

 听我说 2012-04-25

俄罗斯姑娘Valeria Lukyanova近日成为互联网名人,因为她实在太像芭比娃娃了。不过,人们也开始质疑她是否整容过度。视频网站YouTube上也出现了一个动画短片,嘲笑她为了能让自己变身“芭比”而去做了手术。看到这些视频的一些网友批评她说,“她不仅难看而且可笑”,“拥有完全完美容貌的女人很无聊”。

Most little girls grow up playing with Barbie dolls. Some even want to look like them. One 21-year-old has become one, or so she says.

Valeria Lukyanova has become an internet sensation in her home country of Russia, claiming on her blog to be the most famed woman on the Russian-language internet.

Her doll-like features, long blonde hair and ‘perfect’ body make her look like a real life Barbie.

In fact, with her tiny waist and large breasts, she bears such a resemblance to the famed plastic doll that cynical web users have been speculating about whether or not she is real.

In a spoof video posted on YouTube an animated version of the model undergoes surgery to enhance her already prominent assets.

The girl checks into a plastic surgeons office. As she lies on an operating table, the ‘surgeon’ uses a hand-held pump to enlarge her breasts, before giving her a face-lift using putty and a chainsaw.

Horrified viewers have slammed the model over her looks. One commented: She looks not only ugly, but ridiculous while another wrote: ‘A woman with completely perfect features is a boring woman.’

Others were kinder to the blonde beauty. One asked: ‘Isn't unhealthy obsession on looking like a Barbie doll a part of her identity though?’

But the big question remains unanswered: Is Valeria real or is this an elaborate Photoshop hoax?

More ‘normal’ photos on her Facebook page of the 21-year-old wearing far less make-up suggest she does exists.

A YouTube video shows the transformation as she dolls herself up.

Valeria has 155 subscribers following her profile on the social networking website – double the number of friends she has at 78.

One fan, a man named Firtina Seymen has ‘liked’ virtually all of her photos and written ‘beautiful’ underneath them.

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