
........(周运)AstroTwins (5.14~5.20) 每周运势(哇哈哈...

 昵称华明房产 2012-05-15




















双子女梅蕙丝曾说过:爱不是激情,也不是本能——它是一门艺术。像所有伟大的艺术作品一样,在一副杰出画作诞生之前,画家可能要丢弃上千副失败作品。而本周,爱之金星将开始在双子座逆行,且金逆一直到6月27日才结束,这一星象使你在感情问题上有机会从头再来。期间可以将你的恋爱方式进行微调,这可能需要你在未来的六个周里,花些时间研究、训练和咨询,并去做一些内心工作。嗯,的确没有人在学校里教过你怎么谈恋爱,但是在类似夫妻店、情感专家撰写的书籍,还有像是Alison Armstrong的 PAX 学术交流项目、David Deida的课程等一系列网上课程及下载资料甚至是奥普拉温弗瑞的《人生课堂》中,你都可以找到关于恋爱的高级“研究生”课程。









警示: 金星正逆行,你可能会受到某位对你影响巨大的EX来访。毫无疑问,这个人打开了你的缺口。但你要坚守住,抵制这段关系,记住好奇害死猫。如果你点头,哪怕只是一点点让步,都会让自己从和谐陷入混乱,甚至需要花费巨多财力精力来恢复。宽恕是美德,不过如果你已经释放了某种怨恨,就没必要再邀请这种消极力量回来了。

周日的日蚀会穿过你的12宫,可能会引发你的预言灵感,或者是一次精神觉醒。尽量让你的生活过的平静而沉思,这样你就能听从你内心真正的指引。这天可能会带给你一次不一般的精神体验,开始一次能量治疗或者萨满仪式,或者用仁慈的力量和内心对话。一位导师式的人物可能会出现,并准备好把你收护在他/她的羽翼下。接受这助力,蟹子! 把这个人纳入你的世界,指导你走的每一步,确认你一直保持最佳状态。


金星周二开始在你的12宫逆行,这是代表潜意识行为以及秘密的宫位。你会想要直捣内心最深处,最阴暗,最棘手的爱情问题。你身着坚硬不可穿透的壳,可是一旦你允许他人进入,你会发掘再定界线很困难。你一旦接受某人,你就会让他一路通行——这对你而言就像突然袭击。你没必要让你的心灵坚硬麻木。 存在一个中间地带,但是你可能需要更熟练专业的找寻健康的分界线。找个好的特技治疗师或者教练,好好修炼几课吧~

你的蟹纸: 金星在他梦幻的12宫逆行,此时他可能陷入旧时美好的回忆而沉思,所以准备好倾听他幼时的经历,甚至访问他的故乡。如果他开始把你和某任比较,扼杀在萌芽状态。你只能成为最好的自己,不可能成为她的影子。分享精神上,灵魂中的经历: 听一盘冥想碟,一起做梦或者进行催眠。




















努力解决远距离恋爱关系中的问题也可能成为金逆的主题。你或你的伴侣可能将在未来的六个月更频繁的旅行,这将是你们有更多的分离。谁说你不能远距离恋爱? 如果你愿意一反传统,双方都要付出努力,金逆能帮你安静下来,想出富有创造性的解决办法。你在过去旅行中遇见的某人拥有不只成为一段旅途浪漫的潜力。好好探索吧!

周日,双子座日食迎来一个未知的旅行机遇或一场来自远方的精彩交流. 日食在六个月内都具有影响力,所以周日种下将在11月28日的满月/月食期间开花。你感觉反复无常吗?你可能再次决定定居六个月,今年剩下的时光里,你将做一个独立承包人的角色。这次日食掌管与企业有关的冒险,如果你有想要开展的想法、项目或商务,请在周日开始着手 (至少用一些方式开始)。日食表明新的、隐藏的机遇。不要认为某事看起来太好而不愿意相信。本周日幸运女神将站在你这边,你可能加好手握幸运数字。


当你做决定有困难时,你正在遗失拒绝承诺的最好时机。金星逆行至6月25日,你将拥有大量的时间来考虑重大决定。请不要在爱的周围认为设置障碍,你可能爱上某个 “地理上不受欢迎的人”或与一位你一年未见的男士重燃爱火。如果你有伴了并且关系进展的不顺利,请不要因为现有的东西而固执坚守。尽早列出一些法律顾问的名字,他们可以帮助你通过艰难的会议,因为他们会提出有建设性的意见。

你的秤男:当金星在代表冒险的第九宫逆行,他对独立的欲望从现在到6月25日很强烈。请不要成为秤男的阴影或追随者。让他充满趣味的最好方式是你要做一个有趣的人!旅行、看看这个世界,将自己置于当地的文化场景直中: 请保持你的日程与令人兴奋的计划相随。在他听到没有他你拥有这么多乐趣时,他将求着你成为这情况中的一部分。


本周,由于代表爱的金星在蝎子的亲密关系宫逆行,小蝎蝎们对天蝎式的灵魂伴侣的需求更加迫切了。接下来的6周,你的人际交往中没啥是轻松愉快的。小蝎子,你想拥有和Bonnie与Clyde那样的亲密关系吗?(《Bonnie and Clyde》是美国一部电影根据美国历史上著名雌雄大盗邦妮?派克和克莱德?巴罗的真实经历拍摄,详见豆瓣电影),不论公事私事都能毫无悬念的搞定。哇,那可真有很多事要搞呢。同时,有部分人(即是其他的小蝎蝎们)将会跟着感觉走,在未来6周里你必须时刻警惕自己的强烈的情绪。注意肢体语言。假如你注意到某人故意逃避你,那么毫无疑问是你太强势了。





