
开源broker软件mosquitto(mqtt v3.1支持协议)

 BlazerOfIT 2012-04-17

开源broker软件mosquitto(mqtt v3.1支持协议)

Really Small Message Broker(RSMB),是IBM提供的一个简单的代理。

使用MQTT push消息这个方案,在这里被提出疑问。

为了安全考虑,在网上找解决方法,发现mqtt v3.1是支持验证等其他功能的。
后来发现一个开源的broker,而且是mqtt v3.1扩展的,问题解决。


其中前者是vs 2008编译的,电脑如果缺少dll,无法运行。



mosquitto-cygwin -c mosquitto.conf

可以先修改监听的端口号:port 1884



# Config file for mosquitto
# See mosquitto.conf(5) for more information.
# Default values are shown, uncomment to change.
# Use the # character to indicate a comment, but only if it is the
# very first character on the line.

# =================================================================
# General configuration
# =================================================================

# Time in seconds to wait before resending an outgoing QoS=1 or
# QoS=2 message.
#retry_interval 20

# Time in seconds between updates of the $SYS tree.
#sys_interval 10

# Time in seconds between cleaning the internal message store of
# unreferenced messages. Lower values will result in lower memory
# usage but more processor time, higher values will have the
# opposite effect.
# Setting a value of 0 means the unreferenced messages will be
# disposed of as quickly as possible.
#store_clean_interval 10

# Write process id to a file. Default is a blank string which means
# a pid file shouldn't be written.
# This should be set to /var/run/mosquitto.pid if mosquitto is
# being run automatically on boot with an init script and
# start-stop-daemon or similar.

# When run as root, drop privileges to this user and its primary
# group.
# Leave blank to stay as root, but this is not recommended.
# If run as a non-root user, this setting has no effect.
# Note that on Windows this has no effect and so mosquitto should
# be started by the user you wish it to run as.
#user mosquitto

# The maximum number of QoS 1 and 2 messages currently inflight per
# client.
# This includes messages that are partway through handshakes and
# those that are being retried. Defaults to 10. Set to 0 for no
# maximum. Setting to 1 will guarantee in-order delivery of QoS 1
# and 2 messages.
#max_inflight_messages 10

# The maximum number of QoS 1 and 2 messages to hold in a queue
# above those that are currently in-flight.  Defaults to 100. Set
# to 0 for no maximum (not recommended).
#max_queued_messages 100

# =================================================================
# Default listener
# =================================================================

# IP address/hostname to bind the default listener to. If not
# given, the default listener will not be bound to a specific
# address and so will be accessible to all network interfaces.
# bind_address ip-address/host name

# Port to use for the default listener.
#port 1883

port 1884

# The maximum number of client connections to allow. This is
# a per listener setting.
# Default is -1, which means unlimited connections.
# Note that other process limits mean that unlimited connections
# are not really possible. Typically the default maximum number of
# connections possible is around 1024.
#max_connections -1

# =================================================================
# Extra listeners
# =================================================================

# Listen on a port/ip address combination. By using this variable
# multiple times, mosquitto can listen on more than one port. If
# this variable is used and neither bind_address nor port given,
# then the default listener will not be started.
# The port number to listen on must be given. Optionally, an ip
# address or host name may be supplied as a second argument. In
# this case, mosquitto will attempt to bind the listener to that
# address and so restrict access to the associated network and
# interface. By default, mosquitto will listen on all interfaces.
# listener port-number [ip address/host name]

# The maximum number of client connections to allow. This is
# a per listener setting.
# Default is -1, which means unlimited connections.
# Note that other process limits mean that unlimited connections
# are not really possible. Typically the default maximum number of
# connections possible is around 1024.
#max_connections -1

# The listener can be restricted to operating within a topic hierarchy using
# the mount_point option. This is achieved be prefixing the mount_point string
# to all topics for any clients connected to this listener. This prefixing only
# happens internally to the broker; the client will not see the prefix.

# =================================================================
# Persistence
# =================================================================

# If persistence is enabled, save the in-memory database to disk
# every autosave_interval seconds. If set to 0, the persistence
# database will only be written when mosquitto exits.
# Note that writing of the persistence database can be forced by
# sending mosquitto a SIGUSR1 signal.
#autosave_interval 1800

# Save persistent message data to disk (true/false).
# This saves information about all messages, including
# subscriptions, currently in-flight messages and retained
# messages.
# retained_persistence is a synonym for this option.
#persistence false

# The filename to use for the persistent database, not including
# the path.
#persistence_file mosquitto.db

# Location for persistent database. Must include trailing /
# Default is an empty string (current directory).
# Set to /var/lib/mosquitto/ if running as a proper service.

