the hand抓某人的手
    by road从陆路上
    by the road在路边
    four of us我们中的四人
    the four of us我们四人
    go to church做礼拜
    go to the church去教堂
    go to hospital去医院看病
    go to the hospital去那家医院
    go to market去买菜
    go to the market去市场
    go to prison坐牢
    go to the prison去监狱
    go to school上学
    go to the school去那所学校
    go to sea当水手
    go to the sea去海滨
    in case of万一
    in the case of就…而言
    in charge of负责…
    in the charge of由…负责
    in class在上课
    in the class在课堂上
    in front of在…前面
    in the front of在…前部
    in open公开
    in the open在户外
    in place of代替
    in the place of在…地方
    in prison入狱
    in the prison在监狱里
    in sight of看得见…
    in the sight of在…看来
    last week上周
    the last week上一周
    next week下周
    the next week(过去)下一周
    on earth究竟
    on the earth在地球上
    out of question没问题
    out of the question不可能
    the people人民
    take place发生
    take the place (of)就座;代替
    take air传开
    take the air到户外

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