金星逆行至6月25日,周日天蝎代表性和欲望的第八宫将发生日食,在此之间,你想让一切都变的尽可能的强烈—如你所愿!对于灵魂深处交流的渴望将会驱使你依靠你的创造力或是精神上的追求,从此中你将感受到更加激情四溢的爱。(译者:安慰人的么。。。。)这是在修身养性的场所遇见某人的好时间,比如桑拿房(译者:sweat lodge原意是北美土著的发汗小茅屋,我脚得和蒸桑拿差不多,就意译了),参加冥想治理等。有伴侣的,小心互不相让和过于偏执。太强硬或者说“要么全部要么一点不留”,这样会阻碍诚实的交流。



嘿,现在,射手,不要使爱的光芒暗淡。浪漫金星在你的关系部门逆行到6月27日,造成你质疑你爱慕的一切。尽管这在你的脑海里是非常私人的谈话,你会怀疑和批评约会和伴侣,这甚至会让你的吸引力变得乏味。如果你在一个正当但是不热情的关系里,保持稳定。接受挑战,通过突发奇想(并且在此过程中从突发奇想中后退)而不是冲动地写下一个再见的便条或者屈服于一段秘密恋情。这是严酷的事实:人际关系是镜子。你对别人做出的严厉的评判仅仅是你否认自我的反映。之后的六周,你能为你的爱情生活做的最好的事情是参加一项彻底自我照顾的任务。你也需要跟你的甜心做更诚实的沟通并且为合作和共同创造策划清晰的协议。对于一个夫妻治疗课程来说再也不会有比这个更好的时刻了,或者甚至接受一个讲习班共同学习如何培养亲密的对话和理解。单身?为一个前任的冲击振作精神。还没到结束,射手,并且这个在过去把你推到一边的某人可能会回来请求第二次机会。你的自我会喜欢这样,但你的更高自我会说什么?在一个“蜜月阶段”过去之后将不可避免地回来之前这是你挣扎着度过的一种动态。如果你想要你的关系有一个难得的机会,在你们两人双方都要有意愿去真正处理这个问题。新的合作关系也即将出现,由于周日在双子座的日食。遵循“异性相吸”规则,因为你可能与某人形成一个动态二人组合,他的技巧是对你拥有的一种补充。这个日食或月食可能预示一个令人兴奋的婚约即将来临,或者一个联合经营已经成熟,与在11月28日附近的满月/月蚀相对应。 对于一些射手来说这可能是你遇到灵魂伴侣的日子,以一种怕人的意想不到的方式。提醒:日蚀倏忽飘过,你必须迅速行动去利用它们的魔法。你是赌徒的标志这是好事情。这个周日掷骰子吧(孤注一掷的意思)好运就在你身边。



你的射手男:金星在他的伙伴关系的第七宫逆行直到6月25日。这个星期他可能会开始挑起战火,但是这可能是好事情,只要你能在积极的方向驾驭他。比起只是把它们扫到地毯下里面,透彻地交谈更好。给你一个惊喜!周末的日食可能会发现他在下跪认错。 可能有一枚戒指在他的口袋里——并且是的,他很高兴见到你。


魔镜,魔镜告诉我(谁是这世上最美的女人?)金星这颗爱与美的行星要逆行到6.27,激起某些自我形象事宜。你可以做一个最严苛的挑剔者,小摩羯,而你的自我映像通常会在这股尖刻的能量中得到最差的评价。在被消极想法彻底淹没之前,把自己扔进救生圈吧!加入提升自信的各种活动,跟那些富有爱心、支持力和积极精神的人们在一起。计划些工作间隙小憩,让自己不至于筋疲力尽——当你被榨干的时候很难产生美好的感觉啊(呜~~~~(>_<)~~~~ )。建立健康的生活习惯,比如日常锻炼、大量的绿色果汁之类的,内在的健康让你容光焕发。如果你已经考虑好要找个理疗师或者生命导师,赶紧安排一些会面吧,快!现在你最不会想做的事就是去钻完美主义的牛角尖。

通告:如果你考虑进行某些美容程序,暂停计划,直到7月(或者来世... 注:这句是作者说的不是小猪我说的~ 另,除这种事关重大的问题外,新办美容院项目、买新化妆品之类的事貌似也不会太顺心)金逆时期是进行此类安排最糟的时段之一,你艳羡的那些名人用注射胶原蛋白营造出的“嘟嘟翘唇”在你脸上很可能是个败笔。金逆总是关于塑造内在美的,释放自我怀疑比一针肉毒杆菌更能抚平你眉间的皱纹。

一个为期六周的志愿工作可能带出一个关乎生命满足感的伟大标尺。回馈的感觉如此美好,尤其在你拥有那么多可以分享的东西时。 此外,这也可能让你把爱人看成一个“项目”甚至是慈善工作对象。




好好照料自己,这能帮助你在关系中保持平衡和稳定。并且随着将持续到6.25的金星逆行,你会获得一个弥补最近所犯“罪行”的机会。情感上,你被人需要的需求加剧,但不要把你的甜心变成你的慈善工作对象(不要嘘寒问暖过头结果变个大事儿妈,也不要认为啥事儿你都该帮忙结果把自己累得要死~) 围绕诸如散步或骑车这类健康活动设定约会计划,参加个素食烹饪班,也可以一起去当地慈善团体做做志愿者,或干些社区服务工作。周日的日食意味着你现在所做的事情将在接下来的六个月中产生某种蝴蝶效应(连锁反应)。

你的摩羯男:随着发生在他疗愈的第六宫中的日食以及金逆,本周爱与服务密不可分。这是往你们的浪漫关系中添加帮助和关怀的动力的大好时机。 他倾向于认为他必须成为每个人的支持者,但却没人会对他如此。因此在他几乎丧失期待时跳出来支持他,证明他是错的!他不会主动要求,所以好好观察(他的需要和合适的时机)!



