
20 Ways to Burn More Fat(2)

 Ah Poh 2012-05-05

20 Ways to Burn More Fat

Tips and tricks to lose those pounds for good.

By Karen Asp

Don't Make These Mistakes: Not Working Out Hard Enough

To really torch fat and calories, you need to step up the intensity of your exercise. Turn your stroll into a power walk two to three times a week by alternating between 30 to 90 seconds of fast walking and 90 to 120 seconds of slower walking.

Don't Make These Mistakes: Doing the Same Workout All the Time

Mixing up your routine is key to burning the most fat and calories, says Brad Schoenfeld, a certified strength and conditioning specialist and author of Sculpting Her Body Perfect. Otherwise, your body adapts to the workout and goes on autopilot so you don't get as much out of it. So walk one day, do a DVD the next, then try a dance or aerobics class.

Don't Make These Mistakes: Feeding Your Emotions

When the line between physical and emotional hunger gets blurred, you can end up inhaling hundreds of extra calories. Think before you bite. Ask yourself, "Am I really hungry? Or am I just bored or upset?" If you're not sure, have a glass of water and wait at least 20 minutes. If you're still hungry, eat something healthy or a small amount of a food you're craving. "You're more likely to limit what you eat once you've waited it out," says Mills.

Don't Make These Mistakes: Buying Into Quick Fixes

No pill, drink or fad diet is going to magically peel off the pounds. To lose weight (and keep it off), you need to make changes to your overall diet and exercise habits—and be patient.

5 Tips to Keep You Motivated: Set Short- and Long-term Goals

Make them realistic so you don't get discouraged. Want to lose 20 pounds? Aim for five this month.

5 Tips to Keep You Motivated: Reward Yourself

Put a dollar in a jar every day you exercise for 30 minutes. Soon you'll be able to treat yourself to a new book or a manicure.

5 Tips to Keep You Motivated: Be Flexible

If the only exercise you do is outdoor walking, you'll end up doing nothing if it rains all week. Always have a backup plan.

Read more: How to Burn More Fat - Tips to Burn Fat - Woman's Day

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