

 蕙籣留香 2012-05-06
The Titanic still offers rich pickings for writers

作者:Robert McCrum
原文来源: http://www.



1912年5月,英国作家托马斯·哈代(Thomas Hardy)成为首个以“泰坦尼克”号为创作对象的作家。早在沉船事故发生一个月之时,哈代便在十四行诗《合二为一》(The Convergence of the Twain)中刻画了邮轮与冰川相撞的瞬间。哈代抓住了二者的契合点,将那致命而又迷人的顷刻幻化为灵动文字。

1931年,英国剧作家诺埃尔·科沃德(No?l Coward)创作了戏剧作品《乱世春秋》(Cavalcade),将“泰坦尼克”号事件作为背景,融入喜剧元素加以包装,削弱了故事的悲剧性,从而将观众引入一个精彩绝妙的喜剧世界。

1955年,美国作家沃尔特·洛德(Walter Lord)出版了纪实文学作品《冰海沉船》(A Night to Remember)。洛德搜集了大量的第一手资料,并采访了63名沉船事故幸存者,以真实的视角再现了“泰坦尼克”号邮轮处女航的悲剧之旅。公众对于“泰坦尼克”号灾难的关注超乎想象,此书甫一面世便长踞畅销书榜首,一直没有停止再版翻印。1958年,英国导演罗伊·沃德·贝克(Roy Ward Baker)将这一作品改编为同名电影,搬上荧幕。

1996年,英国女作家贝丽尔·班布里奇(Beryl Bainbridge)以“泰坦尼克”号为题材了历史小说《人人为己》(Every Man for Himself),此书摘得英国惠特布莱德图书奖最佳小说桂冠,并获得英国文学布克奖提名。

左上起:托马斯·哈代 / 诺埃尔·科沃德《乱世春秋/
沃尔特·洛德《冰海沉船》/ 贝丽尔·班布里奇《人人为己》


灾难之夜过后,705名幸存者的生命彻底改变,留下了永难平复的伤痛。人们十分关心他们获救后的生活态度和心境变化。2012年,安德鲁·威尔逊(Andrew Wilson)出版了纪实文学作品《泰坦尼克号的阴影》(Shadow of the Titanic),用撼动人心的文字记述了幸存者难以言说的苦涩和不安。

有些人注定要为这场灾难背上永远的臭名,譬如“泰坦尼克”号缔造者英国白星航运公司的董事长J·布鲁斯·伊斯梅(J Bruce Ismay);有些人注定要承受一辈子的“死之舞”,譬如马德琳·阿斯特(Madeleine Astor),丈夫约翰·雅各布·阿斯特(John Jacob Astor)为了救她而牺牲了自己的性命,那时候他们结婚刚半年。

“泰坦尼克”号的沉没还引发了另一番永远也逃不脱的拷问:真相究竟是什么?邮轮下沉之时,到底发生了什么?比如说,一号救生艇上到底发生了什么事情?或者问得再具体一点,当时的苏格兰准公爵科斯莫·达夫-戈登(Cosmo Duff-Gordon)跟他的夫人到底做了什么?据说,准公爵夫妇给了救生艇船员每人5英磅(这在当时是一笔不小的钱),并且拒绝救助落水者。媒体曾大肆报道此事,并指责他们“胆怯、贿赂而又冷酷”。后来英国贸易部调查委员会认定,达夫-戈登并没有阻止船员救人,但是他的“花钱买命”之举仍难逃诟病。面对调查组作证时,达夫-戈登的妻子在交叉询问的过程中暴露出诸多问题:记忆之不可靠,危急状态下个人力量之脆弱,以及濒临意识模糊之际对是非问题之心理落差。一言以蔽之,她面临着“生存困境”。像达夫-戈登这样的幸存者,势必要接受精神上和道德上的双重折磨。

左起:安德鲁·威尔逊《泰坦尼克号的阴影》 / J·布鲁斯·伊斯梅 / 科斯莫·达夫-戈登


要解决幸存者叙事所编织的道德两难,或许只有小说能做到了。夏洛特·罗根(Charlotte Rogan)的文学小说处女作《救生艇》(The Lifeboat)就是这样一部引人入胜却又引人不安的作品。小说以第一人称的叙述语言,借助丰富细微、扣人心弦的敏锐笔触,巧妙地置入了伦理困境问题。罗根在《救生艇》中提到了1914年夏天沉没的远洋邮轮“亚历山德拉女皇”号(Empress Alexandra)。这一情节是虚构的,这场灾难也是虚构的,但是这个情节的灵感来源就是“泰坦尼克”号。

新婚夫妇格蕾丝·温特(Grace Winter)与亨利·温特(Henry Winter)共度蜜月,不料乘坐的这艘横渡大西洋的邮轮起火沉没了。正如约翰·雅各布·阿斯特所做的那样,亨利也设法为妻子谋得了一席之地,这是最后一艘救生艇上的一个救生座位。格葛丝与38位陌生人困在同一艘救生艇上,开始了海上求生之旅。救生艇在海上漂流了三个星期后获救,然而这三个星期却是人性最丑陋的体现。乘客各怀鬼胎,见死不救、猜忌、陷害之事层出不穷。格蕾丝活了下来,但随即以谋杀罪行遭到起诉。我们可以在书中逐渐领会到,这名年仅22岁的孀妇死里逃生所付出的代价。作者成功碰触到善与恶、对与错、黑与白之间的灰色地带,预计将成为2012年最具话题性的小说之一。