这次金星逆行也会影响你的爱情生活。如果您想保持浪漫,你必须比以前更深入挖掘和获得更多的创意。您可能会发现自己对自己的爱人不满,但不要让质疑掌控了大脑。对你们的感情生活中需要改进的部分进入深入的沟通以抵消金星逆行带来的消极影响。如果是单身,你可能需要暂时停止相亲或约会,做短暂的休息,并做一些内部的工作细化您的选择过程。你为什么一直重蹈覆辙,一遍又一遍?在你的内心深处有需要被医治的东西。努力从痛苦中恢复过来,这样你就可以在未来作出明智的选择。如果你是喜欢日记的类型,尝试下去看看 凯瑟琳·伍德沃德托马斯““Calling In The One”,一本寻找灵魂伴侣的极好的指南。





金星在你的浪漫和创造力的第五宫逆行,这是一个完美的时间去进行让你觉得自己更有吸引力和更性感的风格改造。你可以与前任重修旧好,或通过保持激情在你目前的关系中承担更多的责任。交朋友的人,你考虑“角色关系模型”,或者和一个爱情教练一起工作以做出更明智的选择。周日的日食带来了一个重头来过的机会,但它会要求你更深入。你可能会冒险坠入爱河,或有一个浪漫的复兴 - 或得到怀孕的消息。





金星在的这段时间会使你跟你的某位女性朋友或者某位家庭成员关系紧张。你俩之间因为关系密切而倍感舒适,而现在你们有点过多的卷入到对方的生活之中。保持点距离!不需要冷却你们之间的友谊,但你可以稍微退缩一点,在接下来的6个月中,你们的关系会自动治愈。不如把你的格言换成“活自己的,也放手让人家活人家自己的”,这样一来你俩都会觉得更快乐的。在金星逆行的这段时间,“女性能量”将会成为你的重要主题。对于男性鱼鱼来说,这代表着龙格所说的“精神” (类似图腾,此处是译者的个人见解,出于看完卡尔?龙格的man and his symblos的理解,如果不同意请推翻)或者是每位男性心中的女性本质。争取更多的沉思时间去梦想和创造。你越是学会放松,女神般的神奇能量越是会倾注你的体内。








Love planet Venus makes a U-turn in your communication house until June 27, forcing you to go back and rehash some old issues. Resistance is futile — and painful, Aries. You simply can’t breeze past these conflicts and expect your important relationships to sail on without a hitch. Nope, Aries, Venus has another plan for you, and it involves something challenging for your sign: cooperation. You’re the easy winner of any Independent Spirit Award. What you pull off on your own is nothing short of spectacular. But add a partner to the mix and, let’s face it, you struggle a bit. Checking in with other people is not your style. You hate to be slowed down or held back in any way.

Relax, Ram; you are not fated to be a lonely cat lady. The next six weeks are all about learning to compromise, communicate and share your toys in a way that creates a win-win for all involved. You have some cleaning up to do, though, and this requires a “fearless moral inventory.” With whom have you been a brat or a diva, insisting that it’s “my way or the highway,” or avoiding their pleas for greater cooperation? You may have done this in a passive-aggressive way, sneaking around, hoarding information or refusing to open up about your plans. It’s time to mend your ways and apologize, Aries.

The funny thing is, it really doesn’t have to be as difficult as you make it out to be. People are waiting in the wings for a chance to support you, collaborate with you and be the other half of your dynamic duo. Your job is to fess up to where you’ve been bratty and give them a chance to air their feelings. Listening with an open heart and mind is every bit as important as delivering one of your awe-inspiring soliloquys. Make an added effort to understand and validate people’s perspectives, even if you don’t fully agree with them. That’s how you’ll bring back the love and restore the flow of open communication.

Once those factors are in place, you can get on to bigger and better things, like co-creating something magical before the summer is through. Romantically, this Venus phase encourages you to get into better dialogue with your sweetie, and add more creativity to your date planning. One of you may have to travel a lot between now and June 25, so how can you keep the sparks alive with the miles between you? Couples workshops and counseling can help immensely, so sign up for that tantric breathwork weekend retreat, why don’t ya?

New partnerships may also emerge, thanks to Sunday’s solar eclipse in Gemini and your third house. Eclipses bring swift and sudden opportunities. You’ll need to jump on these quickly and give them a go — thank goodness for your impulsive streak! This may even involve collaborating with someone in a different city who is working on a project or mission similar to your own. A fateful invitation could arrive via a social networking site or email on Sunday … keep your eye on your in-box!

LOVE:It’s not enough to say you want a relationship, or want things to improve in yours. You have to do the hard work. Communication is key this week, though it could get challenging on Tuesday, when Venus turns retrograde in your third house of expression for five weeks. Sunday’s solar eclipse inspires you to put in more effort. It’s a good time to look backward and heal past disappointments so you don’t hold that against future dates. Be consistent with your efforts in love. If you’re not getting what you want, try being more creative with date planning.

Your Aries guy: Getting him to open up is going to be a challenge this week, but it’s one worth investing in. If he can’t communicate on his own, drag him to a couples therapist. Not happy with your current level of activities? You might need to take command of date planning. You’ll get the best of him by getting him out of the house. Otherwise, he’ll just wind up obsessively tinkering with his hobbies and ignoring you.


You’re both sentimental and security-minded, Taurus, so you tend to get attached quite easily — to people, places, beautiful objects, you name it. Although this can be a wonderful quality, it can also cause you to get stuck in a groove that might not be in your highest interest. This week your ruling planet, Venus, turns retrograde in Gemini and your second house of possessions, values and self-worth until June 27. Begin evaluating that which you hold dear. Where are you feeling bogged down with obligation? To what are you gripping on tightly, out of fear of never finding anything better than this admittedly sub-par option you currently have?

While you don’t have to turn into a brash Bull and bail on everything that doesn’t satisfy you, it’s time to start cleaning house. Simplifying your life brings immense clarity and peace over the next six weeks. It’s better to have one luxe option than five bargain-basement finds, preferable to keep a small and sacred social circle than to try to please 1,001 Facebook friends.

