
Prince Philip Tells Officer He'd 'Get Arrested' If He Unzipped Woman's Red Dress

 darry 2012-05-18

Prince Philip Tells Officer He'd 'Get Arrested' If He Unzipped Woman's Red Dress

The Huffington Post  |  Posted: Updated: 16/05/2012 16:50

The dress, adorned with a central zip on its front, attracted the eye of the Duke of Edinburgh, who told a nearby police officer that he would 'get arrested' if he were to unzip the woman's dress, displaying both his trademark talent of speaking-before-thinking as well as his sound knowledge of harassment laws.

According to the Daily Mail, the police officer reacted with suppressed laughter after the remark.

This triggered the suspicions of someone near to the lady in the dress, 25-year-old Hannah Jackson, who then asked the police officer what had happened.

hannah jackson red dress

"The cop was laughing so much. He was with members of the council meeting Prince Philip and there was this girl looking pretty in a red dress," they said.

"The officer was trying to contain his laughter so I asked him what was so funny. He told me the Duke had said: 'I would get arrested if I unzipped that dress!'"

The Mail was rebuffed in attempting to get a quote from the council worker, who simply said "I'm not really sure what to say," a condition which never seems to have struck the Duke of Edinburgh.

In another incident that day, Prince Philip made another remark to a local, which was this time taken in jest.

According to the News Shopper, the Duke of Edinburgh was having a conversation with 90-year-old Mrs Barbara Dubery, who was in a wheelchair with a foil blanket for warmth, when he asked: "Are they going to put you in the oven next?"

Far from taking offence over the incident, her daughter Mrs Pam Shaw said that it "made her day".

The gaffe-prone husband of the Queen, who turns 91 on Thursday, has made headlines for his often bizarre statements to disabled people, Aborigines, Kenyan women and Scottish driving instructors, among others.

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