

 cntic 2012-05-10
“800秀”的前身是上个世纪红色资本家周志俊在上海创办的赫赫有名的“三信”、“三新”之一的新安电机厂所在地,坐落于常德路 昌平路路口。2008年,随着静安区“中部崛起”规划的诞生,由区政府牵头,区属企业上海静工(集团)与项目产权方上海电气集团结成联盟,决定共同投资1 亿元人民币打造“800秀”。该项目占地约17亩,折合为11333平方米土地面积的旧厂房群,全部为零乱的空置厂房。项目最大的亮点就是紧靠常德路昌平 路路口、长达115米的上世纪50年代大型苏式厂房建筑。


   从静安寺南京路沿常德路往昌平路一带,曾经是著名的“英租界”的“赫德路”(今常德路)和“康脑脱路”(今康定路)。就在一片连续低矮的灰瓦老 墙之中,一座由钢铁架构的高大的玻璃建筑显得清晰,一个豁然通透的视觉形象做出了一个迎向公众的开放姿态。对常德路800号的历史不熟稔的人们或许已经很 难想象眼前这极赋雕塑感的“新”建筑群和历经了兴衰的新安电机厂之间前世今生的故事。



  “尊重地对场地的新、旧元素进行融合。”在设计之初,负责园区改建设计的罗昂建筑设计团队很快明确下设计概念。建筑师Frank Krüger说:“我们要做的只是把不必要的东西祛除,恢复建筑最初的面貌,并辅助一些配合新功能的配套设施。”

  除了让原有老生产车间承担最主要的展示发布功能外,建筑师将园区北翼的原铸造车间、联体小洋房,设置成餐厅、画廊、剧院等开放式的对外服务的商 业设施。保留下建筑内部如地面马赛克和壁炉等原有细节;园区长方形主展厅后部的一个很大的展示区域,则可以为设计师或是相关的设计工作者展示自己的作品; 园区的南翼基地内标准的旧工业厂房,四栋小型建筑和包围它们的高大建筑,被设置成有屋顶花园和广场区域的创意型办公楼,在两栋高大建筑之间全新加建的一个 钢结构的玻璃连接塔,成为新的垂直交通要道。

  经过改建后的建筑群看起来就像它们最初一样自然,然而实际上它们又都是崭新的。从一扇门、一面窗,一个小小的门把手,到一盏灯光……建筑的几乎 每一个细节被精心再设计,环境中的材质、色彩、植物等视觉元素被反复使用,暗合空间的连贯与整体性。作为联系建筑与建筑的情感纽带,相互呼应的细部设计在 15栋建筑风格迥异的建筑物之间催生出奇妙的对话。 









  When you pass by No.800, Changde Road, you are certain to see old factory houses already transformed into Park of Fashion and Inspiration.

  “800秀”前身是上海人民电机厂,记载着20世纪30年代民族工业的振兴史。而今,城市的高速发展往往导致忽视普通市民回归本质生活 的需求,站在这里,回望那个年代,感受文化、艺术和品牌的魅力,“800秀”正从另一个角度尝试弥补这一缺憾。这里将成为静安的地标,也将是人们忘却快节 奏生活,寻找生活本身乐趣的理想场所。基于这个想法,“800秀”以“修旧如旧”为设计理念,通过新的创意元素,赋予园区丰富的内涵和用途,同时强调其独 特性和象征意义。

  Former of the 800 Show is Shanghai People’s Motor Factory, which witnesses uprising of national industry in 1930s. However, desire of return to natural lives of residents is often neglected in rapid development of city today. When we stand there and look back to that age, have a feel of charm of culture, art and brand. 800 Show is just a trial to compensate such regret at another angle. It will become new landmark of Jiangan District, also ideal location for people to forget high-pace lives and find interesting of lives. Out of such inspiration, 800 Show takes Transform One Old into Another Old as concept of design, endows the park with plentiful connotation and purposes by element of inspiration. Meanwhile, its unique characteristics and significance are underlined.

  放眼区域环境,静安区的“本色”是地域相对狭小但位居市中心、老厂房陈旧且数量多,作为如何扬长避短打造区域创意产业“新高地”这一新 课题的实践,我们在打造“800秀”的同时精心培育区域现代服务业的“产业链”,以达到“商区带动园区,园区服务商区”的联动效应,凸现“时尚文化和创意 设计”之特色。

  Have a glimpse of the environment, characteristics of Jingan District lie in its relatively narrow but centering location. There are many old factories. As practice of the new topic How to Foster Strengths and Circumvent Weaknesses to Create Regional New Highland of Inspiration Industry, cultivate industry chain of modern service industry so that interactive effect Driving the Park by Commerce and Service for Commerce with the Park can be

  Achieved, protrude characteristics of Culture of Fashion and Inspiration and Design.