If you’re dating or in a relationship, Venus retrograde wants you to slowww down and enjoy those old-fashioned courtship rituals. This is especially important for newly dating Bulls. Venus retro is helping you work on those attachment issues of yours. Before you go gaga and declare someone your future husband on date number one, find out the good, the bad and the ugly. Nobody’s perfect, but you must be certain you can handle the off days too. Presently attached? Create little moments of romance in your day to day life: hold hands while you’re walking, surprise your sweetie with little gifts, give each other shoulder rubs.

Discussions about money could get a little tricky under this Venus phase, in both your personal and your professional life. Don’t sell yourself short at the negotiating table! If you accept a lower rate, make sure it’s written in as a temporary phase and that a three-month evaluation or pay increase is part of the contract. Have clear agreements about who’s paying for what when you’re among loved ones; you might even want to put it in writing in some cases.

Speaking of moolah, get ready for a sudden burst of financial opportunity. Sunday’s solar eclipse in Gemini could bring word of a great job opening or a prospective high-paying client. This may come through the introduction of a mutual friend, so socialize strategically this weekend. You’ll have to act fast here, as eclipses open and close doors quickly. If you’re faced with a purchase decision near this eclipse, don’t be cheap! Opt for solid, well-made quality so you don’t wind up having to spend three times as much replacing a shoddy model.

LOVE:When your ruler, Venus, turns retrograde in your second house of security issues Tuesday — followed by a solar eclipse there Sunday — you’re ready to work on some old attachment or abandonment issues. Be honest: Are you judging a guy on his bank account or his actions? While you can’t handle a “broke joke,” you could be fine with someone who lives a modest life but loves with all his heart. While your aesthetic sense is stirred up, this is a great time to hear live music, go gallery-hopping, or take a cooking or wine-tasting class with your sweetie.

Your Taurus guy: It’s sexy time! Slip off to a remote bed-and-breakfast, go hiking through nature together — just slow down and shower each other with more TLC. You might need to talk out some family stuff too, or just get on the same page with your busy schedules. Under Sunday’s solar eclipse in his financial zone, he may get news about a job opportunity or moneymaking venture that could keep him super busy for a while.


“Love isn’t an emotion or instinct — it’s an art,” Gemini Mae West once said. And like all great works, a thousand crumpled sketches may come before the masterpiece arises. This week, love planet Venus turns retrograde (backward) in Gemini until June 27, sending you back to the drawing board in affairs of the heart. Fine-tuning your approach to romance may require some study, coaching, counseling and inner work over the next six weeks. Hey, no one teaches you how to do romantic relationships in school, but there are plenty of great “graduate programs” out there like couples workshops, a fleet of books by relationship experts, and courses and downloads like Alison Armstrong’s PAX programs, David Deida’s curriculum, even Oprah’s Lifeclass.

Of course, the baseline for all great love affairs is self-love. To quote Mae West again, “I never loved another person the way I loved myself.” Do her words ring true in your world? While Venus is retrograde in Gemini these coming six weeks, you are urged to lavish yourself with adoration, surround yourself with supportive people who boost your confidence, and clear the decks of anything that breaks your spirit. Toxic relationships, begone! There are people who challenge you (healthy) and people who just suck your soul (horrible). Clear your inner circle of those negative types, and keep the space vacant until qualified candidates show up. Did a past relationship get short-circuited by sheer timing and circumstance? If there’s still promise there, try, try again. This retrograde could bring a much-needed do-over. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

On Sunday, a solar eclipse in Gemini could rocket a personal venture into the stratosphere. This is an incredible launch date, so if you’re ready to market an idea, pitch a proposal or commit to a venture, circle May 20 for your big moment. Heads-up: Eclipses can bring opportunities that seem out of your league. Accept the challenge anyway! Say “yes” to life and take on something bigger than you’ve ever tried before. You might not even recognize your world six months from now, when the full moon in Gemini on November 28 brings the events of this week’s eclipse to total fruition.

LOVE:Venus retrograde in Gemini on Tuesday gives you the opportunity you’ve wanted (yet dreaded) to reevaluate your entire your approach to love. This is the time to shift your focus to self-love, to learn to be more consistent and to throw a bridle on your moods and overeagerness to say, “Next!” Take time to develop your creative talents behind the scenes, which can help you stay balanced so you don’t put too much pressure on your sweetie. During Sunday’s Gemini solar eclipse, assert your needs in a relationship, but watch your temper. Don’t play the blame game.

Your Gemini guy: Venus goes retrograde in Gemini on Tuesday, turning him into a bundle of confusion. For the next five weeks he won’t seem like his normal self — he could be a bit more introverted or “confused” about what he wants. Your job is to resist reacting to his emotional ebb and flow. Right now, he’s attracted to anything exuding confidence. Remember your worth — and don’t be shy about reminding him that he’s lucky to have you.


Just. Let. Go. Venus turns retrograde in Gemini and your 12th house of completions until June 27, helping you release that which is no longer serving you. Sentimental Cancer, you might have a hardened shell, but once you’re attached, you love with all your heart and soul. When it’s time to move on, you dig in your heels, refusing to budge even when it’s in your best interest. For the next six weeks, you’ll have the soothing hand of Venus on your shoulder, steering you through your mourning process and helping you to say your fond farewells. Dive into a decluttering mission. That storage room of family heirlooms, the garage full of sentimental objects ... it’s time to have an estate sale, eBay auction, or just give them away to people who will actually use them.

As for your personal relationships, Venus retrograde helps you learn to put up healthy boundaries. You’re a born nurturer, but you can get drained playing caretaker for everyone in your midst. Sometimes this enables bad behavior, as your tendency to rush in for the save can interfere with people’s necessary growing pains. Step out of the way. As tough as it is to watch people struggle, this is a necessary stage of their evolution. If you’re going to help, teach people to fish instead of casting a line in the water for them.

Warning: With Venus retrograde in this position, you may get a visit from a toxic ex. This person pushes your buttons, no doubt about that. Keep the door firmly shut on that relationship, and remember that curiosity killed the cat. Letting this person in, even just a little, could disrupt your harmony and cost you hundreds of dollars in therapy sessions. Forgiveness is wonderful, but even if you release a grudge, you don’t have to invite negative forces back into your world.