左起:《救生艇》 / 夏洛特·罗根

《救生艇》也是作者罗根的一条险中求胜之道。夏洛特·罗根,1975年毕业于普林斯顿大学,这是她首次出版的文学小说作品。多年来,罗根始终怀有成为小说家的抱负,为此还上过已故短篇小说家哈罗德·布罗德基(Harold Brodkey)的写作课。不过,罗根始终把家庭放在首位,在得克萨斯州达拉斯育有三胞胎。《纽约时报》作者、得克萨斯州同乡萨拉·莫斯勒(Sara Mosle)偶然中发现,罗根的抽屉里塞满了30年来未发表的文学作品,其中还有多部小说。莫斯勒阅读了部分文稿,立即将罗根推荐给了文稿代理人戴维·麦考密克(David McCormick)。在还未正式出版时,《救生艇》就已受到多位英美畅销小说作家和出版商的高度好评。紧张刺激的情节,瑰丽多变的文风,《救生艇》这部作品必将成为夏洛特·罗根文学生涯中的救生艇。(完)  

The tragedy of the Titanic continues to inspire authors.

The sinking of the Titanic almost exactly 100 years ago, on 15 April 1912, has become, for literature and storytelling, the gift that goes on giving.

As early as May 1912, Thomas Hardy's poem The Convergence of the Twain captured the fatal and mesmerising conjunction of the iceberg and the liner. In 1931, No?l Coward's play, Cavalcade, featured a comic scene that reduces the tragedy to a brilliant theatrical joke. In 1996, Beryl Bainbridge's Every Man for Himself was shortlisted for the Booker.

immediately, there was a huge public appetite for spine-tingling
accounts of the disaster, from the scarcely perceptible moment of impact
to the terrible screams of drowning men. Walter Lord's 1955 classic A Night to Remember, which also became a movie, has illuminated every subsequent Titanic book and film.

harrowing as the disaster was the fate of the 705 survivors whose lives
were scarred by the horrors of that night. Andrew Wilson, the equal of
Walter Lord, reports this side of the story in Shadow of the Titanic (Simon & Schuster), a gripping account of the sinking's bitter aftermath.

like Bruce Ismay, the managing director of the White Star Line, were
doomed to become a whipping boy for the catastrophe. For others, such as
Madeleine Force Astor, whose husband, JJ Astor, sacrificed himself to
save his bride, life as a survivor became a danse macabre that ended in
marriage to a brutal and penniless Italian prizefighter.

Titanic story sponsors another circle of narrative hell: the truth, or
otherwise, of what really happened once the ship went down. What, for
instance, took place on lifeboat number one? In particular, what was the
conduct of Cosmo and Lady Duff Gordon? The press had a field day with
allegations of cowardice and corruption, including the bribing of the
lifeboat's crew. When Lady Duff Gordon gave evidence to the Board of
Trade investigation, her cross-examination exposed the fallibility of
memory, the frailty of the individual in extremis and the psychological
chasm between those who have, and those who have not, had to confront
imminent oblivion. Plainly, hers was an existential predicament.

Perhaps only fiction can tackle the moral dilemmas braided into the survivor's tale. A compelling and disquieting first novel, The Lifeboat,
by Charlotte Rogan (Virago), addresses this question with a rich,
enthralling subtlety. Rogan's lifeboat is fictional, as is her disaster –
the sinking of the Empress Alexandra in the summer of 1914 – but the
inspiration for her irresistible first-person narrative is the Titanic.

married Grace Winter and her husband are honeymooning on a
transatlantic liner when it catches fire and sinks. Like JJ Astor, Henry
Winter secures his new wife a single, life-saving seat on the last
lifeboat. Grace Winter survives. But, at her subsequent trial for
murder, we begin to discover – or do we? – the price the 22-year-old
widow has paid for her escape.

The Lifeboat is also an
escape route for its author. Charlotte Rogan, who graduated from
Princeton in 1975, is a first-timer with her own exceptional story.
Nurturing the ambition to be a novelist for many years, she once took a
writing course with the late Harold Brodkey, another writer who devoted
years to a magnum opus.

Brodkey was all posture. Rogan, who
modestly says she has been teaching herself to write throughout her
adult life, is a much more appealing figure. Like many women with
literary ambitions, she put her family first and stayed at home in
Dallas, raising triplets. A chance encounter with New York Times writer and fellow Texan Sara Mosle revealed that Rogan had a drawer
full of unpublished fiction, including several novels, written over 30

With some trepidation, Mosle agreed to advise Rogan about
the promotion of her work to a New York publisher, was impressed by what
she found and put her in touch with literary agent David McCormick, who
proceeded to clinch an immediate sale for one of Rogan's novels, a book
that Mosle had not even read. This was The Lifeboat, which has
been acclaimed before publication by both JM Coetzee and Emma Donoghue.
It looks set to become Charlotte Rogan's literary life raft.

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