
........(周运)佩妮 每周占星运势5.14

 昵称华明房产 2012-05-15















要知道,当时间是正确的时候,做事会更加给力。跟迎风相比,当力量与你一起时,你会收到更好的结果!根据你的星座,现在是展开职业和财务亮眼进展的重要时间。你处理事情时有你的经验和决定,而现在正是正确的时间。然后当然,金钱和工作在你脑子可能总是最后考虑的事情,你在期待个人事务也能一起获得进展。星星未必能保证绝对得成功,但它们描绘出部分的收获。已经播种的随时可以收割了 — 你会看到你自己和其他人生活里的一个进展。

















★★★水瓶座——译者:Dusk till Dawn







You may already know you have reached an important point of the year, but if not, take a closer look at one or two developing situations. Mercury and Mars angle Pluto, perched at the zenith of your horoscope, creating a window of opportunity, first and foremost in regard to money and work. Don’t dismiss the idea of going back to someone who once turned you down or resurrecting an old project or strategy. Sometimes you’re in so much of a hurry you write-off a situation without realizing it still has a pulse. Then again, an opening may simply appear. Always the pioneer, should your confidence have been zapped over recent weeks, it’s time you dusted yourself off and got back in the saddle?

Try, try again.

Angles of harmony do not regularly occur so if you are sensing something good is on its way, get ready to reach out for it. This having been said, there is an element of fate to current events, so you may find you are in the right place at the right time or that somehow circumstances have conspired to drop a plum in the palm of your hand. Sometimes, of course, fate moves in mysterious ways to take you where you’re supposed to go, so don’t ignore any strange coincidences or assume that a disappointing result is the end of the story. Whatever your present situation, there are probably options you are not taking and people whose ideas you are choosing to ignore.

Great possibilities.


With a solar eclipse just around the corner, there are no accidents: what happens in this mid-to-late May period is purposeful and in some cases potentially life-changing. It is the correct time to implement changes and get projects off the ground; however, a sacrifice may be involved. This could be your abandoning an item on your list of must-haves in order to free up time, space and funds; but it may also be that circumstances now make it impossible for a situation to continue. Especially if your birthday falls between 20th and 24th May, you are about to discover whether your ship of dreams is on course or sporting a rather large leak.

Lightening up.

The upwardly-mobile trend continues, so don’t be fooled if life appears to be telling you quite the reverse. Just because the one event you want to happen is refusing to do so does not mean that there are no other beautiful things in life. Indeed, by deliberately removing your focus from what may have become rather an obsession, you may find that matters drops into place all by themselves. While there is much to be said for being proactive there are times when releasing your grip is the better strategy. There are no guarantees that what you believe should be yours will come to you, but at least you’ll be free to pursue more worthwhile projects and find new passions.

Many blessings.

Knowing when the time is right is always a plus; you’re going to get a better result when the force is with you than when the wind is blowing in your face! And according to your horoscope, the time is right to make a bold professional or financial move. You have your experience and determination at your disposal, and now you have the timing. Then again, money and work could be the last things on your mind, and you’re hoping for more personal matters to come together. The stars may not be able to ensure absolute success but they are pointing to a harvest of some description. What has been sown is ready to be reaped – a process you could see in your own life and in those of others.

Sowing and reaping.


Eclipses are strange things – and there is one only a matter of days away. Eclipses sometimes inspire out of the blue developments that change your prospects for the better; and sometimes they auger events that set you back a pace. Or at least that is how it seems. In reality, you are being set on a course that will lead to the outcome you seek. Right now, however, there is much you can do to advance your cause, but it will take courage and the ability to stand alone if you have to. With Mars in your sign, you are the prime-mover when it comes to creating your own change, but compromise cannot be part of the package. If something or someone is worth fighting for, raise your sword!

Go to it!

You are in a phase when new directions are opening up. Now, this may be quite literal in that you are about to travel some distance; on the other hand new paths may emerge in your career or a relationship. The picture is not straightforward, however. Venus, your ruling planet, turns retrograde on Tuesday, and in tandem an enterprise or an association may have to be placed on hold. Perhaps you face a separation from a loved one, or something that was moving ahead experiences a hitch. Whatever zaps your momentum, treat it as a temporary glitch, not a terminal event. In a few short weeks, Venus will be back on course, as will hearts and minds.


If during the last couple of months you’ve sensed a subtle shift in the dynamics of a relationship or the shape of a situation, it is almost certainly to do with a Grand Trine alignment involving your ruler, Pluto. This configuration reaches a peak this week, so those intimations could now become oh-so-real. Add to this a solar eclipse, and many Scorpios could be finding themselves in one of the most eventful periods of 2012. You won’t have to exert too much pressure or expend too much energy trying to get a situation to move: it’s going to happen all by itself, although, if course, the seeds of current developments were planted some time ago.

The fulfilment of a promise.

Can you hear a drum roll? Is the welcome wagon being brought out of retirement? Not only is there a spectacular planetary festival taking place at the moment but a solar eclipse is forming, one that could have an important bearing on your love life or the future of a close relationship. Usually the one to make the first move, you would be wiser allowing a partner, associate or admirer to reveal his or her thoughts. A new chapter is opening, whether this translates as the beginning of a brand new relationship or an important stage of a long-standing partnership. There is a powerful aura of fate to events at this time, which means you may not fully understand the why’s and wherefores just yet.

Big stuff!


This is a very powerful period of 2012, and you should look closely at events. People will be issuing signals, albeit at a subtle level, and your intuition should be operating at full tilt, so don’t ignore any prompts from the unconscious mind. You could see mid-to-late May as a time when opportunities appear out of nowhere, but you have deserved your lucky breaks; likewise, should events throw your plans into disarray, somehow you were off course and need to be rerouted! Then again, you may feel that nothing special is happening only to discover at some future date that this is when it all began – whatever ‘it’ turns out to be.

Strange but true.


You may be a witness to someone’s great good fortune or watching extraordinary events from the sidelines. On the other hand, such things may be happening to you. It’s one of those times when preparation meets opportunity and destiny is fulfilled. Even if you reach the end of the week with nothing important to pop into your memory bank, something will have been taking shape. As it is, you could take advantage of this cosmic wave and make something happen. There is a chance that events beyond your control will necessitate an unwelcome change of plan but in the great sweep of time, you’ll realize the interference was all for the best.

Stepping stones or stumbling blocks?


With a solar eclipse on its way, a new day is dawning, especially if your birthday falls in February or you have planets in early Pisces. If you were following your horoscope to the letter, you’d be reinventing your home base, possibly moving home, or this eclipse could focus on the family itself bringing new people into the fold or inspiring developments that alter the rhythm and tone of family life. Welcoming the new is not without anxiety – after, all you’ve never been there before and maybe you won’t like what you get – but you cannot live in the past or continue along a path that has reached its end. Embrace change, however it comes in and whoever brings it.

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