Sunday’s solar eclipse also passes through your 12th house, and may bring a dose of divine inspiration ... and possibly even a spiritual awakening. Keep your day as peaceful and meditative as possible so that you can hear the wisdom of your own inner guidance. This would be a wonderful day to start (or renew) a spiritual practice, begin working with an energy healer or shaman, or get involved in a charitable endeavor that speaks to your heart. A mentor figure may appear on the scene, ready to take you under his or her wing. Accept the support, Cancer! Having this person in your corner, guiding you each step of the way, ensures that you will stay on the best possible path.

LOVE:When Venus goes retrograde in your 12th house of unconscious behavior and secrets on Tuesday, you’ll want to plumb beneath the surface and face some of your deepest, darkest, most intractable fears in love. You put up a hard, impenetrable shell, but once you let someone past it, you have a hard time maintaining boundaries. When you let someone in, you let him all the way in — and it overtakes you. You don’t have to harden your heart. There’s a middle ground, but you might need to work with a professional to learn to find those healthy boundaries. Treat yourself to a few sessions with a great therapist or coach.

Your Cancer guy: With Venus retrograde in his dreamy 12th house, he may be ruminating about the good ol’ days, so prepare to hear all about his childhood experiences, and maybe even visit his old hometown. If he starts comparing you to an ex, nip that in the bud. You can only be your best self, not a version of her. Share spiritual, soulful experiences: Listen to a meditation CD together, or take a dreamwork or hypnosis workshop.


“Let’s just be friends” are not words anyone really ever wants to hear. Yet with love planet Venus going retrograde in your house of amigos until June 27, you could get shuffled into that platonic category if you aren’t careful — or you could mistakenly shuffle someone else there.

Romance requires dynamic tension: It is possible to have too much togetherness, Leo, even for someone as affectionate as you. If you’re in a relationship, give yourself permission to pursue outside interests that make you feel like a sexy siren. Burlesque workshops, Toastmasters, dance classes … anything physical, energizing and body-electric will do. Prod your significant other to do the same. He’s far sexier after a night out with the boys or a round of pick-up basketball than he is on the couch, covered in popcorn crumbs and clutching the remote.

If you’re looking for love, you may need to re-evaluate your social circle. Devote time to friends who have a healthy, positive outlook on relationships — and say goodbye to the ones who seem addicted to drama and pain. One thing’s for certain: You are a warm and effusive creature. Has a cold fish been hooked on your line? Throw him back into the water, Leo, and look for a passionate soul who can match your zeal.

Sunday’s solar eclipse could bring a fateful introduction to a fabulous new group of people. Jump in without a second thought. Eclipses open a very short window of opportunity, and you need to act fast. When the invite comes in, throw on your clothes and race out the door. You may even bond over a shared humanitarian mission. Get the 501(c)(3) paperwork ready to go: This eclipse could even find some of you Leos starting your own nonprofit organizations. If you’re already involved with a great group, this eclipse is like a high-powered launching pad, rocketing your collective efforts into the stratosphere. This is a great day to market yourself, especially via social media. One cleverly written tweet or status update could be the shout heard ’round the world. If you’re ready to get working on a website or online business venture, Sunday’s eclipse hits the “Go!” button. Map out a six-month plan and get into action!

LOVE:It may be hard to strike the perfect balance, but if you want your love life to flourish, you need to take pains this week to prevent friends and your extracurriculars from interfering with your love life. On the flip side, if you’re in a new or wobbly relationship, don’t allow him to shuffle you into the “just friends” category. When you fall in love, you fall hard, Leo, and you deserve someone who can match your zeal. Throw the cold fish back into the water and cast your line into a warmer dating pool.

Your Leo guy: Is The King of the Jungle working a little too hard to make people like him? It can be painful to watch. While you can’t help him here, you can steer him toward activities where he doesn’t have to struggle to prove himself. This might be the week to establish some more independence in your relationship — he hangs out with his friends, you hang out with yours, and then you reconvene at the end of the night.


You love setting landmarks and milestones, Virgo, but when it comes to romance, your goal-oriented approach could backfire. With Venus turning retrograde in your house of long-term planning until June 27, dial down the pressure and take those “Where is this relationship heading?” conversations off the table. Being so focused on the future takes you out of the game. Now is where romance exists, in those lapses of time where you are so swept up that you forget about everything else.

If you’re wondering whether he or she loves you or loves you not, use the next six weeks to create an abundance of magic moments. Celebrate life together, swirl through the party scene, take a spontaneous vacation. Your relationship might organically evolve to the next level of commitment after that. If you’re single, you might use this Venus retrograde to do some exploratory field research. Tuck that list of “Qualities I Want in a Partner” into a drawer for a spell. Then, start splashing around in different areas of the dating pool. You could discover new types that spark your interest. You couldn’t have dreamed these people up on your own, but you’ll have to admit, they turn you on. Allow yourself to be pleasantly surprised!

On Sunday, a solar eclipse in your career house could bring a mega opportunity your way. This one seems almost too big to handle, but embrace the challenge anyway. Eclipses bring sudden, bright bursts of possibility, but you need to act fast in order to capitalize on them. Don’t get stuck in “analysis paralysis” mode. If an exciting opportunity arises, jump on it! What you don’t already know, you’ll figure out along the way. Socialize strategically this weekend to maximize the power of this eclipse. Plant yourself among the VIPs, roll with the elite. You might even initiate a big idea yourself, which could lead to a giant leap or promotion over the course of the next six months. A male friend or relative may be involved in helping you engineer this grand scheme. Talk to your guys about your ambitious plans!