  Which is worthy of To commemoration is that, we mass and implement a design plan on creating fashion center of Shanghai, experience the course of efforts and stay in predictable expect of 800 Show in the future.



  秀场作为800秀内唯一的120米的超长建筑单体,改造自解放初期的新安电机厂。新安电机厂,1946年,由著名工业实业家族周馥出资 1.4亿法币创办,它的诞生,打破了原本萧条的工业格局,改善了民族工业日益萎缩的不良局面;并在时局动荡,物资匮乏之际,号召抵制洋货,振兴国货,并立 志把新安打造成“中国的西门子”,塑造中国本土著名品牌,树立起中国的国际地位。厂房的苏式结构,见证了民族工业振兴的历史,展示老建筑所积淀的历史光 芒。

  As sole construction unit as long as 120 m in 800 Show, Site of Show comes from Xinan Motor Factory in the early of liberation, which is invested by note industrial family of Zhou Fu with 140Million franc. Its birth has broken through original bleak pattern of industry and improved the increasing contraction of national industry. In the time when political situation is unstable and material is poor, it call for resistance to foreign goods and re-energize the national goods, determines to build Xinan into Siemens in China and create Chinese local noted brand, establish international status of China. Russian style structure of factory houses witness uprising of national industry and brilliant with historical background deposited by old architect.




  秀场设计从功能性、实用性、美学等各角度充分考虑了原厂方内部的布局,可以根据实际的需求任意转变为阶梯式和开放式的移动舞台的想法也 由此而来。砖红的双层屋面和墙体,富有节奏韵律的窗体和铁质大门,墙面上的工业用照明灯,在勾勒出建筑优美的外立面曲线的同时,也保持了其鲜明的工业痕 迹。这里,将成为成为集时装秀、车展、时尚产品发布与展示、新闻与广告宣传、媒体报道等多功能于一体独家秀场,并诞生以工业历史为背景的崭新生活方式,在 静安实施中部崛起战略中凸现出其超凡不俗的地位。

  Inner arrangement of original factory is taken into consideration sufficiently at angles of function, practicality and anesthetics in design of Site of Show. This is where ideal of free exchange between ladder stage and open mobile stage come from. Two layer of wall with color of brick red, window and iron gate full of rhyme, industrial illuminant on the wall sketches the contours of beautiful fa?ade and leave a striking trace of industry. Just in the site, one unique Show Site will appear with various functions such as Fashion Show, Auto Expo, Release of fashion products, news and advertisement, medium and report. Complete new life style will come into birth with industrial history as background and occupies a uncommon position in uprising strategy in middle of Jianan District.


  区别于一般创意园区只服务于创意办公单一功能的特点,800秀结合了服务于创意产业的多种功能。园区“北翼”,曾经交错的独幢车间、联体小洋 房,今日已建成开放式对外服务的商业休闲区域。这里的老式天井、阁楼斜顶,以及落地百叶窗,甚至,风中那只锈迹斑驳的屋顶烟囱,都隽永而深刻地诉说着浓浓 的老上海风情。

  Distinguished from common inspiration parks and single function of office purpose, 800 Show integrates many functions of inspiration industry. The north of the park is where many detached workshops and jointed foreign villas stand, it has been commercial and leisure area opened for public services. Old style yard, slant top of attic, standing louver window and even rusty chimney in top of house in the wind have expressed heavy taste of old Shanghai permanently and keenly with complaint tone.

  位于800秀西北角的秦公馆始建于20世纪30年代,建筑结构为联体式独栋洋房,原为一秦姓人家府邸,户主秦梅厂。秦梅厂,生于民国前 二十年(1891年),早年远渡重洋求学,从师建筑设计,后经辗转来到上海,并在位于圆明园路169号协进大楼内的泰慎洋行任公司经理,管理洋行建筑业 务。后经建筑设计圈内朋友推介,立即被该建筑独到的建筑风格所吸引,遂出重金买下此处作为府邸,携母、妻与妹常住此处,养育有四子二女。

  Qin Mansion in westward of 800 Show is established in 1930s, its structure is joint detached foreign villa, originally residence of Qin family, its owner is Qin Meichang. Qin Meichang is borne in 1891 (Min State 20 Year BC), study in foreign country in his early time with major in design of architect, come to Shanghai later and acts as manager of Taishen Foreign Firm located in Xiejin Building, 169 Yuanmingyuan Road in charge of business of architect. Introduced by friends in circle of architect design, he is attracted by unique architect style and pay a lot to buy it as residence. He lives here with mother, wife, sister constantly and has 4 sons and 2 daughters.