# =================================================================
# Logging
# =================================================================

# Places to log to. Use multiple log_dest lines for multiple
# logging destinations.
# Possible destinations are: stdout stderr syslog topic
# stdout and stderr log to the console on the named output.
# syslog uses the userspace syslog facility which usually ends up
# in /var/log/messages or similar.
# topic logs to the broker topic '$SYS/broker/log/<severity>',
# where severity is one of D, E, W, N, I which are debug, error,
# warning, notice and information.
# Use "log_dest none" if you wish to disable logging.
#log_dest stderr

# Types of messages to log. Use multiple log_type lines for logging
# multiple types of messages.
# Possible types are: debug, error, warning, notice, information,
# none.
# Note that debug type messages are for decoding the incoming
# network packets.
# They are not logged in syslog.
#log_type error
#log_type warning
#log_type notice
#log_type information

# =================================================================
# Security
# =================================================================

# If set, only clients that have a matching prefix on their
# clientid will be allowed to connect to the broker. By default,
# all clients may connect.
# For example, setting "secure-" here would mean a client "secure-
# client" could connect but another with clientid "mqtt" couldn't.
clientid_prefixes pig-

# Boolean value that determines whether clients that connect
# without providing a username are allowed to connect. If set to
# false then a password file should be created (see the
# password_file option) to control authenticated client access.
# Defaults to true.
#allow_anonymous true

# Control access to the broker using a password file. The file is a
# text file # of lines in the format:
# username:password
# The password (and colon) may be omitted if desired, although this
# offers very little in the way of security.

# Control access to topics on the broker using an access control list
# file. If this parameter is defined then only the topics listed will
# have access.
# Topic access is added with lines of the format:
# topic [read|write] <topic>
# The access type is controlled using "read" or "write". This parameter
# is optional - if not given then the access is read/write.
# <topic> can contain the + or # wildcards as in subscriptions.
# The first set of topics are applied to anonymous clients, assuming
# allow_anonymous is true. User specific topic ACLs are added after a
# user line as follows:
# user <username>
# The username referred to here is the same as in password_file. It is
# not the clientid.

# =================================================================
# Bridges
# =================================================================

# Experimental support for connecting multiple MQTT brokers
# together.
# Specify multiple sets of connection, address and topic
# configurations.
# Each connection must have a unique name.
# Only a single address per configuration is currently supported,
# unlike in rsmb.
# The direction that the topic will be shared can be chosen by
# specifying out, in or both, where the default value is out.
# Multiple topics can be specified per connection, but be careful
# not to create any loops.
#connection <name>
#address <host>[:<port>]
#topic <topic> [out | in | both]

# Set the client id for this bridge connection. If not defined,
# this defaults to 'name.hostname' where name is the connection
# name and hostname is the hostname of this computer.

# Set the clean session variable for this bridge.
# When set to true, when the bridge disconnects for any reason, all
# messages and subscriptions will be cleaned up on the remote
# broker. Note that with cleansession set to true, there may be a
# significant amount of retained messages sent when the bridge
# reconnects after losing its connection.
# When set to false, the subscriptions and messages are kept on the
# remote broker, and delivered when the bridge reconnects.
#cleansession false

# Set the keepalive interval for this bridge connection, in
# seconds.
#keepalive_interval 60

# Set the username to use when connecting to an MQTT v3.1 broker
# that requires authentication.

# Set the password to use when connecting to an MQTT v3.1 broker
# that requires authentication. This option is only used if
# username is also set.

# =================================================================
# External security checks
# =================================================================

# This section defines options for potential use with external
# databases.
# They are intended to make it easier to add external security
# checks along with WITH_EXT_SECURITY_CHECKS. If you haven't written
# code to support another database and compiled support in, you are
# unlikely to need to change anything here.

# Database hostname.

# Database port.

# Database name.

# Database username.

# Database password.

# =================================================================
# Unsupported rsmb options - for the future
# =================================================================


# =================================================================
# rsmb options - unlikely to ever be supported
# =================================================================


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