LOVE:Control is a double-edged sword, Virgo. While you like to know where things are headed (and may be the driver of that express train), it’s time to set aside the spreadsheet in your love life. Being too goal-oriented takes you out of the present moment. Here and now is where the romance is: Those are the soul-stirring moments in which you are so swept up that you forget about everything else. Make the most of the time till June 25 to create an abundance of magic moments. Things might advance to the next level of commitment after that.

Your Virgo guy: Save the overwrought “Where is this relationship heading?” convos for late June. With Venus retrograde in his house of long-term planning until then, you’ll be lucky if you can pin him down for the weekend. Work is his priority this week, so don’t wait around for him to finish each day. Stay busy, dive into your own ambitions (so you can relate!), and enjoy him for the few minutes you can get each day.


There’s no question about it, Libra, you have an incredible eye for beauty. But it’s time to go beyond surface visuals in your quest for creative and romantic stimulation. Your ruling planet, Venus, goes retrograde until June 27, helping you expand your scope. The French have a term, “beau laid,” which translates literally to “beautiful ugly.” The idea behind it is that there is still splendor to be found in that which is not classically pretty. For the next six weeks, open your heart and your mind to people, places and things that speak their own exquisite visual language. You may find that beauty arises after you’ve had a scintillating conversation with someone you might have passed right over last week. Salvaged objects may turn into home-decor treasures with a wonderful history to share with your guests.

Since Venus is moving backward through Gemini and your worldly ninth house, cross-cultural connections may deepen. There could be some bigger issues that arise in relationships like these, such as family pressures or figuring out how to align your differing backgrounds. Don’t expect smooth sailing, but don’t run away from “conflict” either. Since retrogrades rule the past, don’t be surprised if a former flame tries to get back into the picture. Proceed with caution if you reopen the door. You won’t know until early July whether he can truly make good on his his idealistic promises.

Working out the kinks of a long-distance relationship could be another theme of the Venus retrograde. You or your partner may need to travel more frequently for the next six weeks, creating more physical separation between you. Who says you can’t have love across the miles? While it will take a greater effort on both of your parts, Venus retrograde can help you hash out some creative solutions if you are willing to go against the grain. Someone you met on the past trip has the potential to be more than just a vacation romance too. Explore!

On Sunday, a solar eclipse in Gemini could usher in an unexpected travel opportunity or an exciting communication from afar. Eclipses have an arc of six months, so the seeds that are planted on Sunday will bloom during the Gemini full moon/lunar eclipse on November 28. Feeling capricious? You may decide to relocate for six months, or take on an independent-contractor position that lasts for the rest of the year. This eclipse governs entrepreneurial ventures, so if you have an idea, project or business to launch, kick things off on Sunday (at least in some small way). Eclipses illuminate new and hidden opportunities. Don’t brush off something that seems too good to be true. Lady Luck is on your side this Sunday, and you might just have the winning number.

LOVE:While you have a hard time making decisions, you are missing the best part by refusing to commit. You’ll have plenty of time to ponder some big decisions while Venus is retrograde until June 25. Don’t put artificial boundaries around love: You could fall for someone “geographically undesirable” or rekindle sparks with a guy you haven’t seen in a year. If you’re in a relationship and things aren’t working, don’t cling to something just because it’s there. Before it’s too late, enlist a couples counselor to help you navigate tough convos so they can be constructive.

Your Libra guy: His desire for independence intensifies between now and June 25 while Venus is retrograde in his ninth house of adventure. Don’t be his shadow or tagalong. The best way for you to keep him interested is to be interesting! Travel, see the world, steep yourself in the local cultural scene: Keep your schedule packed with exciting plans. He’ll beg to be included after he hears a few status reports of how much fun you’re having without him.


Your Scorpionic need for soulful connection intensifies this week, as love planet Venus goes retrograde in your house of intimate relationships. For the next six weeks, there’s nothing light and fluffy about your interactions with people. Nope, Scorpio, you want to bond like Bonnie and Clyde, sealing deals, both personal and professional, in stone. Woosh! That’s a whole lot to handle. While some people (namely, other Scorpios) will roll with your vibe, you’ll need to monitor your intensity over the next six weeks. Pay attention to body language. If you notice that certain people are avoiding you, you can pretty much bet that you’ve come on too strong.

To survive this retrograde, you’re going to need a dedicated listener to whom you can vent proactively. A therapist, a life coach, a mentor — these would be your best bets, not an angsty friend who will turn this into a never-ending bitchfest. This will allow you to remain clear so that you can bring your best self to the important relationships in your life. Jealousy and power struggles are likely to arise between now and June 27, and you don’t want to fall prey to that lower energy.

On a positive note, you will be able to achieve deep level of connection with people who are willing to communicate openly with you. A lover from the past could return, and if the relationship was a positive one, you might decide to give it another go. Whether single or attached, things can get rather spicy in your boudoir. You may find yourself overtaken by lust, and resisting temptation will be nearly futile. Stay far away from those toxic exes now. Trying to be “friends” is pretty much code for having a regrettable dalliance within minutes of seeing one another. Even if you do maintain self-control, it could kick off a cycle of obsessive fantasizing that disrupts your healthy groove. Treat it like an addiction and avoid the first drink! Another word of warning: Avoid any permanent transformations during this Venus retrograde, such as cosmetic procedures. Venus is the planet of beauty, but it is easy to go to unhealthy extremes under its retrograde spell.

On Sunday, a solar eclipse in Gemini and your eighth house could bring a big money opportunity your way. Shared resources are involved here, and you may be joining forces with someone who is willing to put dollars behind your dreams. If you’re the one with cash to spend, keep your ears perked for exclusive investment opportunities. Someone may offer to share resources with you or bond in a more permanent way (hello, engagement?). Eclipses tend to bring sudden bolts from the blue, but you have to act upon them swiftly. Choose, or lose!