  Anything in space can play, so does still building. Common spacious dining-room in 1980s undergoes transformation from flat top to spire, that non-attractive wood structure seems to decay slowly without more attention paid.


  The unique style of street-across building in 800 Show is retained in design and so is view of lanes. Front aluminum-plate fa?ade of louver window, well-lighted standing balcony and an array of external ventilating ways can introduce light into room satisfactorily and add a slight of tranquil to the room.

  该建筑始建于80年代初,其原址是40年代资本家倪钦笙出资一千八百万元法币建立的通义全记运输行,经历了几年的发展,倪钦笙带领其公 司成为旗下具有通仁、通和等多家运输行的行业巨头。七十年斗转星移,依托于旧工业厂房,6号楼被改造成为有屋顶花园、地面广场的创意型办公LOFT。挑高 的楼层、通透的空间、可任意规划的办公格局,绿意盎然的屋顶庭院,配和物业团队提供的人性化细节服务,都在传达一种个性无限华丽的空间思维。

  The building is constructed in early of 1980s, its original address is Tongyi Quan Ji Transportation Firm, After development of several years, Ni Qinsheng developed his company into magnate of transportation with many transportation firms such as Tonglun and Tonghe, etc. 70 years passed, on the basis of old factory houses, No. 6 Building is transformed into LOFT for inspiration office with top garden and plaza. High layer and well-ventilated space, freely designed arrangement of office, lively green top garden and humanized service of property team are all conveying a kind of space thinking with personality of infinite beauty.

  位于“800秀”中心位置的4幢独栋建筑单体经历了近50年的时间跨越,而今,在设计的洗礼下,从复杂有机的生长肌理中,可以读出不同 时期的建筑单体形态变化的轨迹。连廊设计、玻璃顶篷、腾空悬挂的铁楼梯……修旧如旧却又有谨慎的更新以及革新性改造,保留与创新,各在其间演绎着不同的旋 律。

  With 50 years of experience, 4 detached buildings in center of 800 Show, by baptism of design, it can be read from its complex and organic texture the trace of evolution of architect units in different times. Design of vestibule style, suspension iron ladder, Repairing the Old into Another Old Mode with cautious innovation and reform, different rhythm of inheritance and innovation are played simultaneously in it.



  Hall 9 and Hall 6 are covered in one theme Capital of Fashion, which indicates it is not protected by protectism and different from common reform of practicality. Different layers of the two buildings are connected and raw material is reused with retention of structure of old factory houses to the greatest degree. This a kind of spirit of location.


  They are abandoned boiler workshop and bathroom of stuff of Power Factory originally, besides coverage of glass wall on exposed structure of architect, transparency of space is also improved so that far view of the construction is opened sufficiently. Colorful glass walls reflecting another world of interior inspiration office becomes one unique scenery line.


  车库原是人民电机厂最破,周边居民反应最大的“工业垃圾堆”重塑无疑是最好的方法。建筑师都渴望创造,这给了建筑师充分施展的空间。为了增加 800秀的配套服务,他们进行了彻底改造,梦想照进现实,不锈钢拉丝的外立面,一级机械车库,老砖块堆砌的艺术外墙,共同演绎了属于800秀的潘多拉盒 子。

  Garage is originally worst place. It is industrial garbage dump arousing most complaints of residents around it. Undoubtedly, remolding is the best choice. Architects desire of creativeness and the garage offers them spacious room for their talents. For supply of more accessory services, it is transformed completely, dream comes into truth. Fa?ade with stainless steel wire drawn, grade one mechanic garage, art exterior wall made of old brick perform sonata of the Pandora's Box of 800 Show jointly.


  曲径通幽,地处800秀东南一隅的乌公馆是英商patons&baldwins公司在上海投资建造的密丰绒线厂(成立于1933年)高 管的花园别墅,历时五年于1942年建成,设计融入了浓烈的西洋风格,壁炉、落地窗等建筑装饰处处流露出英伦情怀,是当时西洋建筑的代表。解放后,此宅被 收为国有,分属于第十七漂染厂。

  Curve paths lead to deep of the architect. Wu Mansion, in southeast of 800 Show, is garden villa of high officers of Mifeng Wool Factory invested by British Patons & Baldwins in 1933. It is completed in 1942 with 5 years for construction. Heavy western style is adopted in design, construction decoration such as fireplace and standing widow are all overflowing with appeal of England, representing for western architect that time. After liberation, the residence is owned by state and belongs to No. 17 Drying Factory.