LOVE:Between Venus retrograde until June 25 and Sunday’s solar eclipse in your eighth house of lustful sexual chemistry, you want everything to be as intense as possible — and it will be! Your desire for soulful connection will lead to a deepening of your creative powers or spiritual pursuits, and from there you’ll begin to experience a more passionate love. It’s a good time to meet people in transformational settings like sweat lodges, meditation circles and retreats. In relationships, watch out for power struggles and obsessive tendencies. Being too rigid or “all or nothing” can interfere with honest communication.

Your Scorpio guy: Mr. Scorpio is being plagued by those trust issues again, so don’t take it personally — and don’t get thrown by his loyalty tests, which are likely to come fast and furious this week. Calm him down by calling him on it; leading him into a discussion about why he’s so suspicious could bring you closer together. Then, you can move on to more exciting things, like some playful exploration in the boudoir. Tantric eye-gazing, anyone?


Hey now, Sagittarius, don’t dim that love light. Romantic Venus turns retrograde in your relationship house until June 27, causing you to question everything you adore. Although it may be a private conversation in your head, you’ll have doubts and criticisms about dates and mates that might even dull your attraction. If you’re in a decent-but-not-passionate relationship, hold steady. Rather than pen an impulsive goodbye note or succumb to a secret affair, embrace the challenge of working through the kinks (and bringing back the kink in the process).

Here’s the tough truth: Relationships are mirrors. What you judge harshly in others is merely a reflection of that which you disown in yourself. For the next six weeks, the best thing you can do for your love life is to engage in a mission of radical self-care. You also need to communicate more honestly with your sweetie and devise clear agreements for cooperation and co-creation. There’s never been a better time than this for a couples therapy session, or even taking a workshop together to learn how to foster intimate dialogue and understanding.

Single? Brace yourself for an onslaught of exes. It ain’t over till it’s over, Sag, and someone who pushed you aside in the past may return begging for a second chance. Your ego will love this, but what does your higher self say? The dynamics you struggled through before will inevitably return after the “honeymoon phase” passes. There must be a willingness on both people’s parts to deal with these issues authentically if you want the relationship to have a fighting chance.

There are new partnerships on the horizon too, thanks to Sunday’s solar eclipse in Gemini. Follow the rule of “opposites attract,” as you could form a dynamic duo with someone whose skills are a complement to your own. This eclipse could herald an exciting contract, or a joint venture that comes to fruition near the corresponding full moon/lunar eclipse on November 28. For some Saggies, this could be the day where you meet your soul mate in a shockingly unexpected way. Heads-up: Eclipses move swiftly, and you’ll have to act fast to capitalize on their magic. Good thing you’re the sign of the gambler. Roll the dice this Sunday while Lady Luck is on your side.

LOVE:With Venus retrograde in your seventh house of partnership until June 25, reviving romance could take a little extra effort — but don’t dim your love light, Sag. The dating game could take some interesting twists and turns: You might get a call from an ex out of the blue. You need to quickly assess whether it was bad timing or a toxic tonic. In a LTR and in a rut: Try couples therapy or a workshop. Sunday’s eclipse brings new partnership opportunities, perhaps a proposal, and definitely an awakened desire to go from independent spirit to dynamic duo.

Your Sagittarius guy: Venus is retrograde in his seventh house of partnership until June 25. He might start picking fights this week, but this can be a good thing as long as you can steer him in a proactive direction. Better to talk things through than just sweep them under the carpet. Surprise! The weekend’s eclipse may find him on bended knee. That could be a ring in his pocket — and yes, he’s happy to see you.


Mirror, mirror on the wall. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, turns retrograde until June 27, stirring up a few self-image issues. You can be a harsh critic, Capricorn, and your own reflection usually gets the worst of this vitriolic energy. Before you drown in negative thoughts, throw yourself a life preserver. Get involved in confidence-boosting activities with supportive, loving and positive people. Schedule work breaks so that you don’t burn yourself out — it’s hard to feel beautiful when you’re plain exhausted. Get that healthy-living routine under way with regular exercise and lots of green juice; your inner radiance lights your outer beauty now. And if you’ve been pondering the idea of working with a therapist or life coach, schedule some sessions, stat. The last thing you want to do is fall down the rabbit hole of perfectionism now.

Heads-up: If you were considering having any sort of cosmetic procedure, put that plan on hold until July (and maybe till eternity). Venus retrograde is one of the worst times for any such appointments. The “trout pout” you admire on a collagen-injected celeb could be a regretful decision on your countenance. Venus retrograde is all about working on inner beauty, and releasing self-doubt could do more for your frown lines than a needle full of Botox.

A six-week volunteering gig could bring a great dimension of satisfaction to your life. It feels great to give back, especially since you have so much to share. Plus, this keeps you from turning your loved ones into “projects” or even charity cases.

Co-worker relations could become strained during Venus retrograde, but make an effort to talk through issues. Holding in frustration is a recipe for disaster. If you need people to step up their game or improve their communication with you, lead the charge in making that happen. Even if it isn’t technically your responsibility to do so, your own day-to-day will be much more peaceful once you resolve these problems.

Sunday’s solar eclipse activates a health kick. Old habits die hard, but you now have a six-month window to tackle your biggest vice. This eclipse may also bring news of a fresh work opportunity or an exciting new post within your current company. Don’t spend time deliberating. You’ll need to move quickly in order to capitalize on the offerings of this eclipse.

LOVE:Taking good care of yourself helps you stay grounded and balanced in relationships — and with Venus turning retrograde until June 25, you’ll get a chance to make amends for recent “sins.” Emotionally, your need to be needed intensifies, but don’t turn your honey into your charity case. Make it a team effort! Plan dates around healthy activities like hiking or biking, taking a vegetarian cooking class, or even volunteering together at a local charity or community service effort. Sunday’s solar eclipse means that what you do now will have ripple effects over the next six months.

Your Capricorn guy: Love and service go hand in hand this week, with a solar eclipse, and Venus retrograde, in his sixth house of healing. This is a good time to add a helpful, caring dynamic to your relationship. He tends to think he has to be everybody’s provider but that no one is there for him. Prove him wrong by jumping in with an assist when he least expects it. He won’t ask, so be observant!