  When old dangerous houses encounter with elegant scenery garden, its fate is bounded to be splendid. Taken circumstance into consideration, ecological and raw log is used in facades in design and thus create its own living space in crowd and disorder high-layer environment.


位于上海市静安区心腹地带,前身为钢铁厂的20000平方米用地现已变身为800秀创意园,其中伫立的十五幢建筑物年龄跨越五十载之久。其中最具代 表性的是一栋身长120米,拥有精致华丽的木质顶梁结构的工厂长廊,另外建于上世纪二、三十年间的殖民风格的别墅以及六、七十年代间的办公建筑也别有特 色,四周错落地环绕着高层建筑及石窟门房屋。每一栋建筑的翻新设计都是为凸显其原有个性和特色。园区的新名字“800秀”,既巧妙地结合了其地址常德路的 门牌号(恰巧这个数字是中国的传统幸运数),“秀”字也寓意着该处是今后承办各大盛世的秀场。有着复杂象征意义的园区不仅有动(活动场所)也有静(休闲、 休息场所),传统意义上的创意园往往仅有一个功能,那便是创意办公空间。但是在800秀企划案中,罗昂建筑设计的团队提出在围绕快速发展的创意产业前提 下,充分结合使用相互有关联的功能。

800 Show Creative Park, a 20,000 sqm former steel factory in the heart of Jing’An District, Shanghai, encompasses 15 buildings built over the span of 50 years. These include the dominant 120m long factory hall with its ornate wooden roof/beam structure, colonial-type villas dating back to the 1920-30s, and office buildings built in the 1960-70s which are completely surrounded by a blend of highrises and Shikumen houses. Each building was renovated with designs highlighting the individuality of original construction. The park was renamed “800 Show”, a clever combination of the street number on Changde Road, which happens to be a lucky Chinese number, and the Chinese character “秀” (xiu) in honor of the shows and performances the park will host. As an emblematic complex, this park can be identified as a ‘place with face’, a place for leisure and rest and a ‘place with pause’. Traditionally, local creative parks served one function, namely creative industry office space. In this proposal, the logon team put forward the idea to combine inter-related usages completely centered around the rapidly growing creative industry.

通过建筑设计的手法,为了给静安区创建一处具有独特身份的新地标,原厂房的尺寸均被调整,并赋予了震撼的外表。首先,原120米长的长廊建筑被削减10 米,如此以来广场也得以演变,为长廊的留出更充裕的空间来展示其新立面效果。原有结构上攀爬着全新的大面积玻璃幕墙,使过往路人想要一窥究竟。所有的手法 都是为了更好地让翻新的长廊建筑自然地融入到静安区的活力街景中去。此外,800秀极具象征性的沿街立面是打造地方品牌的卓著例子。

In order to create a place with a unique face for Jing’an by means of architectural design, the former manufacturing hall was resized and given a strong image. First, the 120 meter long building was reduced by 10 meters. Thus the plaza evolved, giving the new facade of the hall adequate space to display its full effect. A new, majestic glass fa?ade was mounted onto the existing structure, allowing passers-by to peer inside the hall. All these measures worked towards smooth integration of the revived hall into the new, vibrant street life of Jing’an District. In addition, the emblematic street fa?ade of 800 Show is an outstanding example for place branding.


创艺产业办公空间位于800秀秀场长廊的东南面。该区域被一群石窟门老房屋所围绕,在800秀工作的创意人员可看到它们的屋顶及庭院,看到上海传统 生活的生动画面。该办公区由两栋包围4幢小型建筑的高大建筑所主导,这样的迷宫式的排布给创意办公区的设计提供了良好的条件:交错的宽街窄巷及通道创造了 一种独特的空间感,将成为在此工作的创意界人士的灵感来源。

Southeast of the event hall is the zone for creative offices. This zone is surrounded by old Shikumen houses; giving creative people working in the 800 Show creative park a view onto rooftops and courtyards, displaying the traditional life of Shanghai. The office zone is dominated by two tall and imposing buildings, which frame an ensemble of four small scale buildings. The design of the creative office park took advantage of the building labyrinth arrangement: A variety of narrow lanes, broader streets and passageways create a unique experience of spaces, which will be an inspiration to the creative people working there.

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