Image may or may not be everything, Aquarius, but you can’t deny the power of visual language. Beautifying Venus turns retrograde in your house of glamour and fame until June 27, encouraging you to develop a signature style that reflects your inner vibe. You want to announce yourself quickly, so that people catch wind of who you are the moment you step into the room. You might even book a session with a stylist to help speed up the process and refine your vision. Voila! You’re a fashion icon, and you don’t have to break the bank to get there.

This Venus retrograde will also impact your love life. You have to dig deeper and get more creative than ever if you want to keep romance alive. You may find yourself second-guessing your beloved, but don’t let the doubt overtake your brain. Defy the negative aspects of Venus’ retrograde by getting into communication about the areas that need improvement in your relationship. If single, you might take a short break from the dating scene, and do some inner work to refine your selection process. Why do you keep on attracting the same old jerk, over and over again? There’s something in your own psyche that needs to be healed. Concentrate your efforts on recovering from pain so you can make wiser choices in the future. If you’re the type who likes to journal, check out Katherine Woodward Thomas’ “Calling In The One,” a fabulous guide for manifesting a soul mate.

Since retrogrades rule the past, you might have a chance at a do-over with a former flame. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, so if you’re still feeling the love, plan to reach out over the next six weeks. Don’t expect it to be all roses, however, especially if you owe the person an apology. Humble yourself and take responsibility for the relationship’s demise; this is how you’ll repair the rift.

In positive love news, Sunday’s solar eclipse brings a wave of heart-healing energy your way. This is the day to take a chance on romance. Say “yes” to the amorous opportunities that are presented on this day, even if they seem a little wild and out of the blue. That blind date you accept could be the precursor to wedding bells that might even chime six months from now during the corresponding lunar eclipse on November 28. An unexpected pregnancy could arise during this eclipse — good news if you’ve got baby fever, but if not, consider yourself warned and protect yourself accordingly.

You’ll also get a shot at fame under the light of this eclipse. Does your life have the makings of a reality-TV show? Do you have a grand idea to promote? Are you a performer of any variety? The spotlight is searching for you, Aquarius, and all the world’s your stage on Sunday. Put yourself in the public eye and see what comes of it!

LOVE:With Venus retrograde in your fifth house of romance and creativity, it’s a perfect time for a style makeover to make you feel more attractive and sexy. You could reconnect with a past love or take more responsibility in your current relationship for keeping the passion alive. Befriend people you consider “relationship role models,” or work with a love coach to make smarter choices. Sunday’s eclipse brings a chance for a do-over, but it’ll require you to go deeper. You could take a risk in love or have a romantic revival — or get news of a pregnancy.

Your Aquarius guy: He’s a little too hung up on public appearances this week. It’s fine to be the trophy girl, but you might need to remind him that there are more important things than impressing other people. You need to be wowed behind closed doors too. Put some practices in place to make your alone time more romantic and enjoyable. Start by making computers off-limits after 8 pm and instead enjoying a good old-fashioned conversation and cuddle.


Emotional-eating alert! Sensitive Venus turns retrograde in Gemini and your nurturing, nourishing fourth house until June 27. For the next six weeks, you’ll be a bit more of an emotional sponge than you already are, Pisces. As you absorb the worries, woes and needs of everyone around you, you may feel the simultaneous urge to self-soothe with “comfort food.”

Now that you’re aware of the trend that lies ahead, get your support structures in place. This is not about dieting, but rather about finding the release for your feelings so you don’t stuff them down with forkfuls of fatty food. Your close friends can only provide so much. Consider joining a support group, or booking sessions with a counselor or coach, to make sure you stay on a positive path.

This Venus phase may stir up tension with a female friend or family member. The two of you have grown a bit too close for comfort, and now you’re overly involved in each other’s lives. Take some space! You don’t have to freeze each other out, but you can definitely back off a bit and let thing heal over the next six weeks. Make your motto, “Live and let live.” You’ll both be a whole lot happier that way.

Getting in touch with your “feminine energy” is a big theme of this Venus retrograde. For guys, this may represent the Jungian “anima,” or the feminine nature that lies in every man. Create more meditative downtime in your life to dream and create. The more relaxed you are, the more that goddess energy can flow through your system.

Venus is the planet of beauty, and this particular retrograde will also affect your home. Although the urge to redecorate or renovate will be strong, wait until July to implement any changes. Retrogrades are great time for research, however, so get a vision board going, have a feng shui expert analyze your scheme, or even hire a shamanic practitioner to do a space-blessing ceremony.

Sunday’s solar eclipse brings a wave of family-friendly energy your way. Opportunities to collaborate or bond with relatives could arise out of the blue, and your combined forces could produce something magical six months from now. If you’re on the hunt for a home or looking to sell a piece of property, this eclipse could bring the very connection you’re looking for. Heads-up: This deal could move fast, as eclipses tend to bring lightning-speed opportunities. This is also a great cosmic prompt to get your savings in order, particular your long-term accounts. If you’re clueless about where to begin, pick up a Suze Orman book or join an investing club. You could have a sizable sum in your retirement account six months from now, when a corresponding lunar eclipse lights the skies on November 28.

LOVE:You love your girlfriends, but they could become a disruption to your love life. You may absorb too much of their stress or get overly involved in helping them, to the detriment of your own life. Set firm boundaries to avoid this. What you need is time to pursue love, whether that means looking for it or enjoying private time with your boo. If you cohabit, do you have enough sacred space for yourself? If not, make bubble baths a ritual and tune out the world. You’ll be more open to love when you’ve had your “me time.”

Your Pisces guy: Discussions about cohabitation could come up. He may be ready to give it a go near Sunday’s eclipse in his domestic fourth house. At the very least, you’ll be making more room in your closets for each other’s clothes. He needs a proper man cave: If he doesn’t have one, help him set it up. Get on the same page about kids (now or in the future) and how much time to dedicate to other relatives.

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